After Coup Embarrassment USG Goes On Tilt Aggressing On All Rivals At The Same Time

Engaged in an embarrassing quagimire in Venezuela following a spectacularly inept coup attempt, the criminal organization calling itself the United States Government has impotently gone on tilt by escalating zher ongoing aggression against zher rivals. A carrier group and bomber task force have been sent flex near Iran following an imagined provacation the US is hyping up despite an absence of any acute aggression or other notable movement on Iran's part (archived).

At the same time the US is sailing two small warships through the South China Sea near islands claimed by China (archived). Most Pantsuitist Anglophone media is hyping small trade related disputes while China is engaged in diplomacy abroad by committing to develop much of the world as part of its belt and road initiative though this movement is ignored in USG lands (archived).

Finally Russia's Khmeimim airbase was shelled, allegedly by members of the group formerly known as "Al-Nusra Front" today. Al-Nusra Front is one of many group in Syria who availed themselves of US weapons during the Hussein Bahamas and Hillary Clinton era of USG thuggery.

EuroPolice Knock Down Two Darknet Markets

Europol and a number of USG organs working in concert managed to take out two "darknet" market places (archived). One operation calling itself "Wall Street Market" and another called both "Silkkitie" and "Valhalla Marketplace" are now closed. The US DoD Tor network remains unsuitable for safety critical applications.

Local Governments In Texas Cease Defense Of Private Property

Dallas County District Attorney John Cruezot has ended his office's policy of prosecuting cases of tresspass and theft, in cases under 750 USD where the thief "needed" what they stole (archived). This bleeding Texas heart pantsuit has determined that defending private property isn't something government needs to do anymore. For a desire to progress and reduce "mass incarceration" a pantsuit in government decided to quit the one responsibility that was used to justify the socialist government's claimed monopoly on violence. Thanks to John Cruezot you can indeed mess with Texas. Sorry for your loss.

Yet Another NOBUS Backdoor To Root On Cisco Kit Burned After The "Us" Set Expanded

A backdoor in the SSH management portion of Cisco's "Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) Mode Switch Software" has been documented (archived). This particular incarnation of the hole has been patched by Cisco after the whistle was blown. The hole involves a default root SSH keypair which could be used by anyone connecting over IPv6 to login as root. This is not the first Cisco NOBUS backdoor to be burned after the definition of "us" capable of using the backdoor expanded.

CIA Stooge's Venezuela Coup Gets Violent

CIA stooge Juan Guiadó claims to have begun the "final phase" of his sponsors plan to oust democratically elected Venezuelan President Maduro as violence breaks out in the country. Guiadó's forces appear to be focusing their efforts on seizing La Carlota AIrbase1 near Caracas. At the same time Guiadó is summoning his followers into the streets to serve as human sheilds while his forces attack Venezuelan targets. There are reports a number of Venezuelan military personnel were unaware they were acting with pro-Guiadó forces in the early going due to the general confusion and active deception, but the Venezuelan military reports 80% of the confused have returned to support the democratically elected government of Venezuela (archived).

  1. Capturing an entry point for USG material and personnel.  

China Souring On Dirty Canadian Agricultral Products

Exports from Canadian farms are increasinly being rejected or delayed in Chinese ports due to concerns over pests, sanitation, and other potential threats to the Chinese environment (archived). The Canada government abducted Chinese businesswoman Meng Wanzhou in December of 2018 at the behest of an organized crime operation in the US.

US Prepares To Tackle Illegal Immigration… With Facial Recognition Wank For Folks LEAVING The US

As progress on Trump's wall is slowed due to his captiulation on budgeting, US airlines are being compelled to engage in facial recognition scans for departing passengers in the name of combatting illegal immigration (archived). It appears construction of the metaphorical wall is indeed proceeding, but this one aims to keep people in. While all the popular talk is on immigration, the barriers are going up to stop emigration.

Mexican Troops Draw Weapons, Make US Soldiers Their Bitch On US Side Of Rio Grande

A handful of Mexican troops operating on the US side of the Rio Grande drew weapons on two US soldiers in a border patrol vehicle and disarmed the US forces on what is nominally US soil (archived, archived). The US military and Department of Homeland Security have allegedly requested an "explanation" from the Mexicans.

MBA Grad Takes Revenge On Alma Mater's Computers With USB Device

Vishwanath Akuthota, a 2017 MBA graduate of the College of Saint Rose in Albany returned to the school this February to bring his vengance to the school's computers (archived). Akuthota used a commercially available USB Killer device to fuck some shit up as he filmed himself using the device. The device took the 5 volt USB power output to charge its reserves and then delivered a -220 volt discharge, repeatedly. This attack vector works on any device too lazily and cheaply engineered to include surge protection for both positive and negative voltages built into the USB ports.

Akuthota is allege to have caused ~60,000 USD in damage.

Committed To Form: Tripoli Issues Arrest Warrant For Apparent De Facto Sovereign Haftar

The US/UN backed "government" in Tripoli has issued an arrest warrant for leader Khalifa Haftar who has lead a campaign capturing much of the country (archived). Haftar's forces have kept the "Government of National Accord" in Tripoli under fire for the past two weeks. Six of Haftar's officers have had arrest warrants issued for launching airstrikes at "government" positions. Issuing arrest warrants in the face of airstrikes and an active seige demonstrates a strong committment to Pantsuitist form on the part of the National Accordist government as well as a lack of… actual national accord.