Tensions Rise This Week As Fake News Media Badgers God Emperors

The fake news media has spent this past week stoking tensions between the God Emperors Kim Jung Un of the Democratic People's Republic of Best Korea and Donald Trump of the United States. Where Trump's predecessors Clinton I, Bush II, and the Manchurian Candidate have responded to routine North Korean diplomatic missives by becoming the Kim Family regime's weird girlfriend, Trump instead responded with 14 words:1

They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.

The fake news media has responded to the co-existence of God Emperor of Best Korea Kim and God Emperor of the United States2 Trump by suddenly going back and reporting on all of the progress North Korea has made in the field of nuclear weapons since they successfully detonated their first during the Bush II presidency. Progress made by Best Korea on warhead miniaturization and missile embiggenation over a decade during the Manchurian Candidate's 8 years as president has been dumped in to the US popular news cycle all at once.

There is substantial uncertainty in how the clash of the God Emperors will resolve. The Democratic People's Republic of Best Korea's Kim, enabled by the Manchurian Candidate's tenure as President of the United States of Best Korea, now actually has the nuclear deterrent that Saddam, Ghaddafi, and other members of the international community targeted for Arkencide by Hillary Rodham-Clinton lacked.

With the non-zero chance "nuclear deterrent" theory gets put to the test, it may be prudent to stockpile enough NAND flash memory to satisfy anticipated needs for quite some time, as most of it is produced within range of Best Korea's conventional artillery batteries.

  1. These are not to be confused with those other 14 words:

    We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.


  2. The abbreviation GEOTUS is gaining traction in mass market publications.  

Oregon School Board Erasing Donor Family Name From Buildings

A school board removed the name of the Lynch family from a number of schools established on land donated for their construction by the same family (archived). The school board in the case cites "racial insensitivity" as their justification for stealing the Family's history and instead crediting the schools establishment entirely to the kleptocratic embrace of herdemocracy.

Deposed socialist former US dictator Hussein Bahamas has yet offer amends for the his racial insensitivity in appointing a woman named Lynch to head Federal "law enforcement" during his reign of terror which was characterized by endemic extrajudicial killings.

Bitcoin Network Mining Diffficulty Up ~7.32% To Another All Time High In First Adjustment After Roger Ver-ified Fork

Mining difficulty on the Bitcoin network has increased from 860221984436.22229004 to 923233068448.90527344 for an increase of approximately 7.32 percent to a new all time high. In this adjustment period a hard forked altcoin separated from the Bitcoin network to zero meaningfully apparent impact on Bitcoin mining, a 7-ish percent increase of mining difficulty to a new all time high is a very typical . Meanwhile, the altcoin is wrestling with its own precarious difficulty situation.

Y Combinator Startups Begin Overt Political Discrimination

News is emerging that Y Combinator darling Airbnb has begun firing customers for supporting particular political creeds. In typically SillyCon Valley hypocritical fashion, the leftist provacateurs masquerading as a "business startup" are pointing to their "Community Commitment"1 which demands the platform's users

accept people regardless of race, religion, national origin and other identifiers

Despite this Airbnb refused to eat their own dogfood when they cancelled the accounts of a number of individuals affiliated with groups professing conservative political and religious creeds attending a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. In doing so Airbnb not only denied these activists the opportunity to use their platform on a systematically discriminatory basis, they denied the booked "hosts" the opportunity to collect revenue on their investment properties.

At this point there is little room to doubt that the VC circus in SillyCon Valley is far more concerned with reinventing new bureaucracies than engaging in business of any sort. Where before the circus freaks settled for covert political manipulation of their platforms, they have now become either bold or desperate enough to act overtly on their ideology of hate.

  1. How many "Community Commitments" and other unread obligations have you personally clicked through just because you wanted to try some "hot" new "service" in the sharing (a.k.a. poverty) economy?   

Silbert's November Hardfork Plan Faces Newly Wary Derps, Thanks Roger Ver

With Roger Ver's hard fork now solidly mired in the early stages of altcoin woes, attention has turned to Barry Silbert's (WoT:nonperson) proposed hard fork away from Bitcoin and musings on whether Silbert and his allies will jump to the same fate. Firms associated with Barry's fiatist "Digital Currency Group" create an impression of widespread "business" support Ver's initiative lacked, but Silbert's social engineering coup is still no less a fringe effort promoted by a minor player in the Bitcoin economy.

The the much beleaguered Coindesk, social engineering workhorse of Silbert's collection,1 appears to have a few lonely months ahead working the social engineering grind.

The Bitcoin Foundation, stewards of the reference Bitcoin implementation, have rightly refused to acknowledge Silbert's attack on Bitcoin as anything else. Meanwhile the power rangers developing the popular "Bitcoin Core" fork of the reference implementation are trying to minimize the disturbance SilbertCoin will afflict their users with, and in spite of the woe's of Vercoin, a certain kind of derp dressed as developer is likely to continue burning their time on that forked altcoin.

We are Barry Silbert for your loss.

  1. This is distinct from actual news media.  

Legacy Senate GOP Leader To America: "At Least Hillary Clinton Isn't President"

The leader of the legacy Senate GOP, Mitch McConnell, is trying to console America in the wake of his Senate's failure to get on the Trump train by offering "At least Hillary Clinton isn't president". This comes as McConnell allowed his Senate, which pretends to share a political party with the President, to meet "Pro Forma" through their August recess denying elected President Donald Trump the ability to fill vacancies through uncontested 'recess appointments'. The 2018 Midterm election is only 15 months away, tick tock.

Pantsuit West Virginia Governor Defects To Join Trump

During a rally celebrating United States President Donald Trump in West Virginia, the state's governor Jim Justice announced he would be leaving the pantsuit party and joining Trump's political movement. This leaves Senator Joe Manchin the only pantsuit aligned politician holding a West Virginia wide political office, and his seat in the US Senate is up for election in 2018. Traditionally West Virginia has been a "blue" pantsuit aligned state.

Roger Ver-ified Fork Finally Mines A Block

The pool ViaBTC, after mining Bitcoin, finally got around to mining a block on their forked altcoin chain at height 478559 on the forked chain. This occurred roughly six hours after Bitcoin block 478558 was mined and built upon. Each new block that trickles out of this chain creates opportunities for Bitcoin balances to be split and markets to work their, in this case slow, magic.

There's plenty of time for popcorn.

Roger Ver-ified Fork Fails To Mine Block In Four Hours And Counting, Exchange Rate Low

Summer of forks lulz have hit an inflection point today, with the "Bitcoin Cash" (abbreviated BCC, BCH, and SFYL ) altcoin breaking away from actual Bitcoin. ViaBTC mining pool, the biggest proponent of the split, mined the first Bitcoin block, 478559, following the fork which was promptly rejected by "Bitcoin Cash" nodes. At the time of the writing of this article – nearly 4 hours into the split – BCH miners have failed to find a single block on their own chain. Trading on ViaBTC exchange was slightly above 5,000 BTC and price hovered at 0.109 BTC per coin.