The failed state of Illinois is set to be removed from the Multi-State Lottery Association at the end of this month over grave concerns about the the state's fiscal health. In the absence of a state budget and with the possibility of balancing any budget an impossibility in light of the state's tremendous pension burden. The total pile of unpaid bills currently due recently crossed 15 billion dollars with some creditors having greater success collecting than others. According to the Multi-State Lottery Association Illinois can avoid being ejected from their lottery treaty by passing a budget. This would compel Illinois residents to cross state lines to participate in the Powerball jackpot game. The state's insurgent GOP governor Bruce Rauner and the establishment Democrats dominating the legislature have been deadlocked since Rauner's inauguration over what kind of pain the next budget should inflict.
Category Archives: Africa
Fake News Tries To Bury Their Culpability For Inciting Violence By Alleging Fake Criminal Investigation
Following the fake news media and pant suit party's success yesterday in inciting a mentally unstable Belleville man to political violence, they tried to divert attention from their incitement. As a distraction they are alleging that elected US President Donald Trump is being investigated for the fake crime of "obstruction of justice".1
Meanwhile former FBI director and Special Counsel Robert Mueller has yet to recuse himself from investigating matters related to his protege and rumored lover James Comey. Recent polling of voters from "our democracy" shows strong support for prosecuting Comey over leaking information he alleges was gathered in his official capacity as an officer of the United States Government (archived).
In the general case, this is a fake crime in the sense that the intersection of actual justice and activities undertaken by agents of the evil empire is nil. In this particular case, two parties to a private conversation are disputing a portion of the conversation's content. In the months since the disputed conversation there has been no sign of a dispute until one party was fired by the better party. ↩
Leftist Terrorist From Belleville Attacks GOP Baseball Team
A leftist terrorist from Belleville, Illinois opened fire on the GOP congressional baseball team during a practice wounding five. The terrorist John Hodgkinson volunteered for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign and appears to have been radicalized to violent action by the months long hate spewed by the fake news media against elected US President Donald Trump and his agenda of summoning The Great Again.
This terrorist attack marks a substantial escalation of leftist violence in the current "cold" US civil war. Previously legislators from the GOP had merely been threatened with violence for their alignment with Donald Trump, but actual leftist violence was mostly restricted to attacks on their own institutions.
The terrorist's hometown of Belleville is a leftist stronghold and has been subject to a dramatic increase in violence over the past decade as guerillas from East Saint Louis have captured and settled substantial portions of the long blighted community. Hopefully the Trumpreich will consider all options for solving the leftist problem in Belleville as they formulate a response to this escalation in violence.
Coblee And Coinbase Quit Each Other
Chucky Lee (WOT:coblee)), best known as the chief forking officer of Litecoin, has quit his position at Coinbase to focus on altcorn development. During his tenure at Coinbase, customers complained of frequent outages and degraded performance, events which often conveniently coincided with swings in US dollar price against the Bitcoin standard. Coinbase is alleged to value itself at an incredible Billion fiat dollars, and claims to have coerced 7.7 million customers into using the platform. The news of Lee's resignation comes on the heels of Coinbase/GDAX seeking $100 million US dollars in venture capital funding for further development, which users ought to hope1 will be used to make the site run for more than a week without crashing.
likely in vain ↩
Ethereum Blocks Way The Fuck Too Big: "Smart" Contract DDoS'ing Own "Initial Coin Offering" To Blame
The Bancor network, billed as a protocol for creating smart tokens using smart contracts on the Ethereum database was forced to alter the terms of its "initial coin offering" "due to massive malicious attacks on network & resulting pending transaction bottleneck". First thought by Ether huffers to be due to a bad actor attempting to prevent the "initial coin offering" from taking place, it was later discovered that transactions to the Bancor "smart" contract address itself was causing the DDoS attack on the network. During the course of the attack it was revealed that despite an advertised cap on the number of tokens proffered in the crowdsale, the contract owners could create new tokens at any time they liked at no additional cost. Despite the signs pointing to impending disaster and a possible repeat of history, the creators managed to capture over $150 million US dollars in the first 3 hours of the crowdsale.
Comey Sexually Intimidated By Trump
Synchronized editorials from the New York Times and Los Angeles Times both allege that fired FBI director James 'J. Edgar' Comey was sexually intimidated by President Trump. The two pantsuit aligned fake news outlets purport to have independently come to the conclusion that the six foot eight inch tall1 career "law enforcement" professional could not resist Trump's orders while on the job, because he felt sexually dominated by the septuagenarian president.
Years of KGB social engineering failed to feminize Comey's predecessor J. Edgar Hoover in the popular imagination to the extent his own purported testimony and his media allies have emasculated J. Edgar Comey on the record.
~2.03 meter ↩
After Snap Elections, Britain To Enter Brexit Negotiations Without A Majority Party In Parliament
In Britain, snap elections called by Theresa May have left her "Conservative" Party just short of the majority they enjoyed in parliament before May's decision to hold this latest round of elections three years early. With Brexit negotiations set to begin in two weeks, this outcome raises serious questions as to whether sinister continental European governments have meddled in the British election seeking an outcome like this one, favorable to the German pantsuits of "our democracy".
Rwandan Bank Profits Up As US Retail Sinks
Rwandan Banks are managing to report profits in spite of growing loan defaults with the Bank of Kigali reporting a 6.8 million US dollar profit in the first quarter of 2017 (archived).
Meanwhile the larger retail sector in the United States appears to be following the lead of Sears into greater and greater losses. Retailers and their companion, the "casual restaurant", are continuing to close locations as they are running out of consumer dollars to extract in the United States.
"Reality Winner" Arrested For Leaking To Omidyar And Greenwald's Fake Qntra
Alleged NSA contractor Reality Winner (WOT:nonperson) has been arrested under the law James Comey refused to prosecute Hillary Rodham Clinton for, because zhe leaked to Omidyar's The Intercept. Shortly after Winner's leaked document was published by the Intercept, Winner was arrested. Yellow "anti-counterfeiting" dots from the printer where Winner produced the document were preserved in the the version published by The Intercept allowing Winner to be arrested with a clear chain of evidence preserved by the manner of publication.
When leaking please don't immediately turn around and leak back to the the enemy's own agents.
Fake News Media Celebrates Mayors' Seditionist Collaboration With Foreign Governments Undermining US Foreign Policy
Numerous fake news outlets are celebrating the decision by many mayors, dog catchers, and other local officials to undermine United States foreign policy by negotiating their way back into the Paris Climate Honda Accord in violation of the 1799 Logan Act. The Logan Act is one of many laws the elected Trump administration was spuriously accused of violating while they did the work of preparing to govern according to the wishes of the citizens that had elected them.
Tensions are clearly increasing in the US Cold Civil War with the Federal Government changing hands since the Oregon liberation began 18 months ago. It remains to be seen how far the rebellious mayors will take their foreign collaboration, and whether they might treasonously assist foreign "regime change" efforts initiated by Paris Honda Accord by signatories like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Angela Merkel presents The Weimar Republic.