Jeff Bezos Stops Plans For Second Amazon Headquarters In New York

Amazon, a Jeff Bezos production, announced via the Washington Post, another Jeff Bezos production, that Amazon will not move forwards with developing a second headqueaters in New York City after several grand announcements saying they would (archived). The plan approved by New York governor Cuomo and New York mayor Bill De Blasio would have seen 3 billion USD in tax abatements and other incentives subsidize this tin woman of Jeff's after Jeff ran a national contest soliciting such offers and promises none of these cities would abide the tin woman passing his dick pic around to all her friends that aren't him (archived).

When the plan was announced last year it drew opposition on two fronts:

  1. The state and municipal legislative bodies were outraged that Bill De Blasio's New York could possibily need to pay a business to move there. New York is big! New York was important! Why do they have to now bribe businesses to choose New York over Kansas City?
  2. The people in the neighborhoods grew indignant that money and jobs would follow this development into their neighborhood. Their poor neighborhood would be doomed to GENTRIFY! It would become like all those other neighborhoods they can't afford.

Another Bezos Bezzle Bungle bites the dust.

Clicking On "Terrorist Content" Felonized In Airstrip One

"Royal" assent was given to a "Counter terrorism and border security" bill that purports to make viewing "terrorist content", including this very article, a criminal offense (archived). Per the "law", having clicked on a link to "terrorist" content is sufficient to begin accumulating transgressions against the crown leading up to a hypothetical 15 years in prison.

US Air Force "Intelligence Specialist" Officer's 2013 Defection To Iran Revealed In Indictment

In an unsealed indictment issued by the US District Court in Washington reveals 39 year old Air Force counter intelligence officer Monica Witt defected to Iran taking substantial "US National Security" secrets with her (archived, archived). The long time between the 2013 defection and the 2019 unsealing of the indictment suggests the USG is very reluctant to let the news get out that they are indeed suffering defections despite substantial propaganda trying to sell the US Slave empire as the place to defect to.

Chase Bank Inexplicably Severing Relationship With Fellow Who Happens To Lead Men's Fraternal Organization

Chase Bank sent a letter to Enrique Tarrio stating they would be closing Tarrio's personal bank accounts and severing their relationship on April first (archived). Tarrio happens to be the chairman of the Proud Boys men's fraternal organization. The organization is frequently described by mainstream Pantsuit sources including the "Southern Poverty Law Center" as "White Nationalist" inspite of evidence of embracing men from a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds as evidenced by their chairman Enrique Tarrio being identifiably Latin American through his name and appearance. Chase earlier denied payment processor services to the Proud Boys organization.

The fraternal organization appears to be surviving abandonment by their founder though ultimately their survival will depend on their ability to embrace the outlaw status being forced upon them by the female state.

British Mum Arrested At Home For Gendering Fellow Online

A 38 year old British mother was arrested at home in front of her children before going through the standard British intake procedure surrendering fingerprints, DNA, and a photograph after referring to a man in an online forum by his God given sex and the name his parents gave him (archived). Because the man chooses to larp about the world as a woman, Airstrip One's agents of violence decided her posting was a transgression against the Crown, a Crown which long abdicated its old position of sovereignty over their former colonies' European forward operating base.

In other news, the man who had the entirety of his hand below the wrist taken from him by Macronist forces over the weekend was a plumber (archived).

Pantsuit Government In Virginia Getting Boiled By National Pantsuits Over Having Once Been Young

Last week National Pantsuits lit a fire over some photos in Virginia Governor Ralph Northam's medical school yearbook that depict a party where Northam was wearing or with people wearing traditional regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and despite a big fuss Northam has refused to resign engendering the open hostility of his own party. What follows today is the fire turning to burn Pantsuit Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, who would become Governor if Northam did eventually resign. Old allegations Fairfax misconducted his sex at the 2004 Pantsuit National Convention, where John Kerry of marrying into catsup fortune and fame was coronated to take on George W. Bush, have once again become fresh (archived).

For all of their claimed "wins", the US Pantsuits are without a doubt more resolutely opposed to other factions within their own party than Trump or anyone else. Defections are possible, a purge is probable, but anyone still stuck in the Pantsuit apparatus has well overstayed.

Increased USG Psyops Against Maduro Government Intensify Risk Of Military Confrontation

An alleged Wikipedia edit placing someone not named Maduro as Venezuela's President on Wikipedia lead to numerous stories in English language publications declaring Wikipedia was being blocked in Venezuela. These declarations said connections to Wikipedia were failing due to SSL handshake molesation rather than the more common state actor method of DNS manipulation.

Attempts to verify the block and its implementation with people actually in Venezuela suggest no such thing is happening on a country wide scale if it is had happened at all.

Contacts in Venezuela who offered evidence countering the popular claim of a block on Wikipedia countered with this upcoming Wednesday as the soonest any challenger to the Maduro government is planning to formally  present their challenges his power. In this context the evidence suggests the Wikipedia block story was more likely a USG state department effort to justify "regime change" than an action knowlingly undertaken by the Maduro government.

Persons in Venezuela are advised to maintain high levels of preparedness for US humanitarian missile strikes and intervention within the next 6 months. Persons in the US Navy are advised to maintain very high levels of preparedness for the possibility their ship is sank within the next 6 months.

Following Legalization Canadian Cannabis Activist Entrepreneur Marc Emery Hit With Pantsuit #MeToo Depersoning Attack

Canadian stoner Pantsuits have targeted cannabis legalization activist Marc Emery with a #Metoo depersoning attack now that marijuana is legal is Canada (archived). During his activist career Emery has gone to jail multiple times, been extradited by Canada at the behest of the USG's DEA after which he eventually entered a guilty plea in 2010, and as recently as 2017 Emery's activism lead to a criminal conviction in Canada for openly selling marijuana for a (pre prosecution) profit in his retail stores.

Now that the Pantsuitist goal of marijuana legalization has been achieved in Canada, Emery is being targeted with allegations that he suggested to young women wanting to impose themselves on him with requests for time and access at the very least offer him their sex in exchange for the inconvenience to him.

Given the dismal societal posture under which the alleged behavior could constitute misconduct of any sort, it is likely parties lacking experience in their coveted field are looking to push out one of the few fellows with experience in their coveted field of interest.

Local TV Personalities Can't Stop Making US National News For Saying "Martin Luther Coon"

Two local television news presenters have said "Martin Luther Coon" within less than two weeks making US national headlines in Pantsuit presses for their acts. The first incident on January 9th involved an upstate New York meteorologist who said "Martin Luther Coon King Jr." after which he was fired. In the most recent incident a Saint Louis, Missouri based morning news anchor mentioned an upcoming tribute to "Martin Luther Coon Jr" (archived). This lead to a conversation with station management and allegedly finding racism was not a part of the employee's "core beliefs" and accordingly no plans for additional discipline.

The frequency of this particular slip of the tongue has not lead to Pantsuits looking inward to ask the big question:

What societal factors are making this particular slip of the tongue so common among professionals with every incentive to avoid it?