Syria Demands UN Action Against Israeli Attacks To Avert Retaliation Against Tel Aviv Airport

The Syrian government has proposed exercising their right of self defense by the "rules-based" Pantsuitist international order by executng a "mirror" retaliatory strike against Israel's Tel Aviv International Airport (archived). Syria's permanent representative to the UN offered:

Isn’t time now for the UN Security Council to stop the Israeli repeated aggressions on the Syrian Arab Republic territories?…

Or is it required to draw the attention of the war-makers in this Council by exercising our legitimate right to defend ourself and respond to the Israeli aggression on Damascus International Civil Airport in the same way on Tel Aviv Airport

Israel began this week by killing Syrian soldiers in retailiation for Syria downing Israeli missiles headed for targets inside of Syria. Syria's international airport near Damascus has been a favorite Israeli target leading to incidents where lives have been lost.

Unrest Today: Israel Kills 4 Syrian Soldiers In Airstrike After Syria Rejected Israeli Demand Not To Shoot Down Missiles During Earlier Airstrike

Israel fired several rounds of airstikes into Syria overnight killing 4 Syrian soldiers and injuring more (archived). Israel is describing the round of missiles which lead to Syrian deaths as retaliation after Syrian air defenses intercepted the bulk of an earlier strike which Israel demanded Syria allow to proceed unmolested. Israel claims that the earlier missiles were intended to strike Iranian forces allied with Syria and for that reason Syrian should have let missiles fired by a belligerent party to strike an allied party inside of Syria unmolested.

US President Donald Trump appears to be continuing to coordinate the withdrawal of US forces from Syria with Erdogan's Turkey despite 4 US subjects dying last week in an event that appears to have been related to local gang violence.

Increased USG Psyops Against Maduro Government Intensify Risk Of Military Confrontation

An alleged Wikipedia edit placing someone not named Maduro as Venezuela's President on Wikipedia lead to numerous stories in English language publications declaring Wikipedia was being blocked in Venezuela. These declarations said connections to Wikipedia were failing due to SSL handshake molesation rather than the more common state actor method of DNS manipulation.

Attempts to verify the block and its implementation with people actually in Venezuela suggest no such thing is happening on a country wide scale if it is had happened at all.

Contacts in Venezuela who offered evidence countering the popular claim of a block on Wikipedia countered with this upcoming Wednesday as the soonest any challenger to the Maduro government is planning to formally  present their challenges his power. In this context the evidence suggests the Wikipedia block story was more likely a USG state department effort to justify "regime change" than an action knowlingly undertaken by the Maduro government.

Persons in Venezuela are advised to maintain high levels of preparedness for US humanitarian missile strikes and intervention within the next 6 months. Persons in the US Navy are advised to maintain very high levels of preparedness for the possibility their ship is sank within the next 6 months.

Former Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto Accused Of Taking 250 Million USD Bribe By USG Witness As Guzman Trial Continues

The trial of Joaqín 'El Chapo' Guzman continues to deliver drama as a USG witness for the prosecution alleges former Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto requested a 250 million USD bribe from Guzman which was paid after Nieto took office (archive). The singing stoolie Alex Cifuentes clarified that he was unsure of the exact amount though US based media outlets appear to have settled on 100 million USD as a consensus figure to use in ther headlines for reasons that remain elusive.

"El Chapo" Allegedly Used VOIP, Had Sysadmin Flipped By Criminal FBI

As Joaqín 'El Chapo' Guzman's trial continues USG agents are alleging they flipped an IT guy running a private VOIP network, then had him deliver 'the' encryption keys to him after which they recorded hundreds of hours of calls (archived). The IT guy in question, Cristian Rodriguez was even kept alive and working after Guzman suspected him of incompetence following an FBI induced incident where the network's servers "needed" moved from Canada to the Netherlands.

After this move Rodriguez delivered the new network's keys to the FBI, the possibility of which suggests poor key management procedures and a lack of functional information security knowlege on Guzman's part. The tools and culture necessary to thrive in the future are being developed in The Most Serene Republic. To ignore the Republic and its offerings is a choice, and that choice means adopting a posture of perpetual vulnerability.

Dead Black Man Found At Major Pantsuit Donor's Home For Second Time In Less Than Two Years

Police have released the scene and arrested no one after a dead black man was found in the West Hollywood home of Pantsuit donor Ed Buck a mere 17 months after another dead black man was found in Buck's home (archived). In the previous incident Gemmel Moore, a 26 year old male sex worker's death was ruled a drug overdose following an investigation which found numerous syringes and indicators of habitual methamphetamine use in Buck's home. According to Moore's journal, Buck introduced him to methamphetamine.

The latest stiff has not been identified. Buck inists he has known the man for more than 25 years prior to his death in Buck's home.

Longtime "National Security" Journalist Quits NBC Over Network's Pro-War Editorial Position

Longtime Pantsuit affiliated "national security" journalist William Arkin has quit NBC over the editorial pivot by NBC and Pantsuit at large to an overt Pro-War stance. Historically Pantsuitist have been covert in their anti-peace tendencies, but Trump as forced them into a corner with his efforts to curtail self destructive USG military adventures. Arkin's missive of resignation, rambling as it is, is reproduced below for the record: Continue reading

France: Macron Arrests Particularly Loud Yellow Jacket Protestor, Demands French People In France Submit To Foreign World Order

Macron Ready to get BLAKKKEDLoud, media recognized, truck driving Yellow Jacket Éric Drouet was arrested as Macron used his New Year's address to announce his intention to crush patriotic Yellow Jacket protestors disgusted by Macron's smug supplication to just about every group in France except for French people (archived). Coverage of the Yellow Jacket protests has waned as increasing police violence has biased participation against casuals and towards true patiots in the French resistance, but the Yellow Jackets still enjoy broad support among French people while Macron does not. For this, the French tyrant Macron has been gassing his own people every weekend as an ongoing practice, but because of his supplication to the International Pantsuit he has so far managed to avoid being subjected to a USG fueled "humanitarian" Infinity War.

The way Yellow Jackets dominated Macron's New Year suggests his regime is far more threatened by the movement than mainstream Pantsuits reports would like to advertise.

Japan Ramps Up Military Spending As USG Turns Out To Be Inadequate Provider Of Security

Japan is planning to spend roughly a quarter trillion USD over the next 5 years improving its military posture (archived). This move comes 73 years after Japan demilitarized following US threats to continue the nuclear bombardments which had already devastated two Japanese cities at the time. In recent years Japan has diversified their self defense forces adding an amphibious assault corps to defend their numerous outlying islands as China and both Koreas have presented aggressive military postures towards Japan.

At the same time the US military's presence has faded globally, to the point the product of exuberant fiat outlays appear to only allow the US to marginally prolong wars without impacting their outcome.