DNA Pioneer James Watson Stripped Of Chancellor Emeritus Title Over Afropessimism

James Watson, notable for the discovery of DNA's double helix structure, has been stripped of his Chancellor Emeritus title at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory after repeating the Afropessimist position that saw him pushed from the Chancellor position in 2007 (archived). The 1962 Nobel prize winner was involved in running the laboratory specializing in Genetics research until his forced departure. His replacements are ostacizing him specifically for being:

"gloomy about the prospect of Africa”

As the 2007 incident played out Watson attempted to clarify that his beliefs are informed by the available information on the problem. This latest attack on the 90 year old Watson follows the airing of a PBS documentary where Watson stated he regrets his views hadn't changed at all requiring:

"new knowledge, which says that your nurture is much more important than nature. But I haven’t seen any knowledge. And there’s a difference on the average between blacks and whites on IQ tests. I would say the difference is … it’s genetic.”

US Pantsuits Flip From Lauding To Condemning Freshman Congresswoman In One Week

Within the course of one week Pantuits have gone from lauding freshman congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard to condemning her. Gabbard began the week high on Pantsuit praise for calling US President Donald Trump a motherfucker to falling as a pariah after announcing her intention to mount a presidential run in 2020 (archived). As soon as she displayed ambition of rising in the Pantsuit ranks she was attacked for supporting an end to Hillary Clinton's Infinity Wars, especially in Syria.

On other points party driving Pantsuits are offering criticisms of Gabbart that appear contrary to professed pantsuit values. Rejecting their value of diversity pantsuits are shunning rather than embracing her diverse Hindu nationalism. Rejecting their professed anti-Racism they are writing off her for opposing Israel for their racial caste system and Israeli violence against persons from different backgrounds.

Pantsuit Capital Allocator Jeff Bezos Mismanages Household To Dissolution After Sexing Up 49 Year Old Matron

Pantsuit capitalist Jeff Bezos has mismanaged his household into dissolution as this week began with press releases announcing the amicable end of his 25 year long marriage. By the end of this week communications spurring from his affair with a 49 year old matron had entered the public domain (archived). The US state of Washington, where the Bezos family resided, is a "community property" state which raises the possibility of wife Mackenzie ending up higher on the Forbes list than Jeff after the courts are done liquidating the household.

Huawei Sales Director Arrested In Poland Over Ambiguous Spying Charges

A Huawei sales director and a form Polish internal security service professional have been arrested in Poland (archived). Some sort of connection between the Chinese firm and China's state intelligence services is alleged, but details about how exactly this created a problem for this specific Huawei employee remain ellusive.

US Profesional Organization For Psychologists Condemns Masculinity As Harmful

The 'American Psychological Association' has declared masculinity as harmful and in the course of doing so has marginalized half of the human race based on their biology (archived). The critique offered by the organization, which represents most practicing clinical psychologists in the US, most intensenly condemneds masculine traits that have positive roles in making societies worth living in. Why would cows need status and adventure to find fulfillment?

As Yellow Jackets Continue Undermining Macron, Despot To Sign Treaty Futher Eroding Separation Between France And Germany

As French Despot Macron continues gassing his own people, Yellow Jackets continue striking at the structures supporting the despot. Yellow Jackets and parties sympathetic to their cause have crippled more than 60 percent of the remote "speed trap" cameras used to control French drivers and enforce a national 80 km/hour speed limit on rural roads imposed last summer (archived).

With his apparatus of oppression under ongoing assualt by the French people, Macron is planning to sign a treaty with Germany further integrating the two in Aaachen on January 22nd (archived). The treaty will lay out a path for unifying France and Germany militarily while committing France to advance a number of positions in Germany's interest including a push to award Germany a permanent seat on the UN security council.1

  1. Effectively a second German seat as Macron is already feeding everything French to Germany.  

"El Chapo" Allegedly Used VOIP, Had Sysadmin Flipped By Criminal FBI

As Joaqín 'El Chapo' Guzman's trial continues USG agents are alleging they flipped an IT guy running a private VOIP network, then had him deliver 'the' encryption keys to him after which they recorded hundreds of hours of calls (archived). The IT guy in question, Cristian Rodriguez was even kept alive and working after Guzman suspected him of incompetence following an FBI induced incident where the network's servers "needed" moved from Canada to the Netherlands.

After this move Rodriguez delivered the new network's keys to the FBI, the possibility of which suggests poor key management procedures and a lack of functional information security knowlege on Guzman's part. The tools and culture necessary to thrive in the future are being developed in The Most Serene Republic. To ignore the Republic and its offerings is a choice, and that choice means adopting a posture of perpetual vulnerability.

Lone University Employed 'Sokal Squared' Author Faces Sanctions As Apparently Academic Journal Editors Are 'Uninformed Human Research Subjects' And Not Human Spam Filters

Peter Boghossian is facing sanctions at Portland State University for his participation in an investigation into the intellectual bankruptcy of contemporary 'academic journals' purporting to publish in the 'social sciences' (archived). The University's institutional review board has determined Boghossian is guilty 'research misconduct' under the guise that academic journal editors being presented candidate papers are 'uninformed human research subjects' when their purported job involves functioning as a sort of meat powered spam filter. The board futher is alleging Boghossian engaged in academic fraud dismissing the core discovery of the investigation, that there are in fact very few checks against the publication of academic fraud in 'prestige journals' by parties less inclined to disclose their deceptions.

France: Macron Arrests Particularly Loud Yellow Jacket Protestor, Demands French People In France Submit To Foreign World Order

Macron Ready to get BLAKKKEDLoud, media recognized, truck driving Yellow Jacket Éric Drouet was arrested as Macron used his New Year's address to announce his intention to crush patriotic Yellow Jacket protestors disgusted by Macron's smug supplication to just about every group in France except for French people (archived). Coverage of the Yellow Jacket protests has waned as increasing police violence has biased participation against casuals and towards true patiots in the French resistance, but the Yellow Jackets still enjoy broad support among French people while Macron does not. For this, the French tyrant Macron has been gassing his own people every weekend as an ongoing practice, but because of his supplication to the International Pantsuit he has so far managed to avoid being subjected to a USG fueled "humanitarian" Infinity War.

The way Yellow Jackets dominated Macron's New Year suggests his regime is far more threatened by the movement than mainstream Pantsuits reports would like to advertise.

USG Today: Two Years Of Divided Congress Begins, Partial Shutdown Continues While Trump Remains Unfulfilled

As the new, divided Congress is sworn in the notorious criminal organization calling itself the United States Government remains partially shutdown. Trump's captured party holds control of the Senate, with the Lich McCain dead, the unreliable Jeff Flake gone, and Mitt Romney stuck trying to play the GOP's Pantsuitist voice of dissent all by his lonesome. Meanwhile the overt Pantsuitists control the lower house, but they suffer a wide, flat distribution among members of professed ideologies with less in common the ever beyond a shared belief that "Orange man bad" for wanting to to bring the USG's goals back down to what little remains of its abilities.

With Trump ending at least one of the USG's long running Infinity Wars (8 years of hostilities in a foreign land without a formal declaration of hostilities) and scaling back the others, Congress still won't find Trump money for any sort of physical barrier on the southern border. Apparently he's trying to be flexible and compromise. 5.6 billion USD was his ask, but he'll take half. A wall would be nice, but he'll take a fence of spiked steel slats.

But such things go against USG principles as Congress imagines them. A physical barrier is impractical when Boeing can sell a "virtual fence" with cameras, drones, and a pricey ongoing maintenance contract.