RBG Black Rebel Sanctioned Further As Police Apparently Fear Mysterious Organization

Alleged Rebel But Gangster Black Rebels member Justin Payne faces further sanctions after police allege a tweet was sent from one of his old alleged twitter accounts. The tweets reportedly alleged that police and the FBI set Payne up, expressed remorse that alleged Dallas police shooter Micah Johnson was killed in a drone strike, and further suggested that Micah Johnson was a Rebel But Gangster Black Rebel. Payne was hit with six months of house arrest and intensified monitoring of his computer and cellular phone use. Payne waived his opportunity to challenge this restrictions in a hearing though Payne has not admitted authorship of the tweets.

This development raises serious questions about the Rebel But Gangster Black Rebels including:

  1. Why does this organization alleged to have a national presence only appear in a local newspaper.
  2. Where does this organization fall on the "law enforcement" threat radar? Somewhere around ISIS or somewhere around Trendon Shavers?
  3. Is the whole Rebel But Gangster Black Rebels just one of those entrapment things law enforcement sets up to create terrorists, except this one outgrew their sandbox?

Peace in our time.

Africa Travel Entrepreneur Arrested

Cameroon national Eric Donys Simeu (WOT:nonperson) has been charged with conspiracy, wire fraud, computer fraud and access device fraud by US Authorities after being arrested in France for his role in an airline ticket scam. Simeu used phishing emails and social engineering techniques to persuade employees of Global Distribution Systems to hand over their login details. He then used this information to issue tickets at will, selling them for cash or using them for personal travel, eventually raking in almost $2 million USD. Simeu was arrested while using one of his fake tickets to travel from Morocco to Paris using a fraudulent UK passport in 2014, and was only extradited to U.S. last week.

Ken Starr (WOT:nonperson) Changes Tune On Clintons AND Sex Scandal Cover Ups

Kenneth Starr (WOT:nonperson) former Solicitor General, former Independent Counsel, and most recently former President of Baylor University has apparently changed his tune on the subject of sex scandals as well as on the subject of Clintons. Starr was fired from his position at Baylor University for facilitating a sex scandal involving the Baylor football team and criminal convictions for sexual assualt and coincidental with his firing, Starr began heaping praise upon America's first black president William Jefferson Clinton. This is an odd turn because Starr spent most of the 1990's prosecuting Bill Clinton for covering up his many sex scandals including President Clinton's alleged criminal sexual assault of Paula Jones.

Bill and Hilary Clinton sent their public relations enforcer, the snake headed queen bitch James Carville, on an extended campaign of character assassination against Starr which continued well after Clinton was impeached and left the White House in shame at the end of his final term. Apparently Starr's own recent ordeal assisting in covering up a sex scandal helped him to empathize with the Clinton way of life. Peace in our time.

Qntra Correspondent Infiltrates Trump-Clinton Luncheon

Social Engineering mortarArriving at the Hyatt Regency Airport Hotel via UberX at roughly 8:00 AM I was quickly cleared by hotel staff to cross the police line around the hotel and enter into the main lobby. The California Republican Convention was kicking off here today, and "TRUS-TED" (dash added) posters plastered all walls, along with an occasional Kasich poster. After waiting in three different lines, I obtained a lanyard and Donald Trump-Clinton luncheon ticket and immediately began waiting in another much longer line to be cleared by a Secret Service agent. Continue reading

Journalist Sentenced Under US Hacking Laws

Journalist Matthew Keys was sentenced to 24 months in prison by United States district judge Kimberly J. Mueller for allegedly turning over a username and password to television station KTXL Fox 40's web content management system. Prosecutors alleged that Keys did this in order to damage his former employer further alleging that Keys turned over the credentials to a fictitious hacker collective called 'Anonymous' and told them to have fun. Keys insists that the overzealous prosecution of the act, one that if he did it could barely be classed as criminal, has been carried out as retaliation for his refusal to abuse his position as a journalist in order to assist the FBI. The minutes of Key's sentencing are presented below: Continue reading

Woe: Getting Business Internet A Challenge In Heart Of Silicon Valley

Today Condé Nast published a piece on the struggles of Silicon Valley start up SmartCar and its neighbors in their attempt to get serviceable business internet connectivity to their offices in Mountain View, California. In the town where Google keeps its headquarters, ventures in SmartCar's chosen building were made to suffer slow AT&T DSL connections as the only provider offering a contemporary standard of connectivity to their location didn't actually serve their building. The infrastructure simply isn't there. Despite all the pretense that Silicon Valley and California are places operating on some higher form of civilization, it really is just Africa all the way down.

Point: Washington Thugs Testing GM Mosquitos

This Editor in Chief has filed an Op-Ed in response to piece of news.

The assembly of hoodrats headed by Hussein Bahamas in Washington D.C. requests public comment regarding a field trial of genetically modified mosquitoes (archived) in Key Haven, Florida. Such trials have already been conducted in Brazil, the Cayman Islands, Panama, and Malaysia. The variation of Aedes aegypti engineered by Oxitec, Ltd. (archived) is supposed to breed with existing populations, and pass on a fatal alteration its genetic code. Notably this fatal alteration merely has a suppressive effect on populations creating a need to continually shell out for more bezzle bugs. Continue reading