Manufactured TrannyCoCist Outrage Over SQLite's Longstanding Benedictine Code Of Conduct As CoC Incompatibilities Set Up To Replace License Incompatibilities As Top Open Source Drama Fountain

Yesterday left wing social engineers unleashed a wave of manufactered outrage over the SQLite project's 8 month old adoption of The Rules Of Saint Benedict in the face of demands by unspecified clients to have a Code of Conduct, any Code of Conduct at all. SQLite author D. Richard Hipp offered the following statements in response to questions on why he didn't edit down the list to a more minimalist, TrannyCoCist compatible form:

I could have edited the list down to just those aspects that seem relevant to coding, but that would put me in the position of editing and redacting Benedict of Nursia, as if I were wiser than he. And I considered that. But in the end, I thought it better to include the whole thing without change. In the preface, I tried to make clear that the introspective aspects could be safely glossed over.

Nobody is excluded from the SQLite community due to biological category or religious creed. The preface to the CoC should make this clear. The only way to get kicked out of the SQLite community is by shouting, flaming, and disrespectful behavior. In 18 years, only one person has ever been banned from the mailing list.

It remains to be seen how many Open Source projects which have bought into full TrannyCoCism will find themselves so deficient in love and humility that they believe the words of Benedict of Nursia ought to be censored, rejected, and abandoned.

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