The fake news media has spent this past week stoking tensions between the God Emperors Kim Jung Un of the Democratic People's Republic of Best Korea and Donald Trump of the United States. Where Trump's predecessors Clinton I, Bush II, and the Manchurian Candidate have responded to routine North Korean diplomatic missives by becoming the Kim Family regime's weird girlfriend, Trump instead responded with 14 words:1
They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.
The fake news media has responded to the co-existence of God Emperor of Best Korea Kim and God Emperor of the United States2 Trump by suddenly going back and reporting on all of the progress North Korea has made in the field of nuclear weapons since they successfully detonated their first during the Bush II presidency. Progress made by Best Korea on warhead miniaturization and missile embiggenation over a decade during the Manchurian Candidate's 8 years as president has been dumped in to the US popular news cycle all at once.
There is substantial uncertainty in how the clash of the God Emperors will resolve. The Democratic People's Republic of Best Korea's Kim, enabled by the Manchurian Candidate's tenure as President of the United States of Best Korea, now actually has the nuclear deterrent that Saddam, Ghaddafi, and other members of the international community targeted for Arkencide by Hillary Rodham-Clinton lacked.
With the non-zero chance "nuclear deterrent" theory gets put to the test, it may be prudent to stockpile enough NAND flash memory to satisfy anticipated needs for quite some time, as most of it is produced within range of Best Korea's conventional artillery batteries.