As TMSR OS Project Gains Momentum It Begins Leaving Legacy Project Devs Behind

With the young TMSR OS project beginning to take shape, quite a few "developer teams" and "communities" are finding themselves depreciated. From MUSL's legacy developers disqualifying themselves over hieroglyph fixations to the rEFInd developer's silent satisfaction leaving him out, an increasing amount of code is finding itself liberated from herd driven debasement. Continue reading

Rush Limbaugh Announces Advanced Lung Cancer Diagnosis

Rush Limbaugh announced yesterday during his radio program that he has been diagnosed with an advanced case of lung cancer (archived). Limbaugh rose to prominence during the 1990's attacking Clinton insanity and during the 2016 campaign was one of the few mainstream "conservative" media figures in the US supporting democratically elected US President Donald Trump's "Make Great Again" flavor of populism.

Constant Time Miller-Rabin Test Added To Finite Field Arithmetic

Stanislav Datskovskiy (WOT: asciilifeform) has published code that adds a constant time implementation of the Miller-Rabin primality test to his Finite Field Arithmetic library as chapter 16A. He will publish a proof his algorithm implements Miller-Rabin and a discussion of the statistics informing proper use of the Miller-Rabin in the field as chapter 16B.

In his genesis of the FFA library Datskovskiy laid out his mission of creating a auditable bignum library whose entire operation is accessible to literate readers while avoiding optimization traps that add complexity or deviate from constant time operation opening up side channels that leak information intended to be kept secret. In the case of Werner Koch's MPI versus FFA, Datskovskiy's constant time implementation actually outperforms the optimized, variable time, legacy Koch library in in modular exponentiation.

At present FFA consists of 4013 non-empty lines of code in the libffa library of which 1835 are comments and 1047 non-empty lines of code in the accompanying ffacalc interface to the library of which 390 are comments.

Stanford Garbage Collects Chinese Professor Investor

Physics professor and Danhua Capital founding partner Shoucheng Zhang appears to have been garbage collected by his side gig employer Stanford University (archived). The 55 year old Zhang was found dead December 1st and his death was attributed to suicide without investigation. Statements circulating claiming origin with Zhang's family are supposing Stanford University was central to Zhang's life and won't you pretty please contribute to Stanford in Zhang's memory while declining to investigate Zhang's suiciding?

Manufactured TrannyCoCist Outrage Over SQLite's Longstanding Benedictine Code Of Conduct As CoC Incompatibilities Set Up To Replace License Incompatibilities As Top Open Source Drama Fountain

Yesterday left wing social engineers unleashed a wave of manufactered outrage over the SQLite project's 8 month old adoption of The Rules Of Saint Benedict in the face of demands by unspecified clients to have a Code of Conduct, any Code of Conduct at all. SQLite author D. Richard Hipp offered the following statements in response to questions on why he didn't edit down the list to a more minimalist, TrannyCoCist compatible form:

I could have edited the list down to just those aspects that seem relevant to coding, but that would put me in the position of editing and redacting Benedict of Nursia, as if I were wiser than he. And I considered that. But in the end, I thought it better to include the whole thing without change. In the preface, I tried to make clear that the introspective aspects could be safely glossed over.

Nobody is excluded from the SQLite community due to biological category or religious creed. The preface to the CoC should make this clear. The only way to get kicked out of the SQLite community is by shouting, flaming, and disrespectful behavior. In 18 years, only one person has ever been banned from the mailing list.

It remains to be seen how many Open Source projects which have bought into full TrannyCoCism will find themselves so deficient in love and humility that they believe the words of Benedict of Nursia ought to be censored, rejected, and abandoned.

Pantsuit Media Slanders Kim Kardashian's Husband As An "Incel"

Pantsuit media has intensified their slander campaign against Kim Kardashian's husband: the rapper, genius, and voice of a generation Kanye West as the friendship between Kanye and US President Donald Trump has continued to grow and flourish. The latest slander thrown at the father of Kim Kardashian's children by the media are accusations that Kanye is an "incel" or involuntarily celibate man, in the tradition of Elliot Rodger.

The forces of Pantsuit earlier this year tried and failed to replace the #WOKE voice of a generation with a mere minstrel performer happy to stay on their Pantsuit Plantation. In the game of "their" democracy, the Pantsuit and their NPC allies are distressed that Black American support for Donald Trump keeps rising as his presidency continues, and they lash out at any prominent Black American who challenges their party line.

Hussein Bahamas promised prison reform. Trump is doing (archived).

Hussein Bahamas promised drug law reform. Trump is doing (archived).

It is as though Pantsuit and their NPC allies think Black America is dumb while they are the ones flailing in their efforts to supress truly woke American heroes like Kim's hubby.

Power Rangers Inserted Inflation Bug Into "Core" Bitcoin Network Client in 2016

The Power Rangers introduced a coin inflation bug to their Bitcoin network client dubbed "Bitcoin Core" in 2016 by removing a check against double spending (archived). The bug was introduced by Matt Corallo (WoT: bluematt), advocated by Pieter Wuille (WoT: sipa), approved by Gregory Maxwell (WoT: gmaxwell) and MIT's Cory Fields, then merged by Wladimir van der Laan.

The reference Bitcoin network client maintained by the Bitcoin Foundation is unaffected by the bug introduced into the forked "Core" client.

Revived Phuctor Breaks A Big Pile Of Github Developer SSH Keys In Return

Today No Such lAbs principals Mircea Popescu and Stanislav Datskovskiy disclosed the existence of 192 weak Github developer SSH keys which were broken by the Phuctor, the RSA supercollider and numerical observatory operated by No Such lAbs. The keys all appear to be used by actual Github contributors with definite yet varying amounts activity.