Oppression In Spain: Heavy Handed Madrid Government Suppressing Catalan Independence Referendum

The Madrid government has arrested numerous local leaders, seized voting materials, usurped local police command, and undertaken a campaign of censorship in an effort to stop a referendum from happening (archived). On September 27th, 2015 the government of the nominally autonomous region of Catalonia announced its intent to pursue a peaceful secession from the Madrid government and become an independent republic. Towards this cause they scheduled a referendum on independence for October 1st of this year.

As is typical of other contemporary European secession movements, there is substantial resentment that the self declared supranational government in Madrid is burdening the Catalan nation with the woe demanded by the failing two headed EU Reich centered in Berlin and Brussels. Apparently the level of resentment has hit a point where Angela Merkel's puppets in Madrid are seeking to prevent a vote they are sure to lose for the sake of preserving "Our Democracy".

Russia Erupts In Nazi Rifle Monument Scandal

A scandal has emerged in Russia after visitors to a new monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov noticed the monument featured a plaque engraved with the blueprints for a Nazi rifle (archived). The engraved schematics featured the German Sturmgewehr 44 which predates any alternative assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov which could have been featured on the Russian military monument. The director of the Russian Mulitary Historical Society (RVIO) offered:

following the sculptor’s blunder everybody can see the StG and Kalashnikov are two different weapons.

St Louis Aldermen Pass Resolution Honoring Late Heroin Trafficker

Today the Saint Louis, Missouri board of Aldermen unanimously passed a resolution honoring the life of slain Heroin dealer Anthony Lamar Smith. Smith died following a high speed police chase which ended when he menaced a beat cop by flashing his firearm, an action which lead to the heroin dealer's slaying in an act that was found at trial to not have been murder. Smith's slaying was unremarkable until the Ferguson riots which followed the self defense killing of Michael Brown Jr. emboldened hate groups to perpetuate terror under the names of increasingly less sympathetic figures.

The terrorists campaigning to maximize their economic damage to Saint Louis have begun undertaking actions outside the city of Saint Louis, with action planned in Belleville over the coming weekend. An action in Belleville would be the second on the Illinois side of the river, following this past weekend's still unsolved casino robbery.

Heroin and other opiate drug overdoses are the leading cause of death among white Americans under 50. The Aldermanic resolution honoring the deceased anti-white race warrior is presented in full below: Continue reading

Trump Offers Earthquake Aid To Mexico After Mexico Renegs on Hurricane Aid To Texas; Terrorist Assault On Saint Louis Continues

Elected United States President Donald Trump promised aid to Mexico as the country recovers from a series of earthquakes. This compassionate gesture comes in spite on Enrique Pena Nieto's government in Mexico reneging on a promise to deliver disaster relief aid and assistance to Texas following hurricane related flooding, because the first earthquake following that promise made keeping it inconvenient.

Meanwhile civil disorder in Saint Louis continues as terrorists escalate their attacks on local, predominately minority owned businesses following a former police officer's murder acquittal in the shooting death of a heroin dealer. Aside from the single unsolved casino robbery, the terrorist's assault on the city continues to be split into "peaceful" obstruction of vehicular traffic on major thoroughfares during daylight hours and vandalism of commercial property at night.

One of the many grievances being aired by the terrorists crying injustice is that "No one wants to bring good any jobs to the city."

Latest Bitcoin Network Difficulty Adjustment: Up ~19.58 Percent To New All Time High As Chicoms Push Out Local fiat/Bitcoin Trading Interfaces

Mining difficulty on the Bitcoin network skyrocketed nearly twenty  percentage points to 1103400932964.29248047 from 922724699725.96276855 to a new all time high.

While mining difficulty sits at an all time high, the price of Bitcoin reported by fiat/Bitcoin interfaces is sitting roughly twenty percent below the most recent all time high established near the beginning of this month. The United States dollar recovered a small bit of ground against Bitcoin when the racist government of the People's Republic of China decided to ban trading on their local fiat/Bitcoin interfaces. This move by the Chicoms was followed by the a constant stream of "Bitcoin is valueless" editorials in the legacy USian "financial" fake news press.

Actual Headlines Found On Mainstream "Fake News" Publications

The following headlines were found on mainstream 'Fake News' outlets:

  • "Woman complains Hobby Lobby’s raw cotton decor is racially insensitive "
  • "Toys R Us might file for bankruptcy right before everyone starts holiday shopping"
  • "St. Louis police investigate claim that officer called Black Lives Matter ‘domestic terrorists’"
  • "St. Louis seeks a new police chief; some chanting required"
  • "Armed LGBT student shot dead by Georgia police"
  • "Family Wants Answers After Georgia Tech Police Kill LGBTQ Campus Leader"
  • "Hundreds of Rohingya Villages in Flames"

Casino Robbed Amid Civil Disorder In St Louis

Three men armed with rifles robbed the cashier's cage at the Casino Queen in East Saint Louis, Illinois early Sunday morning1 while civil disorder continues on the other side of the river in Saint Louis, Missouri. One unarmed casino guard was shot, no patrons were injured, and no suspects have been arrested.

The casino is set to re-open at 8 am local time Monday.

  1. The Illinois State Police report ~2:50 am local time  

Illinois Government Places Unfunded Menstrual Mandate On Local Schools

The failed state of Illinois has passed a law mandating that local schools must now supply free "feminine hygiene products" in bathrooms beginning January 1st, 2018. Apparently none of the 32% personal income tax increase can be spared to fund this mandate, as the bulk of it is going to municipal pensions in Chicago rather than any sort of service.

Media And Clergy Orchestrated Civil Disorder Erupts In Downtown St Louis After Acquittal

Escalating civil disorder has gripped downtown Saint Louis after a former police officer was acquitted of murder in the December 2011 shooting death of Anthony Lamar Smith which followed a high speed chase. Interest the case was drummed up by the local Fake News media and activist clergy members aligned with Black Lives Matter following the outrage they were able to bake in Ferguson, Missouri. Many local businesses have released their employees evacuate the city while local schools have dismissed classes early in order to allow their students to serve as footsoldiers in the disorder of Pantsuit making.

The accused officer was acquitted in a bench trial where the Judge concurred with the initial investigation of the shooting, that the evidence to justify a murder conviction was not there.

At present masses of protesters have obstructed a number of surface streets. It is probable that police lines containing the protesters may be breeched breached in time to conveniently allow the protesters to obscure Interstate 64 and other freeways just in time for the evening commute. The dominant sentiment among locals questioned about their feeling on the emergent disorder is "Really, again?"