Pantsuit Media Slanders Kim Kardashian's Husband As An "Incel"

Pantsuit media has intensified their slander campaign against Kim Kardashian's husband: the rapper, genius, and voice of a generation Kanye West as the friendship between Kanye and US President Donald Trump has continued to grow and flourish. The latest slander thrown at the father of Kim Kardashian's children by the media are accusations that Kanye is an "incel" or involuntarily celibate man, in the tradition of Elliot Rodger.

The forces of Pantsuit earlier this year tried and failed to replace the #WOKE voice of a generation with a mere minstrel performer happy to stay on their Pantsuit Plantation. In the game of "their" democracy, the Pantsuit and their NPC allies are distressed that Black American support for Donald Trump keeps rising as his presidency continues, and they lash out at any prominent Black American who challenges their party line.

Hussein Bahamas promised prison reform. Trump is doing (archived).

Hussein Bahamas promised drug law reform. Trump is doing (archived).

It is as though Pantsuit and their NPC allies think Black America is dumb while they are the ones flailing in their efforts to supress truly woke American heroes like Kim's hubby.

One thought on “Pantsuit Media Slanders Kim Kardashian's Husband As An "Incel"

  1. You have some seriously great lines in here… Bingoboingo, speech writer for Pres DT and VP Yeezus.

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