German Police Capture 89 Year Old WWII Surviving Political Dissident

Police in Germany have captured the 89 year old Grandmother and political dissent whom Mother Merkel's courts had sentenced to spend the rest of her effective life in prison (archived). The International Auschwitz Committee's hopes have indeed been realized as this octagenarian either dies in prison or is released as a nonagenarian.

While Merkel's Germany expends precious resources incarcerating the elderly, actual violent anti Jewish action growing within German borders comes from a different democraphic.

German Police Hunting 89 Year Old Civilian WWII Survivor

Ursula Haverbeck, an 89 year old survivor of the second World War, is being pursued by German Police and a group calling itself "The International Auschwitz Committee" (archived). Haverbeck, who was 16 years old in 1945, was sentenced to 2 years in prison for disputing the official Holocaust narrative. In light of her advanced age, any prison sentence is likely to be a life sentence.

While actual violence against Jews is increasing in Germany an awful lot of efforts seems to be wasted trying to ensure a non-violent political activist dies in jail.

Wife Initiated Pantsuit Code Of Conduct Hypocrisy Leads To LLVM Developer Departure

LLVM developer Rafael Avila de Espindola has quit the project after the "community" adopted a regressive code of conduct and promptly began partnering with discriminatory1 organizations in violation of that same code of conduct (archived). A fellow LLVM contributor recognizing the hypocrisy offered:

What kind of idiot thinks hundreds of millions of highly diverse people (ethnically, religiously, culturally) can all be unfairly privileged at once? There's something disgustingly racist about the idea that white people are so awesome as to never have conflicts with each other.

Mealy mouthed LLVM creator Chris Lattner offered the following in defense of his wife's decision to have the LLVM Foundation partner with an organization openly discriminating against Whites and Asians:

I am definitely sad to lose Rafael from the LLVM project, but it is critical to the long term health of the project that we preserve an inclusive community.

  1. The cited organization denies opportunities to North American Whites and Asians and denies opportunities to normal-gendered men internationally.  

Small Town School Board Faces Heat Over "Inaccessible" Second Floor Locker Room

The O'fallon, Illinois schoolboard faces the prospect of being compelled to either build an elevator or tear down an outbuilding attached to their baseball field (archived). The problem according to higher pantsuits is that an originally unfinished space behind the structure's press booth was converted into a locker room for student athletes on the school's baseball team without any provision for accessibility by wheelchair users to the locker room.

Pantsuit Media Mocks Reality Of Prison Sexual Violence Against Men

Pantsuit media outlets today are trivializing the reality of rape in the US prison system to win a petty political point (archived). Former Trump Attorney Jay Goldberg in a CNN interview made an accurate assessment of a major driving factor in the number of pleas produced by the Pantsuit injustice system:

I do think so. I think in many ways, and it’s difficult to say this, prison has a racial overtone. And a person like Michael doesn’t see himself walking down Broadway while people are clamoring, ‘you’re going to be my wife.’ And so he’s under pressure from his family to try to figure out what it would take to bring the government aboard as his sponsor.

For all the Pantsuit concern about imagined sexual violence, black supremacist and racially motivated sexual slavery of white and jewish men is the reality of the US prison system (archived), and it is a substantial form of inhuman leverage used by Pantsuit prosecutors pursing extrajudicial "admissions" of guilt.

USG.MIL Pursues Single Provider "Cloud" Computing Contract

Substantial butthurt is coming out of the USG Department of bagholding as the US Department of Defense looks to award a 10 year single provider "cloud" computing contract (archived). The feedbeasts marketing commercial "cloud" computes are already crying foul that only one of them will get chosen for the priviledge of serving the most gullible customer in history.

Russian Air Defense Hardware Getting Pretty Good At Intercepting US Missiles

Overnight the US, Airstrip One, and France launched missile strikes against Syria which were condemned by both the Russians and Chinese. Out of 103 missiles launched, 71 were reportedly intercepted leaving 32 to strike targets. This move comes 373 days after Trump last directed US cruise missiles towards a Syrian airbase's pussy. Syria and Russia are reporting that this attack was "absorbed" with personel having been withdrawn from the target sites days in advance while the US insists no warning of the attack was offered.

Alleged Chemical Attack In Syria Follows Trump Talk About Leaving Syria

In recent weeks since the Syrian War has started heating up, US President Donald Trump has begun stating his intent to remove the United States from that conflict in the very near future. However opposition linked "white helmets" were conveniently on hand in Douma to document a chemical weapons attack which hit concealed bomb shelters housing women and children. Assad's forces had nearly gained complete control of the region at the time of the attack. This leaves the question of who had a motive very open.

More Than A Week After Ransomware Strike US Municipality Remains Crippled

Stories leaking out of Atlanta suggest that the local government is still crippled more than a week after succumbing to ransomware (archived). Ransomware has been a common part of the internet landscape since spring 2013 yet large organizations in the United States remain woefully unequipped to survive.

Gold Diggers Take Grace Mugabe's Farm As Precedent Of Uncompensated Land Seizure Turns on The Mugabes

Reports out of the former Rhodesia indicate that recently deposed first lady Grace Mugabe's farm has a pest control problem with numerous orchards and fields uprooted by goldminers (archived). Mugabe and her husband's regime oversaw the uncompensated seizure of land including the farm currently occupied by an estimated 400 gold diggers from white farmers.