Ferguson, the majority black suburb of Saint Louis, Missouri has re-elected white man James Knowles III to a third term as mayor. Knowles was challenged by black woman and former Mary Kay sales professional Ella Jones who ran on a "Black Lives Matter" platform in the city where Knowles response to black civil unrest is alleged to have sparked the "Black Lives Matter" movement. Since the August 2014 shooting which was latched on to by the Fake News media who canonized the late Michael Brown as a saint, black lives have not seemed to particularly increase in significance among the local community. Two thirds of Ferguson's population is black and Knowles was re-elected by 56 percent of the ballots cast in the election.
Category Archives: Africa
US Securities Regulator Denies Another "Paper Bitcoin" Trading Instrument
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (WOT:unpersons) has denied a petition by a venture calling itself "SolidX" (WOT:nonpersons) to trade a paper security simulating Bitcoin on US markets. This follows the same group's denial of a similar petition by the Winkelvii (WOT:unregistered eukaryote) to list a paper simulated Bitcoin instrument. Sorry for your laws.
Arkansas Facing Shortage Of Snuff Fans To Watch Executions
The US state of Arkansas is facing difficulties finding the required amount of citizen witnesses for a marathon execution session next month. State law requires that the prison director procure no fewer than six and no more than 12 citizen witnesses for each execution, and witnesses must not have a felony criminal record or be related to the condemned, evidently a problem in R-Kansas. Officials plan to perform 2 executions at a time over a 10-day period, which has prompting the condemneds' attorneys to file a petition with the U.S. Supreme court to reconsider their cases. "Executing eight men in ten days is far outside the bounds of what contemporary society finds acceptable," the petition read, and one attorney believes this is the reason why finding volunteer witnesses is proving to be a challenge. Arkansas has not performed any executions since November of 2005 following pseudo legal circlejerks over midazolam, which allegedly does not completely induce unconsciousness and allows condemned to suffer their condemnation.
Clark County Nevada Commits Three Quarter Billion In Taxpayer dollars To Stadium
Tax payers in Clark County, Nevada will be spending three quarter of a billion dollars to build a stadium following a string of questionable decisions by their elected officials. The new stadium will serve as the home of the NFL's "Raiders" football team allowing the team to flee their current residence in Oakland, California. In a typical year the team will play 8 football games at the stadium.
Fake News Interest In Jewish Center Safety Drops Precipitously After Arrest Of Second Suspect
When threats to Jewish community centers continued after the arrest of leftist fake newsman Juan Thompson, the fake news media drummed up fear of a fake white supremacist bogeyman behind continued threats. A second arrest however has entirely killed leftist enthusiasm for continuing to cover the subject. A young Israeli Jew was arrested earlier this week for what appears to be making all of the threats not made by Juan Thompson. On the day of the arrest a token amount coverage was given to the public defender assigned to the suspect. Notably, the court appointed attorney is arguing the arrested party is not criminally culpable due to mental defect.
Instead the fake news media has redirected their effort into doubling down on their assertion that "America First" is a Russian slogan that supports German National Socialism. This continues showing how the Fake News media is hopelessly disconnected from the reality of how little America, particularly white America, cares about Jews and other minorities.1
And forgetting that there are attitudes far less friendly than indifference. ↩
Shinohai's Shitcoin Roundup Xtend: BTU Breakage Heat, Zcash Instamine Lulz, And More
The "Bitcoin Unlimited" development team will be releasing their token, $BTU, on April Fool's day of this year in what will surely be hailed as one of the most fitting release dates for a team ever. Unlimited node count dropped significantly this week after the discovery of a remote crash vulnerability. Core developer Greg Maxwell stated on reddit earlier this week that “There are vulnerabilities in Unlimited which have been privately reported to you in Unlimited by Bitcoin Core folks which you have not acted on, sadly. More severe than this one, in fact.” which should ensure a steady supply of lulz in the weeks to come.
Zcash's Zooko, deciding his coin doesn't have a scammy enough image, announced this week the formation of `The Zcash foundation` which will supposedly "promote a healthy and diverse zcash community" Zooko stated he will fund the foundation with half of his "founders reward" instamine, the total amounting to 273,000 coins currently worth $13 million USD at current trade prices. Matthew Green, assistant professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins University, is reputed to be one of the foundation members, which the group hopes will add an air of legitimacy to the scheme.
A new type of ransomware, dubbed "Kirk", has surfaced in various corners of the internet demanding payment via Monero instead of Bitcoin.
Never missing an opportunity to hard fork their flaming-tire-in-a-shitpit, the Ethereum development team announced that their latest fork, codenamed "Metropolis" is now back on their roadmap after being forced to postpone the "improvements" due to The DAO hack
Middlebury Madness Update: Leftist Professor Attacked By Leftist Agitators Hospitalized
Middlebury College Professor Allison Stranger1 has returned to the hospital for treatment related to head and neck injuries sustained escorting a guest speaker through a dangerous crowd of her own fellow leftist Middlebury College students. The professor's husband informed the campus "community" that her classes and office hours would be cancelled while she receives treatment for a potential concussion missed during her initial hospitalization.
Russell J. Leng '60 Professor of International Politics and Economics ↩
While Leftists Mourn Preet Legacy USG Continues Thrashing
With Trump firing Preet Bharara after the bureaucrat refused resignation, the fake news media has continued to stretch their mourning for the fake justice crusader's dead career. Preet is likely to lose his position as a focal point of mourning when Trump's budget proposal is revealed later this week.
Other USG swamp relics, this time at the Securities and Exchange commission disapproved a paper Bitcoin instrument which would have allowed certain kinds of restricted US dollars to simulate buying into Bitcoin. The agency's rationale for rejection was that the United States had failed to undermine and capture the Bitcoin market as they had gold. After a few moments of bullish volatility for the US dollar, the altcurrency fell back into it's recent stable groove of 1/1200th to 1/1300th of a Bitcoin.
Wikileaks Hands Elected Trump US Government Weapon To Gut Careerist 'Deep State' US Government
Today Wikileaks dumped a collection of CIA material focused on the agency's activities during Hussein Bahamas second term.1 Aside from the revelation that during this period the CIA created its own, less accountable version of the NSA; the agency apparently lost exclusive control over the apparatus near the end on the Hussein Bahamas administration.
The opportune timing of this Wikileak presents Trump with the prefect pretext for draining the careerist swamp at the CIA.2 This is bullish for plumbers.
The password to decrypt the archive: SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds ↩
Brave folks passing by Langley, Virginia should be on the lookout for new dykes, dams, windmills, and weirs in the area. ↩
The Californian Dilemma Approaching Peak LOL
The People's Republic of KKKalifornia has found itself in a pickle. While KKKalifornia is actively seeking to secede from the United States because of President Trump's election, KKKalifornia's government is desperately pleading for certain portions of the Trump agenda to be enacted. Namely KKKalifornia wants the portion of The Great Again that involves rebuilding America's infrastructure as the Cali bois who have neglected their home into ruin reject the rest of The Great Again. The arid desert territory's roads are buckling, dams are failing, and the recent, rare deluge which filled their reservoirs is set to break even more of their stuff when the soil dries.
With one hand KKKalifornia neglects its infrastructure while devoting effort to legislating cow flatulence.1 KKKalifornia's crisis is that if one wants a part of The Great Again, one has to accept all of The Great Again. Can KKKalifornia summon the honesty necessary to make amends with Trump and America, or is The Great Again going to pass the once Golden State on by?
And further exports alfalfa to China while pleading thirst. ↩