With US Withdrawl, Syria Beginning To Move Towards Normality

In the wake of Donald Trump's move to take the US out of the Hillary Clinton's Syrian civil war, the country is beginning to return to normal (archived). The Kurds in a move observer in the US may find puzzling, have swiftly pivoted towards trying to ingratiate themselves to the Assad regime now that the US soldiers they had been using as human shields are leaving. The Kurds readiness to turns towards Assad suggests they'd been keeping more friendly with the regime than the USG was willing to believe, and that the Kurds didn't have all that much faith in USG delivering them an independent Kurdish state.

Now the Kurds find themselves with the Turks to the north, who are especially motivated to do to the Kurds what Turks normally do to Kurds in order to prevent USG armed and trained Kurdish militants from causing them problems. Thusly it is appearing that after the US intervention, lasting changes are likely to be limited to little more than an augmentation of the distrust and resentment held by all parties involved towards the USG.

Elections In Congo Postponed For Ebola, Ebola Clinic Attacked In Retailiation

After presidential elections in parts of the Congo were postponed due to the ongoing Ebola outbreak, protestors attacked an Ebola treatment clinic in retaliation (archived). Several of the center's structures1 were burned and furniture was taken. None of the patients received positive test results for Ebola infection before they fled the attack.

  1. i.e. Tents  

Stanislav Datskovskiy Publishes Fully Constant Time Code For Barrett's Modular Reduction As Part Of FFA Library

As part of his Finite Field Arithmetic Library, Stanislav Datskovskiy1 (WOT: asciilifeform) has published code to perform Barrett's Modular Reduction in constant time. Speed of the code is favorable compared to Werner Koch's MPI library utilized in GPG. It appears that leaky optimizations of the sort that seem like they should make Koch's non-constant time implementation faster end up chewing quite a few clock cycles to accomplish an effect quite contrary to actual optimization.

  1. Involved as a principal in the Republican ventures No Such lAbs and Pizarro ISP.  

US Treasury Secretary Issued Sunday Night Press Release Assuring No "Clearance Or Margin" Issues

US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin issued a press release Sunday night assuring residents of the US that he called some banks who assured him there were no "liquidity problem" or "clearance and margin issues" (archived). Due to the US Government's ongoing partial shutdown the press release does not appear on the US Treasury department website (archived) apparently as part of their "lapse in appropriations contingency plan" (archived).

The announcement and its odd timing suggests that there actually are problems. Maybe that last 0.25% rate hike by the Fed after free dollars under Hussein Bahamas broke everything? Maybe someone out there put too much faith in the USG's timely payment of bills in spite of goverment shutdowns becoming a common negotiating tactic under the Hussein Bahamas adminstration? Whatever Mnuchin intended to convey with his message of assurance, the sentiment which lead to the press release is not reassuring.

Trump Makes End Of Year Push – Mattis Out, Syria and Afghanistan Withdrawals, and Shutdown Showdown Over Border Wall

After a quiet run following some minor post midterm election activity, US President Donald Trump is making an end of the year push. On foreign policy Trump has managed to push out Defense Secretary Jim 'Mad Dog' Mattis by comitting to two policies the ineffective appointee had been desperately blocking, withdrawl of troops in Syria and a plan for disengagement in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile at home Trump and the GOP controlled House of Representatives are threatening the GOP controlled Senate with a government shutdown if a spending measure which passed the House including ~5.7 billion USD for contruction of a physical barrier along the US-Mexico border fails.

FBI Entraps Young Woman Into Terrorism Charges By Becoming Her Entire Social Circle

A young woman with a crush on Dylan Storm Roof was entrapped by the FBI and hit with terrorism charges (archived). As per their usual modus operandi, the USG stooges further isolated and aggravated the socially isolated young woman until their became her entire social circle after which, the stooges arrested her in Toledo, Ohio. Earlier this week, also in Toledo, an FBI radicalized ISIS sympathizer was arrested after being similarly prepped for captivity by USG stooges (archived).

Vatican Finance Chief Cardinal George Pell Convicted Of Sexual Abuse In Australia With Supression Order Barring Australian Reporting On Conviction

A jury in Melbourne, Australia decided to unanimously convict Vatican finance chief Cardinal George Pell of sexual abuse occurring when he was the Archbishop of Melbourne (archived). Cardinal Pell is a strong proponent of Argentine Anti-Pope Francis's Child Molestation and Socialism agenda. The convicting court issued an order supressing reports of the conviction by the compliant Australian media.

Stanford Garbage Collects Chinese Professor Investor

Physics professor and Danhua Capital founding partner Shoucheng Zhang appears to have been garbage collected by his side gig employer Stanford University (archived). The 55 year old Zhang was found dead December 1st and his death was attributed to suicide without investigation. Statements circulating claiming origin with Zhang's family are supposing Stanford University was central to Zhang's life and won't you pretty please contribute to Stanford in Zhang's memory while declining to investigate Zhang's suiciding?

Congo Ebola Outbreak Continues Spreading

The ongoing Congo Ebola outbreak is spreading towards the country's borders while a spike in malaria is pushing local residents to seek out treatment for that disease at clinics (archived). Ring vaccination using an experimental vaccine produced by Merck appears to be keeping the number of known cases in the hundreds as opposed to thousands, but with the parallel malaria outbreak potential failures in triage are becoming particularly perilous.

French Anti-Macron Protests Beginning To Look Like Revolution

The ongoing anti-Macron protests in France are escalating to include the burning of goverment buildings (archived). The mainstream media has gone from misrepresenting the protest as being about fuel prices to misrepresenting them to being about low standards of living and inequality, while everything including the banners suggests these are anti-Left/Centerist Make France Great Again in nature. The protester are of a more historically French look than is apparently fashionable nowadays while "New French" demographics appear to be avoiding the revolutionaries.

Meanwhile social engineering firm Facebook has stepped in to prevent images from Macron's BLACKED photoshoot from circulating on their platform under the guise that they are too sexual.

Macron has been forced to go straight from the G20 playing Merkel's successor as leader of European Africanization and his own chosen role as Europe's counter to Trump into emergency meetings while France burns against him. As France continues to burn against him, Macron will have to choose between surrendering to the French people or becoming more oppressive than Syria's popularly elected president Assad.