Tesla Mimicks VW In Own Nitrous Oxide Scandal

Reports are in that Tesla Motors, the explicitly green-washed and implicitly USG-backed electric car company, is struggling to meet California's strict nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions standards (archived). Readers will recall that this is in fact the same air pollutant that embroiled German carmaker Volkswagen in its recent "dieselgate" scandal.

Tesla's egregious emissions appear to be linked to their Fremont, California plant's natural gas incinerator, which is used to burn off 10 million BTU per hour of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by the on-site paint shop, specifically the "truck" shop that is being equipped to produce the muchly delayed Model X gullwinged SUV. This Model X related issue is just the latest in an essentially uninterrupted series of problems for the luxury carmaker from its inception through to present day.

Not that potential buyers, nor those already on the waiting list, need fret too much, their ZiL Tesla will arrive eventually, they just might have to be a bit more patient.

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