French Anti-Macron Protests Beginning To Look Like Revolution

The ongoing anti-Macron protests in France are escalating to include the burning of goverment buildings (archived). The mainstream media has gone from misrepresenting the protest as being about fuel prices to misrepresenting them to being about low standards of living and inequality, while everything including the banners suggests these are anti-Left/Centerist Make France Great Again in nature. The protester are of a more historically French look than is apparently fashionable nowadays while "New French" demographics appear to be avoiding the revolutionaries.

Meanwhile social engineering firm Facebook has stepped in to prevent images from Macron's BLACKED photoshoot from circulating on their platform under the guise that they are too sexual.

Macron has been forced to go straight from the G20 playing Merkel's successor as leader of European Africanization and his own chosen role as Europe's counter to Trump into emergency meetings while France burns against him. As France continues to burn against him, Macron will have to choose between surrendering to the French people or becoming more oppressive than Syria's popularly elected president Assad.

Clinton Foreign Kickbacks Whistleblower Raided By FBI

A registered USG whistleblower who had turned over documents related to shennanigans involving the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One was raided by the FBI in November (archived). Dennis Nathan Cain had turned the documents over to the Department of "Justice" inspector general as well as the US House and Senate Intelligence committees, but that apparently wasn't enough for the FBI who, in apparent violation of the "Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act", showed up at his door demanding his original copies of the documents and searched his home a further 6 hours after he surrendered the documents. Federal magistrate Stephanie A. Gallagher of the US District Court for Balimore signed an order approving the raid as the FBI asserted Cain was sitting on "stolen federal property".

The scandal upon which Crain blew the whistle involved Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State recieving obscured compensation from foreign parties in exchange for providing concierge service to facilitate regulatory approval of Rosatom's purchase of Uranium One.

Feds Issue Fines And Cuffs To Older Black Men And Their Handlers Over Endorsement Deals

Older Black men retired from combats sports have been targeted in a phishing scam perpetrated by the US Government. Among those targeted for USG extortion letters are Evander Holyfield and Floyd Mayweather. The handlers who initially milked these elderly black men are being targeted by the USG with handcuffs and extortion letters of their own (archived).

USG Issues Sanctions Against Two Bitcoin Addresses

The US Treasury Department's "Office of Foreign Asset Control" has targeted two Bitcoin addresses as a part of of their efforts to sanction Iran (archived). This incident highlights the abject incompatibility of the criminal organization calling itself the United States Government and the honest Bitcoin network. The criminal organzation, which is absurdly claiming it can have an office for the purpose of controlling foreign assets in foreign lands, is trying to say our Bitcoin network far above their criminal reach must change its rules on their say so just the same as any other bum asks your favor with nothing to offer but more asks.

Update: Transactions were sent to the "sanctioned" addresses despite impotent proclamations.

64 Year Old Woman Jailed In US Over Cotton Candy, Released Months Later

A woman in Georgia was jailed on a 1 million USD bond for suspicion of trafficking methamphetamine after Monroe County sheriff's deputies found old crystalized blue cotton candy in her vehicle (archived). A roadside test made by Sirchie Acquisition Company suggested to the deputies that the mass of sugar and dye could, be methamphetamine. After the Georgia Bureau of investgation finally ran a more rigorous test on the substance months later it was determined to not be meth, but it still took a further two weeks for the elderly woman to be released from jail.

Gavin Quits And Disbands His Proud Boys After FBI Terrorist Classification

Vice Magazine cofounder Gavin McInnes has quit and effectively disanded his "Proud Boys" after the FBI moved to classify the group as a right wing/white supremacy terrorist organization. The group known primarily for its ethnically diverse membership styled itself as a self improvement and self defense club for men, but fell into trouble with "law enforcement" for defending themselves against less capable aggressors during protests.

USG.NASA Probing Upstart Contractor After Achieving Substantially Better Delivery History Than Old Guard Contractors

Upstart NASA launch services and vehicle contractor SpaceX, by Elon Musk, has found itself selected for an invasive comparative investigation of their safety culture against more established contractor Boeing (archived). While Musk's rocket venture has suffered growing pains and explosions in the past,  the firm has managed to settle into a stable routine of launches at a pace and cost that is frankly humiliating for established legacy USG aerospace contractors including Boeing and Lockheed Martin.

Given recent USG action against his once darling rechargable battery venture Tesla,1 Elon Musk appears to have been targeted for dekulakizaton across the board.

  1. Conveniently for the takers these problems started when the venture began approaching a positive cash flow.  

Tumblr Removed From Apple Store Over Child Porn

The Tumblr app has been removed from the Apple App store over the Verizon subidary's hosting of child porn images (archived). As child pornography is at the same time a high priority USG prosecution target and only of interest as an article of consumption to "law enforcement" officers and bureaucrats, it remains to be seen how many cops and bureaucrats Verizon communications will give up for prosecution… provided their own executives manage to avoid lockup.

Pantsuit Lolsuit Against Russia Stumped By Sovereign Immunity

The lawsuit "Democratic National Committee v. The Russian Federation et al." has come against an insurmountable obstacle in the Russian Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Justice submitting a Statement of Immunity accompanied by a disclaimer to the effect that:

By transmitting this letter and the enclosed Statement, the Russian Federation respectfully does not enter an appearance in the litigation, does not waive its sovereign immunity under international law or the United States, statutory or federal common law, and does not submit to the jurisdiction of the United States District Court. The Russian Federation reserves all rights as a foreign sovereign State.

The US Courts have enough trouble as it is indicting numerous individual Russians for posting memes on the internet. Most of those Russians have yet to surrender themselves to the Evil Empire for prosecution.

Brexit Set To Break Britain's Government And Theresa May

The onward crush of Brexit appears to have reached the point where it will break Theresa May's government in the very near future. Since taking the job more than two years ago, May's efforts at a negotiated separation have only yielded a proposal where the United Kingdom remains a subject of EU bureaucrats while losing what little influence they did have to influence the bureacratic processes (archived). Meanwhile the Royals have found themselves occupied handling the US IRS as part of the fallout of Harry taking a foreign bride of common descent (archived).