Kanye Makes Pantsuit Media Headlines While Outlets Refuse To Acknowledge Growing Hotep Movement

Recently the mainstream Pantsuit media has been making a lot of noise about the "Dragon Energy" Kim Kardashian's husband Kanye West1 shares with US President Donald Trump. While Pantsuit has been casting Kanye's latest barrage of support for Trump as anomalous or a harbringer of a personal breakdown, they have been ignoring the existence of the larger black nationalist conservative Hotep movement of which Kanye is a part (archived).

The hotep ideology is a shiv to the "everybody but white men" diversity dream of the pantsuits. Patriarchical, anti-immigrant, afro-supremacist, and memeable. Claiming Alexander Crummel, Marcus Garvey, and others as intellectual forerunners while melding Nation of Islam mythos with comic book history; hotep ideas are common in black US prison graduates and the black American working class.

Why won't pantsuit media talk about their own goal? The one where USG.Disney released a blockbuster film two months ago based on a comic soaked in Hotep ideology than two months later released a blockbuster morality tale where the Hotep "We iz kangz" paradise is devastated for their choice to trust and stand with white "allies" in favor of the pantsuit agenda?

  1. During B Hussein Obama's first term Kanye published a rap with the following, clearly reactionary and Hotep aligned lyrics:

    Us living as we do upside down
    And the new word to have is revolution
    People don't even want to hear the preacher
    Spill or spiel because God's whole card has been thoroughly piqued
    And America is now blood and tears instead of milk and honey
    The youngsters who were programmed to continue
    Fucking up woke up one night digging
    Paul Revere and Nat Turner as the good guys
    America stripped for bed and we had not all yet closed our eyes
    The signs of truth were tattooed across her often entered vagina
    We learned to our amazement untold tale of scandal
    Two long centuries buried in the musty vault
    Hosed down daily with a gagging perfume
    America was a bastard, the illegitimate daughter of the mother country
    Whose legs were then spread around the world
    And a rapist known as freedom, free doom
    Democracy, liberty, and justice were revolutionary code names that preceded
    The bubbling bubbling bubbling bubbling bubbling
    In the mother country's crotch
    What does Webster say about soul?
    All I want is a good home and a wife
    And a children and some food to feed them every night
    After all is said and done build a new route to China if they'll have you
    Who will survive in America?
    Who will survive in America?
    Who will survive in America?
    Who will survive in America?


Small Town School Board Faces Heat Over "Inaccessible" Second Floor Locker Room

The O'fallon, Illinois schoolboard faces the prospect of being compelled to either build an elevator or tear down an outbuilding attached to their baseball field (archived). The problem according to higher pantsuits is that an originally unfinished space behind the structure's press booth was converted into a locker room for student athletes on the school's baseball team without any provision for accessibility by wheelchair users to the locker room.

German Jews Warned To Wear Alternate Headgear To Avoid Violence

Members of Germany's Jewish population are being warned to avoid wearing the traditional kippah cap in favor of alternative headcoverings (archived). The rise in anti-Jewish violence appears to be tied to increasing immigration and diversity with Arabic speaking Germans presenting the greatest threat to streetwalking Jews. This not the first time Jews in Germany have been subject to escalating violence, but the move from German speaking Germans to Arabic speaking Germans as aggressors this century brings new energy to an old meme.

US Supreme Court Waffles In Face Of Patent Mess

The US Supreme Court today issued a decision allowing the local Patent and Trademark Office to continue administratively revoking awarded patents without involving the legal system (archived). As these patents allocate a form of franchise right, in a consistent and just system the bar to revoking these rights would require a contest meeting a high standard. But this is the US Copyrast regime.

The current system has patent franchise permissively awarded on loose review by lowest common denominator civil servants. As a consequence the office has awarded numerous patents without any actual innovation feeding the copyrast beast. This has left the system clogged with many dubious franchise "rights" yet, rather than hold the Patent bureacrats to task for their mess by burning the whole copyrast regime down the court is allowing the lulziest outcome. One where the Patent Office gets to conveniently sweep away portions of the mess it outputs while continuing to further trivialize whatever notions of property and rights remain in the US.

Amazon Washington Post Sinks To New Lows Of Undisclosed Advertorial Content

A recent review of a new "feature" of the Amazon Alexa appears within the Amazon Washington Post's online magazine Slate without any disclaimer of it's advertorial nature (archived). The "feature" being hyped is named "Alexa Blueprints", and it allows users to substitute written notes for an African call and response system implemented on Amazon's surveillance device. Unlike with written notes the "voice computing" system relies on Amazon's cloud, a dependency Amazon is already abusing by censoring "hate speech" and vulgarity. You provide the system a question and an answer, then so long as they next time you try the trick pantsuit hasn't decided your question or answer is racist Amazon's altavoz negro will respond.

For the nominal price of some bezzel bucks and surrendering the sanctity of your home's audio privacy to Amazon; you too can have a creepier, lossier, and less adorable alternative to Teddy Ruxpin take the place of your notebook. This is a proposition the Jeff Bezos owned media outlet fraudulently misrepresents as

"Now [Amazon's] Alexa is fully at your command"

Provided your idea of command is someone other than you having command of the thing. If you wanted that, there are plenty of microcassette recorders around.

Pantsuit Media Mocks Reality Of Prison Sexual Violence Against Men

Pantsuit media outlets today are trivializing the reality of rape in the US prison system to win a petty political point (archived). Former Trump Attorney Jay Goldberg in a CNN interview made an accurate assessment of a major driving factor in the number of pleas produced by the Pantsuit injustice system:

I do think so. I think in many ways, and it’s difficult to say this, prison has a racial overtone. And a person like Michael doesn’t see himself walking down Broadway while people are clamoring, ‘you’re going to be my wife.’ And so he’s under pressure from his family to try to figure out what it would take to bring the government aboard as his sponsor.

For all the Pantsuit concern about imagined sexual violence, black supremacist and racially motivated sexual slavery of white and jewish men is the reality of the US prison system (archived), and it is a substantial form of inhuman leverage used by Pantsuit prosecutors pursing extrajudicial "admissions" of guilt.

USG.MIL Pursues Single Provider "Cloud" Computing Contract

Substantial butthurt is coming out of the USG Department of bagholding as the US Department of Defense looks to award a 10 year single provider "cloud" computing contract (archived). The feedbeasts marketing commercial "cloud" computes are already crying foul that only one of them will get chosen for the priviledge of serving the most gullible customer in history.