US Treasury Secretary Issued Sunday Night Press Release Assuring No "Clearance Or Margin" Issues

US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin issued a press release Sunday night assuring residents of the US that he called some banks who assured him there were no "liquidity problem" or "clearance and margin issues" (archived). Due to the US Government's ongoing partial shutdown the press release does not appear on the US Treasury department website (archived) apparently as part of their "lapse in appropriations contingency plan" (archived).

The announcement and its odd timing suggests that there actually are problems. Maybe that last 0.25% rate hike by the Fed after free dollars under Hussein Bahamas broke everything? Maybe someone out there put too much faith in the USG's timely payment of bills in spite of goverment shutdowns becoming a common negotiating tactic under the Hussein Bahamas adminstration? Whatever Mnuchin intended to convey with his message of assurance, the sentiment which lead to the press release is not reassuring.

Trump Makes End Of Year Push – Mattis Out, Syria and Afghanistan Withdrawals, and Shutdown Showdown Over Border Wall

After a quiet run following some minor post midterm election activity, US President Donald Trump is making an end of the year push. On foreign policy Trump has managed to push out Defense Secretary Jim 'Mad Dog' Mattis by comitting to two policies the ineffective appointee had been desperately blocking, withdrawl of troops in Syria and a plan for disengagement in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile at home Trump and the GOP controlled House of Representatives are threatening the GOP controlled Senate with a government shutdown if a spending measure which passed the House including ~5.7 billion USD for contruction of a physical barrier along the US-Mexico border fails.

FBI Entraps Young Woman Into Terrorism Charges By Becoming Her Entire Social Circle

A young woman with a crush on Dylan Storm Roof was entrapped by the FBI and hit with terrorism charges (archived). As per their usual modus operandi, the USG stooges further isolated and aggravated the socially isolated young woman until their became her entire social circle after which, the stooges arrested her in Toledo, Ohio. Earlier this week, also in Toledo, an FBI radicalized ISIS sympathizer was arrested after being similarly prepped for captivity by USG stooges (archived).

Stanford Garbage Collects Chinese Professor Investor

Physics professor and Danhua Capital founding partner Shoucheng Zhang appears to have been garbage collected by his side gig employer Stanford University (archived). The 55 year old Zhang was found dead December 1st and his death was attributed to suicide without investigation. Statements circulating claiming origin with Zhang's family are supposing Stanford University was central to Zhang's life and won't you pretty please contribute to Stanford in Zhang's memory while declining to investigate Zhang's suiciding?

Large Torrent Tracker Throwing In The Towel

Macron Ready to get BLAKKKED Leacher's Paradise, a torrent tracker which has been helping to connect people for 12 years is throwing in the towel (archived). The tracker's alleged operators are blaming new EU rules which they suppose will require them to screen uploads, something impossible at the matchmaking level of the BitTorrent protocol where they operate.

Canadian "Law Enforcement" Abduct Huawei CFO For Not Giving A Shit About US Sanction On Iran

The impotent USG overreach as they try to recover their imagined "world police" role from the Clinton "End of History" era has lead to Canadian "law enforcement" abducting Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou. The abduction occurred December 1st and announcements were allegedly supressed at her own request. China is demanding the release of their national.

The announcement of Wanzhou's abduction comes after Turkey's Erdogan and Venezuela's Maduro signed a coorperative agreements related to their mining, oil, and defense industries as Turkey has happily stepped up to buy Venezualan mined gold in spite of USG efforts to shut down Venezuela's gold industry with sanctions.

Tumblr Announces Porn Ban Beginning December 17th, Tumblr Anti-Porn AI Already Running Wild

Macron Ready to get BLAKKKEDPornographic image hosting service Tumblr announced they would be banning porn from their platform on December 17th, and they have already set loose a porn banning AI on their platform to lulzy results (archived). Not only is the AI apparently incapable of telling porn boobs from medical or arts boobs, it can't distinguish puppies and kitties from pussy. Tumblr's ban on pornography comes shortly after Tumblr's app was banned from Apple's appstore following the discovery Apple employees were viewing child pornography on Tumblr.

Tumblr brands itself as a mid-micro blogging platform and its userbase is composed of hamplanets viewing softcore fetish porn, Mircea Popescu sharing normal porn found in the wild, and apparently Apple employees viewing child porn produced by and for law enforcement.