The US Airforce alleges that they have suffered a cyber attack conducted by the US Navy's Judge Advocate General corps (archived). The Navy targeted Airforce lawyers defending one of the Navy's own special operations sailors from warcrimes charges. In addition to targeting another branch of the US war machine for surveillance the US Navy JAGs targeted the editor of The US Navy Times.
Category Archives: Security
Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Attacked From Behind At South African Event
71 year old former California governor and "Jingle All The Way" star Arnold Schwarzenegger was assaulted from behind while filming social media posts and posing for photos at a youth athletics event in South Africa (archived). A black male adult delivered a running jump kick to the back of the septuagenarian white politician. There is no mention in the mainstream press as to whether or not the incident is being classified as a "hate crime" by South African police.
Cold Dead Hands? New Zealand SWAT Teams Start "Overwhelming Force" Gun Confiscation Raids
Reports are emerging from New Zealand that gun confiscation raids have begun targeting private citizens with overwhelming force and an absence of due process (archived). The cases so far have involved 30 armed agents of the terrorist government of New Zealand conducting shock operations and presenting rural Kiwis with the choice of surrendering their guns or doing the "cold dead hands" thing. One compliant Kiwi targeted by overwhelming government terror offered:
They were very interested in my views on the Christchurch shooting, Muslims, religion, and politics. I don't hold extreme views. To imagine I'm some sort of white supremacist is just a bit far-fetched… I'd like to know how I came to be on a list somewhere. I'm just an everyday Kiwi. A phone call would have worked just as well.
In the wake of a self described "eco-terrorist" attack Prime Minister of New Zealand's terrorist government Jacinda Ardern began a campaign of suppresssion against the established population of New Zealand, going so far as to order arrests for merely viewing a video documenting the eco-terrorist attack. Ardern has been working in concert with African-French despot Macron in order to attempt the suppression of all internet and media communications opposed to international Pantsuit-ism (archived).
Semiconductor Market Headed Towards Downturn As More Intel Data Leak Flaws Emerge
The growth outlook for the global semiconductor market are eroding for the year as 2019 marches on thanks to an increase in NAND flash memory production and just about everything else in the space being materially worse than offerings from a decade ago in many important measures (archived). Meanwhile the Intel "optimization" induced data leaks keep rolling in (archived). The ongoing Intel optimization fraud has lead Google to disable Intel's "Hyperthreading" in their ChromeOS spyware with other vendors considering similar measures (archived).
UK: Met Police Document On Internal Investigation Into Organized Crime Ownership Of Their Force
Back in 2002 the Met Police in London engaged in "Operation Tiberius" investigating the extent to which organized crime groups affected their operations. The document leaked online, the full text is below: Continue reading
Venezuelan Navy Repels USCG Cutter James From Entering National Waters
The Venezuelan Navy intercepted the US Coast Guard Cutter James as it was approaching Venezuelan territorial waters and made the US vessel change course before it could successfully breach Venezuelan waters (archived). Last May the USCGC James delivered six tons of cocaine captured through USG piracy operation to Port Everglades in the USG occupied territory of Florida, presumably for marketing and consumption in the domestic market (archived). In addition to engaging in piracy against pharmaceutical businesses, this US warship is equipped to serve as a floating command and control platform with a dock for launching and landing rigid-hulled inflatable boats out of zher stern (archived).
Automattic's Purges Dissident Blogs
Matt Mullenweg's (WOT:nonperson) Automattic had gone on a purge of dissident blogs using their "" that fail to promote Pantsuitism. The most prominent casualty is the "Heartiste" blog which has been reduced to the following text: is no longer available.
This blog has been archived or suspended in accordance with our Terms of Service.
For more information and to contact us please read this support document.
The frogboiling of ideological diversity continues, and failing to enter into contracts with people instead of faceless "platforms" is a perilous bet.
USG Cuts Electricity To Venezuelan Embassy In DC
Agents of the criminal organization calling itself the US Government have cut off the flow of electricity to Venezuela's embassy in Washington DC (archived). This is the first overt attack on Venezuelan soil during this US "regime change" campaign despite apparent USG sabotage of the Gurà dam in Venezuela and an absolute embarrassment of a coup attempt carried out through CIA stooge Juan Guaidó. A number of US citizen protestors have taken to assisting the democratically elected government of Venezuela in defense of their embassy since last month. The USG sure likes turning off other people's electricity.
Tor Using USG WhistleBlower Hit With Charges After Leaking To Omidyar's Rag (Yet Again)
Daniel Everette Hale of Nashville, Tennesssee has been charged by the USG for whistleblowing classified information to a reporter after serving in the US Airforce where he was trained as a "Language Case Analyst" and working at a US intelligence contractor for the National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.
Mr. Hale leaked US intelligence materials to a reporter he happened to meet at an event in a DC area bookstore. Pantsuitist sources are claiming Hale's whistleblowing fed reports on US drone strikes around the world in Omidyar's rag "The Intercept" (archived). Hale is far from the first leaker to Omidyar's operation to face USG captivity. Reality Winner was captured by the USG after the Intercept published scans of her leaks with "anti-counterfeiting" patterns intact.
Omidyar's operation has managed to waste its contacts with leakers, with the leakers getting arrested while publishing material nearly a half decade behind TMSR intelligence reporting. Hale was encourage to use the USG owned "Tor" network and the controlled opposition "Tails" linux distro by his handlers. The USG's indictment is presented in full below: Continue reading
Portuguese National Flying Mirage Jet Downed In Libya By General Haftar's Forces
Alleged Portuguese national and mercenary Jimmy Reiss was shot down in Libya by forces aligned with leading warlord and de facto Libyan sovereign General Haftar (archived). The 29 year old was flying a Dassault Mirage F1 in Haftar's airspace before his capture. Haftar's control of Libya is disputed by a UN backed "national unity" government that occupies Tripoli.