Reports are emerging from New Zealand that gun confiscation raids have begun targeting private citizens with overwhelming force and an absence of due process (archived). The cases so far have involved 30 armed agents of the terrorist government of New Zealand conducting shock operations and presenting rural Kiwis with the choice of surrendering their guns or doing the "cold dead hands" thing. One compliant Kiwi targeted by overwhelming government terror offered:
They were very interested in my views on the Christchurch shooting, Muslims, religion, and politics. I don't hold extreme views. To imagine I'm some sort of white supremacist is just a bit far-fetched… I'd like to know how I came to be on a list somewhere. I'm just an everyday Kiwi. A phone call would have worked just as well.
In the wake of a self described "eco-terrorist" attack Prime Minister of New Zealand's terrorist government Jacinda Ardern began a campaign of suppresssion against the established population of New Zealand, going so far as to order arrests for merely viewing a video documenting the eco-terrorist attack. Ardern has been working in concert with African-French despot Macron in order to attempt the suppression of all internet and media communications opposed to international Pantsuit-ism (archived).