Minor Pantsuit Apologizes For Crime Against Trump

Hours ago obese minor Pantsuit Party operative and Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal issued an apology to US President Donald Trump. On August 17th, 2017 Chappelle-Nadal posted:

I hope Trump is assassinated!

Since making the post, Chappelle-Nadal has been condemned by a number of Pantsuit higher ups, with all of zher fellow pantsuit partisans calling for zher resignation. From 2005 through 2009  Chappelle-Nadal sat on the Democratic National Committee, steering Pantsuit's platform for zherdemocracy.

Boston Free Speech Rally Quashed By Pro-Censorship Forces, Pickup Truck Bed Flag Index Climbs

A rally in support of Free Speech set to happen in Boston was cancelled today after pro censorship terrorists massed in opposition to the rally. After antifa terrorists attacked a similar rally in Charlottesville, Virginia; organizers of the Boston event distanced themselves from the Charlottesville event organized by former Obama For America activist Jason Kessler. This denunciation seemed to embolden the forces of leftist terrorists with ~30,000 marching against free speech in Boston today.

Meanwhile outside of coastal pantsuit strongholds, the Pickup Truck Bed Flag1 index is nearing the all time high set on the night of May 2nd, 2011 after Osama Bin Laden's death was announced. The PTBF is an indicator of acute political interest among rural, conservative2 Americans. This latest increase differs from the 2011 run up in that 2011's peak featured the flag of the occupying Union government forces nearly exclusively. Now the Union flag is losing substantial truck bed share to the Gadsden flag suggestion a more aggressively rebellious posture on the part of rural Americans.

  1. abbreviated PTBF  

  2. i.e. Real  

Trezor, Others Affected By "Fault Injection" – May Leak Keys

A security flaw in Trezor hardware Bitcoin wallets can reveal users private keys, due to faulty STMicroelectronics chips used in the manufacture of the devices. While Trezor has released a fix for the hack detailed in this archived Medium post, the company – along with other hardware wallet manufacturers such as KeepKey – will continue to use chips from STMicroelectronics that may contain other fault injection vulnerabilities, and result in SFYL if Government agencies or other parties gain access to the device for even a short period of time. Trezor assured users that "everything is fine" and “coins are safe” provided devices are kept within reach of their owners since the glitch isn't a remote execution attack. A blog post on the trezor.io website promises that they will "publish a detailed report in the coming days".

Barry Silbert Picks Block 494784 For Altcoin Exodus From Bitcoin

Barry Silbert's altcoin forking effort, which is just as marginal and fringe as Roger Ver's,1 has selected block 494,784 for their exodus from Bitcoin. The new altcoin has pledged of support from the 50 plus sybils of Barry Silbert's "Digital Currency Group".

We are Barry Silbert for your loss.

  1. Silbert's altcoin has a 2MB blocksize while Ver's has an 8MB blocksize.  

Alt-Left Pantsuits Escalate Symbolically Without Risking Physical Confrontation

Feeling left out of Sunday's hijinks, Pantsuit Baltimore Mayor Catherine E Pugh (WOT: nonperson) and collaborators in city government conspired to remove various memorial statuary of a previous generation's "Never Forget" their having fought against the underhanded pantsuits of their own time. Four statutes celebrating heros of the South's valiant fight during the War of Northern Aggression were removed by heavy machinery under Pugh's orders overnight.

This neatly resolved the forum's idle musing on how the alt-left could possibly escalate America's brewing civil war without having to leave the safety of their Reddit terminals.

Google, Godaddy, And CoinBase Go Political – Kill Accounts For Conservative Action And Advocacy

Hot on the heels of the Daily Stormer's domain name being hijacked by Google, fans of the DS who donated bitcoin to its owner Andrew Anglin via Coinbase are reporting their Coinbase accounts have now been terminated. In response to the bans, some users are unwittingly blaming Bitcoin itself, saying:

…So much for anonymous currency.

It's clear that many in the alt-right deride bitcoin and do so to their own detriment. These are the same people who call for violence but quickly retract such statements and cry when confronted by the first sign of it, claiming they are about solutions while continuing to ignore Bitcoin for the most part.

