The Dog Has Been Wagged: Trump Fires 60 Cruise Missiles Into Syrian Airfield's Pussy

US President Donald Trump has taken up the mantle of "warrior for babies" following an alleged sarin gas attack.1 In keeping with his announced deviation from the Hussein Bahamas era policy of announcing military strikes months in advance, Donald Trump ordered the launch of 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles straight into the pussy of a Syrian air base near Homs.

The USS Porter and USS Ross which launched the missiles appear to still be floating suggesting the ongoing Trump led populist regime change in the United States has placed limits on Russia's support for Syrian President Assad. It remains to be seen whether this event leads to US-Russian cooperation on the path towards "Make World Great Again", or if this leads to the abortion of ongoing efforts to summon The Great Again with Trump succumbing to Clintonism. Pence in our time.

  1. Potentially a convential attack on chemical munitions storage that lead to a containment breach. Media reports are conflicting on the nature of the event. 

2 thoughts on “The Dog Has Been Wagged: Trump Fires 60 Cruise Missiles Into Syrian Airfield's Pussy

  1. Does Qntra think the "chemical attack" is Real News?

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