One Oregon Liberator Pleas To Impeding Federal Officers

Militia liberator Corey Lequieu entered a guilty plea in a Portland courtroom Thursday to charge of "impeding officers of the United States" for not going away when servants of the criminal gang in Washington, DC told him to. Prosecutors agreed to drop two weapons charges and not seek additional felony charges in Nevada or Oregon as part of "the deal." Rámon Pagán, Lequieu's defense attorney was quick to note that while he accepted a plea bargain his client has not cooperated with the government and had no intention to testify or assist them further in any way. It is rather surprising the "Justice" department's Roland Frieselers haven't brought him up on more charges of "impeding", an act that rather than being criminal ought to be expected of every citizen as part of his duty to his country. He is scheduled to be sentenced on August 25 in federal court by U.S. District Court Judge Anna Brown. No cases of Ferguson, Baltimore, Sanders, or Mizzou protestors charged with "impeding" have been found yet, though one Ferguson protester leader was charged with child sex trafficking yesterday.

Hoaxtoshi Continues Swindling Media

Craig Steven Wright (WOT: nonperson) has reportedly hosted an event with reporters from various fiat media outlets where he faked signing a string with an early coinbase transaction in order to be declared actual Satoshi. For this ruse Hoaxtoshi took an existing transaction signed by the key credited in the block 9 coinbase transaction and acted as though he was signing at the event even though the signature had been actually produced long ago by the key's actual owner. Because of the positions the low quality rubes Hoaxtoshi selected for his audience hold in the fiat media order there are declarations that Hoaxtoshi is the actual Satoshi appearing in various news syndication channels including the BBC and CBS radio. These rubes were very understanding of the fact that Hoaxtoshi apparently couldn't actually move any coins because "the trust actually owns them"(TM)(R).

Qntra Correspondent Infiltrates Trump-Clinton Luncheon

Social Engineering mortarArriving at the Hyatt Regency Airport Hotel via UberX at roughly 8:00 AM I was quickly cleared by hotel staff to cross the police line around the hotel and enter into the main lobby. The California Republican Convention was kicking off here today, and "TRUS-TED" (dash added) posters plastered all walls, along with an occasional Kasich poster. After waiting in three different lines, I obtained a lanyard and Donald Trump-Clinton luncheon ticket and immediately began waiting in another much longer line to be cleared by a Secret Service agent. Continue reading

Politically Inclined Serial Child Molester Gets 15 Months In Prison

Former United States Speaker of the House and second in the line of succession for the Presidency Dennis Hastert admitted during a sentencing hearing today that as a wrestling coach he would molest grappling students that he found in the locker room alone. In the time since Hastert left coaching high school grappling he went on to have a second career in politics reaching one of the highest elected offices in the criminal gang based in Washington DC which professes to govern the United States. One grappler upon whom Hastert lewdly imposed his sexual will in the locker room is now reportedly a successful banking executive in his fifties while another died from AIDS during the 1990's. Hastert's 15 month sentence is more than twice the six month sentence recommended by federal prosecutors and far less than Ross Ulbricht's life sentence and 183,961,921 United States dollar fine for trying to do the tech startup thing. The former locker room predator arrived in a wheel chair having become elderly and suffering a stroke in the decades after moving on from the job which allowed him to hunt strapping young men.

It is unknown how many children recent house speakers Newt Gingrich, Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, or current speaker Paul Ryan may have molested.

US Appeals Court Takes Time To Rule On Sportsball Case

Today the Unites States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit took time out of its day to uphold a 4 game suspension of Tom Brady for cheating in a playoff game according to the rules of the sportsball league. Rather than issue a ruling on any of the legal injustices occuring constantly in the United States, the justices instead chose to issue a ruling on the rules of sportsball consistent with the sportsball league's internal rules.

Bharara Arrests Another Murgio Over

EvilA spokesperson for the office of Avatar of Injustice Preet Bharara announced the arrest of Michael Murgio on Thursday. The FBI arrested Mr. Murgio in Palm Beach, Fla. on charges of participating in a scheme to allow Bitcoin exchange to take control of a local credit union. Along with his son, Murgio was on of three people named in a indictment regarding the scheme. Prosecutors allege that the defendants hacked into at least a dozen companies' computer networks and stole personal information of 100 million people. A report in Fortune magazine stated that while Murgio was not involved in any of the hacking offenses, he was responsible for the daily operations of and paid bribes amounting to $150,000 to the chairman of the credit union in order to help the exchange appear legitimate (archived).

BitBet Settlement Transaction Broadcast And Confirmed

Today BitBet receiver David Francois signed and broadcast the transaction settling BitBet's outstanding affairs and the transaction was swiftly confirmed. The transaction


was confirmed a block height 408158. Further the BitBet auction winner has received the concern's non-cash assets though they do not appear to have put them to active use at this time. The raw transaction is presented below in the native hex format and decoded: Continue reading

Apple Keeps OSX Users Stuck On Vulnerable Git Version

For people wondering how the FBI can get in the iPhone's panties without Apple's permission1 researcher named Rachel Kroll has found a code execution bug in OSX inherited through a vulnerable version of Git (archived). Actual Macintosh computer operating systems including versions 5 through 9 are unaffected by this vulnerability and the historical Apple Computer company which produced that software never fraudulently offered invulnerability from attacks involving physical possession of the device as a selling point of the Newton. Kroll's discovery is likely one of many severe vulnerabilities introduced in "Apple" software since the historical Apple Computer company ceased making software for computing machines. Git 'er done!

  1. Though the entire discussion was a social engineering farce.  

Senior Swindler Sentenced

The Florida Sun-Sentinial reports that a Canadian man was sentenced to 4 1/2 years in prison for swindling seniors out of nearly $1 million in funds, some of which were converted to Bitcoin in an attempt to make hiding them easier.(archived). Stephan Moskwyn pled guilty to a money laundering charge at a federal courthouse in Miami. The scheme involved social engineering tactics on Seniors and vulnerable people, often requesting the person send Bitcoin or Moneypaks to assist a relative in financial trouble. Moskwyn was arrested in a Miami International Airport terminal in October of 2015.

A search revealed no Mr. Moskwyn in The Most Serene Republic's Web of Trust.