Virginia Legislature Passes Bill Demanding Destruction Of Lawfully Purchased Property

Virginia's pantsuit government has passed a bill demanding all magazines capable of holding more than 12 rounds of ammunition be destroyed or surrendered to police with the failure to do so classed as a felony (archived). This is just the latest taunt directed at the more than 20,000 armed men who politely demonstrated on the Capitol lawn before leaving in peace. The #Vexit movement that would see most Virginia counties instead hoisting the West Virginia flag is still not being seriously discussed in "mainstream" media outlets as a peaceful resolution to Virginia's current governance crisis.

Kleptocrats In Argentina Target 'Mercado Libre' For Looting

The kleptocrats in Argentina have targeted online flea market Mercado Libre for looting (archived). The nominally Argentine firm, which does the bulk of its business in Brazil and Mexico while maintaining most of its offices in Delaware, is being targeted for its sale of Argentine treasury bills in the aftermath of "PASO" primary results triggering markets to punish Argentine derpery. Because Mercado Libre dumped the treasury bills before Macri gave voters what they wanted in a Peronist turn to keep their payment processing arm solvent, Mercado Libre CEO Marcos Galperin is being charged with "fraud against the state" by the Kleptocracy. Continue reading

Rush Limbaugh Announces Advanced Lung Cancer Diagnosis

Rush Limbaugh announced yesterday during his radio program that he has been diagnosed with an advanced case of lung cancer (archived). Limbaugh rose to prominence during the 1990's attacking Clinton insanity and during the 2016 campaign was one of the few mainstream "conservative" media figures in the US supporting democratically elected US President Donald Trump's "Make Great Again" flavor of populism.

Pantsuits Fuck Their Iowa Caucus, Results Delayed Indefinitely

Last Night's Iowa caucuses delivered a resounding win for incumbent US President Donald Trump on the GOP side, but the other party's results are being delayed indefinitely due to malfunctions (archived). Warnings had been sounded several weeks ago that changes made to the caucus procedure on the Pantsuitist side were setting up a disaster, but "Nobody could have predicted" (archived). Continue reading

Montana GOP Disavows State Senator Over Strong Anti-Socialist Position

Montana State senator Rodney Garcia was allegedly overhead saying "the constitution says to either shoot socialists or put them in jail" this past weekend (archived). GOP party officials were quick to condemn the alleged utterance despite their own professed opposition to socialism, with one saying: Continue reading

US Pantsuits In Disarray After Impeachment Gambit Fails With Iowa Causus Looming

The Pantsuit movement in the US has dealt itself a grave blow as the US Senate denied their efforts to extend trial of the House's impeachment through the introduction of new witnesses and generally re-doing the investigation and indictment process the House rushed through (archived). The weaknesses of the case presented in the House impeachment appears to have only became known to Pantuitist leaders after they had already rushed charges against democratically elected US President Donald Trump through the legislative chamber they control. Continue reading

Increasingly Chinese Berkeley Considering Appeasement By Chiseling Donor Name Off Building

Dean Erwin Chemerinsky (WoT:nonperson), a USG propagandist, has moved to change the name of UC Berkeley's Boalt Hall from that of its current namesake, John Henry Boalt (archived, archived). Elizabeth Boalt, whose husband was John Henry Boalt, an Oakland attorney and veteran of the War of Northern Aggression, donated a sizeable sum to the school after his death in 1901. A work by Mr. Boalt’s titled “The Chinese Question,” had helped serve to stop Chinese colonists, known for their exam taking abilities, from entering the US by bolstering support for the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. Chinese exclusion in the US survived through Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1943 Magnuson Act .

The move comes as the proportion of students with ties to the Communist Party of China exceeds 17% of the 2019 UC Berkeley freshman class, second only to white students whose population declined to 21% (archived).