German Police Capture 89 Year Old WWII Surviving Political Dissident

Police in Germany have captured the 89 year old Grandmother and political dissent whom Mother Merkel's courts had sentenced to spend the rest of her effective life in prison (archived). The International Auschwitz Committee's hopes have indeed been realized as this octagenarian either dies in prison or is released as a nonagenarian.

While Merkel's Germany expends precious resources incarcerating the elderly, actual violent anti Jewish action growing within German borders comes from a different democraphic.

As US Opioid Fad Continues Constipation Med Overdoses Now A Thing

A suspected drug overdose death in Southern Illinois has been confirmed to have been caused by an overdose of loperamide, an over the counter anti-diarrheal drug sold under the trade name Immodium (archived). Poor digestive absorbtion and poor mobility across the blood brain barrier have historically discouraged recreational use of loperamide.

Acid Attacks Growing As A Cornerstone of New Ingsoc Culture

Today in the South London district of Brixton a woman was sprayed with corrosive liquid on a crowded bus and later doused nude, with water, by firefighters in the street (archived). Meanwhile on Sunday three men were injured in a single East London acid attack (archived). Unknown in England before the 21st century, corrosive liquid assaults are swiftly becoming one of the most dominant kinds of assault on the Airstrip.

German Police Hunting 89 Year Old Civilian WWII Survivor

Ursula Haverbeck, an 89 year old survivor of the second World War, is being pursued by German Police and a group calling itself "The International Auschwitz Committee" (archived). Haverbeck, who was 16 years old in 1945, was sentenced to 2 years in prison for disputing the official Holocaust narrative. In light of her advanced age, any prison sentence is likely to be a life sentence.

While actual violence against Jews is increasing in Germany an awful lot of efforts seems to be wasted trying to ensure a non-violent political activist dies in jail.

Wife Initiated Pantsuit Code Of Conduct Hypocrisy Leads To LLVM Developer Departure

LLVM developer Rafael Avila de Espindola has quit the project after the "community" adopted a regressive code of conduct and promptly began partnering with discriminatory1 organizations in violation of that same code of conduct (archived). A fellow LLVM contributor recognizing the hypocrisy offered:

What kind of idiot thinks hundreds of millions of highly diverse people (ethnically, religiously, culturally) can all be unfairly privileged at once? There's something disgustingly racist about the idea that white people are so awesome as to never have conflicts with each other.

Mealy mouthed LLVM creator Chris Lattner offered the following in defense of his wife's decision to have the LLVM Foundation partner with an organization openly discriminating against Whites and Asians:

I am definitely sad to lose Rafael from the LLVM project, but it is critical to the long term health of the project that we preserve an inclusive community.

  1. The cited organization denies opportunities to North American Whites and Asians and denies opportunities to normal-gendered men internationally.  

Tribal Ritual In Britain Leads To Injuries After Rabbi Tosses Lithium Ion Batteries In Fire

Thirty attendees were injured in London during a bonfire celebrating the Jewish holiday of Lag BaOmer. One of the tribal elders reportedly threw smartphones containing lithium ion batteries into the fire as a warning against their "evils" shortly before an explosion erupted from the fire causing 10 injuries with a further 20 injuries coming in the stampede that followed. The tribal elder apparently neglected to heed warnings about the evil within phone batteries triggered by immersion in fire.

German "Antisemitism" Kaiser Unsurprised By Jewish Desire For New Exodus

Felix Klein, newly appointed by Mother Merkel's Government as a envoy to "handle" Germany's freshly imported Jew hate, offered his thoughts on the phenomenon (archived):

It is quite understandable that those who are scared for the safety of their children would consider leaving Germany. I hear this from my own Jewish friends. But we must do everything to avoid that.

There is no word yet on whether Klein, Merkel, or others are considering bringing back exit visa requirements as part of that everything.

Even "Locked" Microsoft Windows Computers Vulerable to BSOD Crash On USB Insertion

Code has been published which will induce an iconic "Blue Screen Of Death" crash on running Microsoft Windows installations (archived). The vulnerability lives in Window's handling of filesystems in Microsoft's own NTFS format, and can be triggered by inserting a USB drive with an exploit triggering NFTS filesystem into a running Windows computer, even if it is "locked" without any active users logged in.

While this particular trigger for the crash behavior appears to have been patched in recent Windows 10 builds, it likely lives on with a slightly more guarded trigger. It definitely lives on in an unknown number of surviving embedded Windows XP and Windows 7 installations.