Trump Deals Blow To International Pantsuit Party With Withdrawal From Paris Accord

US President Donald Trump opened the month of June by taking the United States out of the Paris Honda "Climate" Accord. Absent from the wailing and protest over Trump's decision by the Pantsuit Party and their fake news organs has been any mention of specific terms of the accord being quit. Coverage has been limited to "oh noes, muh environment". Once again while Trump has moved the United States a smidge closer to The Great Again, The Most Serene Republic has already gone further.

Fiat Wraps Up Miserable May As Malaise Reaches New Lows

The period of sustained malaise which hit fiat currencies this year continues to take it's toll with the United States dollar spending much of May under 1/2000th of a Bitcoin. New all time lows for the dollar threatened to cross 1/3000th of a Bitcoin, but they did cross the 1/2800th mark more than doubling the dollar's pre-2017 low mark. At present fiat/Bitcoin interfaces are sitting around a ~1/2200th of a Bitcoin price for the US dollar, a mark unheard of before this May. Sorry for your loss.

USG Stoolie Noriega Dead

United States CIA "School of the Americas" graduate Manuel Noriega died today at age 83. In cooperation with the US Central Intelligence Agency, Noriega seized power in Panama and ran Panama as a successful pharmaceutical business until business disagreements emerged between himself and his one time partners at the CIA.

In consideration of his long service to the CIA's narcobusiness, Noriega was deposed by US military forces in an action condemned by the United Nations General Assembly, and thusly imprisoned for trafficking narcotics with an expired USG.CIA narcotics trafficking license.

Merkel Gets Cocky After Pantsuit Party's Macron Win In France

Weimar leader Angela Merkel is doubling down on zher growing role as the public leader of the International Pantsuit Party's establishment1 while campaigning for re-election as chancellor of the Weimar Republic, by suggesting Europe can no longer depend on America… And by America zhe means Britain… And Poland… And Hungary… And much of the French Population… And any other Europeans who are insufficiently Weimar to be European.

Zher comments on the future of Weimar trailed NATO and G7 meetings where United States President Donald Trump embarrassed the Weimar Europeans for balking on their NATO dues and trying to push for stricter "environmental" rules2 while the de facto German state owned firm Volkswagen faked exhaust emissions with lying software  initially sold as engineering "innovation". The Krauts go to the polls this September.

  1. Longtime Pantsuit Party leader and US President Reject Hillary Rodham-Clinton has meanwhile been relegated to speaking on college campuses about the hallucinatory coping powers offered by Chardonnay.  

  2. i.e. opportunities for the Weimars to gain unfair competitive advantage via fraud  

Still No Consensus Supporting Bitcoin Hardfork – Barry Silbert Pretends Otherwise To His Peril

Barry Silbert's (WOT:nonperson) "Digital Currency Group" announced in a medium post that yet another delusion of consensus arrived in the Bitcoin scaling debate with "A conference sponsored by the Ethereum,1 Dash,2 and Ripple3 scams produces an agreement on how to scale Bitcoin". The post outlined the reasons the conference attendees believe they get to make decisions in Bitcoin, with claims of support for the proposals by:

  • 56 "companies" located in 21 countries4
  • 83.28% of hashing power5
  • 5.1 billion US dollars of monthly on chain transaction volume6
  • 20.5 million Bitcoin wallets 7

A selection of scam artists doing business as "companies" while lacking the charm necessary to fleece the elderly allege they will "provide technical and engineering support to test and support the upgrade software, as well as to assist companies with preparing for the upgrades". Noted names incapable of providing meaningful testing or support such as: the MLM BitClub Network, Ryan X. Charles' paywalled spam reader, and Gavin Assassinsen were offered as options for the forkcurious to seek support from.

  1. Not Bitcoin.  

  2. Not Bitcoin.  

  3. Not Bitcoin.  

  4. For a very loose definition of company.  

  5. Unverified and unimportant  

  6. Volume denoted in wrong units 

  7. Entirely meaningless construction  

Ryan X Charles Goes To Clearance Bin For Latest Spam As Service Offering

Ryan X Charles (WOT:nonperson), finally cognizant that Bitcoin isn't for him has announced he will spam the Litecoin "blockchain" instead, and insists he is really going live this time around the end of the month. Because his target audience has no money, his rationale is that Litecoin is a better choice for the project as it will only cost "a few cents" per transaction providing a lower barrier of entry for his "wide audience" whom he expects to pay to read the same drivel one can find on other outlets for free. He also offered "we like Ethereum too" though that flaming-tire-in-a-shipit was not compatible with his current infrastructure, as testing vaporware on vaporware is hard. X Charles seems confident that pushing another spam as a service offering is needed in the "cryptocurrency space" with his so-called research and development providing more buzzwords.

"Cryptonote" Family Of Altcorns Suffer Infinite Printing Bug

Developers associated with Monero have disclosed a critical bug in the "cryptonote" family of altcorn that "allows for the creation of an unlimited number of coins in a way that is undetectable to an observer unless they know about the fatal flaw and can search for it." The bug was apparently discovered as early as February and secretly patched by the Monero team, having only been revealed now as developers were waiting for the network to update before notifying other affected coins. Monero developers further assured users that the network had never been exploited using the technique, with only Monero, Aeon, Boolberry, and Forknote having applied the patch at this time. The disclosure overview concluded by cautioning anyone from using, trading, exchanging, or running services involving … Bytecoin, DashCoin, or DigitalNote. SFYL and accompanying lulz are expected as a result of these events. (archived)

Careerist US Attorney Prosecutes Private Money For Property Exchange

Acting U.S. Attorney Tom Larson of the Western District of Missouri has prosecuting a case of exchanging money for property as a criminal act. The victim Jason R. Klein plead guilty to running an "illegal currency exchange" that per the prosecution only handled money on one side of the transaction as the other side of the transaction was property. Had the case been prosecuted to a verdict in favor of the prosecution, it would have set a precedent for prosecuting any transactions between private parties.

Tom Larson is a careerist employed by the US Attorney's office for the Western District of Missouri since 1980 before finding himself in this interim leadership position. This is a typical career path of least resistance undertaken by swamp creatures embedded as obstacles to The Great Again.

Fake News On Trump/Russia Hallucination Continues As Trump Bombs Convoy Of Actual Russian Ally Syria

The swamp creatures of the Washington DC establishment have enlisted former FBI director Robert Mueller to serve as a special prosecutor investigating fake news complaints about Russia stealing last year's US election from the pantsuit party candidate. As a consequence, allegations of an actual conspiracy of disloyal wreckers in the GOP1 defecting to the pantsuit party's cause over fake news are circulating. The alleged wreckers suppose the Trumpreich is getting in the way of their agenda and suppose a President Pence just might be more cooperative.2

Meanwhile there has been no prosecuting action directed towards then candidate Barack Hussein Obama's 2008 sabotage of negotiations between the George W. Bush administration and Iran. (archived) The then candidate for president offered the Mullahs a more generous deal than the sitting president would allow, if only they could stall negotiations until his coronation.

Further, the US military operating under orders from the 8 year Trumpreich bombed a convoy belonging to actual Russian ally Syria for violating a conflict de-escalation zone.

  1. The minor US socialist party which Trump saved through ideological alignment with the International Populist Party.  

  2. This is a longshot considering Pence's ideological concordance with Trump.