Antifa Terrorists And Pantsuit Local Government Shut Down Conservative Rally – Fatalities Reported

Violence erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia as the city government and local police conspired with Antifa terrorists to cancel a rally promoting understanding, tolerance, and unity among American conservatives and instead bake a riot. Decisions made by Charlottesville mayor Michael Singer (WOT:nonperson), Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (WOT:nonperson), and the Charlottesville Police Department (WOT:nonpeople) turned a planned peaceful assembly into a mass casualty incident with fatalities.

The planned event dubbed "United the Right" had already been subject to overt leftist opposition since its announcement was granted an assembly permit and police protection only after a court ordered the City of Charlottesville to accommodate the American public's right to assemble in public spaces.

On the morning of the event Charlottesville police allowed Antifa terrorists to assault event attendees with excrement and chemical weapons as they travelled to the reserved park space. The approved event plans which called for physical separation between attendees of the conservative unity event and "protesters" were not implemented.1

Then minutes before the event could begin and after the crowd had assembled, police declared an unlawful assembly, withdrew to the outside of the crowd and kettled the conservative event attendees and Antifa terrorist together. The result was an escalation of violence that "no one could have predicted".

During the brawl, where it appears red blooded American conservatives were happy to contain their fight to engaging Antifa aggressors, a number of Antifa terrorists began spreading their violent outburst. They encircled a passing motorist in his vehicle and attacked the 20 year old motorist, attempting to remove him from his car. This lead to the motorist's Dodge Challenger2 colliding with a collection of Antifa bodies in an apparent attempt to escape. The motorist has been detained on murder charges by Charlottesville police.

At some point a police helicopter also crashed killing two occupants.

America's cold civil war appears to be getting much hotter.

  1. Not that complete separation could have been possible in light of substantial bird dogging and infiltration of the event by antifa terrorists.  

  2. The late model one with the regulation mandated"Pedestrian Safety" bumper, not a classic with amputating and maiming metal bumper which would make more sense if this were a planned attack.  

Buttfunex Quits United States Denying Its People Butt Fun Exchanges

Buttfunex announced in a blog post today that "effective immediately, we will no longer be accepting verification requests for U.S. individuals", and would discontinue all services to existing U.S. customers over the next 90 days. The news follows a decision by Buttfunex earlier this week to suspend trading of "Digital Asset Tokens" or ICO funbux "Pursuant to the recent report of investigation issued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission". (archived)

Oregon School Board Erasing Donor Family Name From Buildings

A school board removed the name of the Lynch family from a number of schools established on land donated for their construction by the same family (archived). The school board in the case cites "racial insensitivity" as their justification for stealing the Family's history and instead crediting the schools establishment entirely to the kleptocratic embrace of herdemocracy.

Deposed socialist former US dictator Hussein Bahamas has yet offer amends for the his racial insensitivity in appointing a woman named Lynch to head Federal "law enforcement" during his reign of terror which was characterized by endemic extrajudicial killings.

Y Combinator Startups Begin Overt Political Discrimination

News is emerging that Y Combinator darling Airbnb has begun firing customers for supporting particular political creeds. In typically SillyCon Valley hypocritical fashion, the leftist provacateurs masquerading as a "business startup" are pointing to their "Community Commitment"1 which demands the platform's users

accept people regardless of race, religion, national origin and other identifiers

Despite this Airbnb refused to eat their own dogfood when they cancelled the accounts of a number of individuals affiliated with groups professing conservative political and religious creeds attending a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. In doing so Airbnb not only denied these activists the opportunity to use their platform on a systematically discriminatory basis, they denied the booked "hosts" the opportunity to collect revenue on their investment properties.

At this point there is little room to doubt that the VC circus in SillyCon Valley is far more concerned with reinventing new bureaucracies than engaging in business of any sort. Where before the circus freaks settled for covert political manipulation of their platforms, they have now become either bold or desperate enough to act overtly on their ideology of hate.

  1. How many "Community Commitments" and other unread obligations have you personally clicked through just because you wanted to try some "hot" new "service" in the sharing (a.k.a. poverty) economy?