"Reality Winner" Gets 63 Month Prison Stay As Prize For Poor Leaking Hygiene

Reality Winner, a former NSA contract worker who made the mistake of leaking to Omidyar and Greenwald's honey trap The Intercept, has been sentenced to 63 months in prison after pleaing guilty. Reality Winner was identified through "anti-counterfeiting dots" which were helpfully preserved by The Intercept when they published pdf scans of the printed secrets she delivered to them.

Reality Winner will be spending her incarceration at Federal Medical Center, Carswell in Fort Worth, Texas at her own request. The length of the sentence is anomalously long for an unauthorized disclosure case. This demonstrates once again that a guilty plea is not a bargain.

Intel Adds "Anti Benchmarking" Clause To Licenses For Microcode Updates

Intel has begun attaching a license clause prohibiting comparative benchmarking to its CPU microcode updates (archived). Intel has spent the past year deluged with reports of critical flaws in their CPUs related to speed optimizations which fundamentally compromise the ability of their chips to be secure, especially in multi user systems. This fumbling by Intel to supress comparative benchmarks between patched and unpatched chips is only their latest attempt to paper over how much of their chips' fradulent speed advantage is lost with anything resembling effective mitigations1 for these engineered holes.

  1. Note: It should be assumed these patches are not effective mitigations.  

Gamer Made To Post "Cryptocurrency" For Milder Pre-Trial Detention In US DOJ Blackmail Scheme

Martin Marsich was captured by the United States Department of "Justice" as he was attempting to travel to Serbia (archived). Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley ordered Marsich to post an amount equivalent to 750,000 USD in cryptocurrency in exchange for being allowed pre-trial detention in the custody of a halfway house. The criminal organization known as the US Government is calling this blackmail offer a "release on bail" in an egregious abuse of that concept. Marsich is being accused of engaging in +EV gameplay in an online game following an FBI investigation.

Nebraska Government Overdoses Man On Fentanyl

The government of Nebraska overdosed 60 year old Carey Dean Moore on the opioid painkiller fentanyl in combination with other drugs (archived). Nebraska selected Moore to involuntarily participate in their experiment due to Moore allegedly killing two cab drivers in Omaha during the late 1970's. Witnesses report Nebraska's experiment was a success without complications as Moore succumbed to death without meaningful resistance to the drugs.

USG Sues Free Texas Radio Station Over Outlaw Broadcasting

The criminal organization calling itself the United States Government has filed a lawsuit in its own courts against married couple Walter and M. Rae Olenick over their free operation of a radio station (archived). The couple operated Texas Liberty Radio until 2017 when they lost access to their broadcast tower. The lawsuit has come out of the USG's impotence to successfully extort money from the Olenick family over "penalties" it alleges the couple owes for for exercising their power to broadcast on the radio spectrum.

The couple used the radio station to broadcast content from Alex Jones, a social media personality who recently had all of his social media accounts banned or suspended in a coordinated action by the third parties he had been dependent on (archived).

New Mexico Black Muslim Militants Get Bail In Child Soldier Training Camp Case

Five black adults charged in a case that involves them keeping 11 living children and at least one dead child in a New Mexico desert training camp have received bail (archived, archived). The alleged purpose of the training camp was to prepare black muslim militants as child soldiers to conduct school shootings. One camp leader, Siraj Wahhaj, remains in custody due to an outstanding warrant from Georgia relating to a domestic dispute.

"Emergency" Wireless Gateways Making Holes in Substantial Numbers Of USG Assets

A report investigating a Denial of Service botnet has revealed a substantial number of wireless gateways emplaced in emergency vehicles and around numerous USG infrasctructure sites that are full of holes (archived). These ready bake botnet nodes are embedded in networks as varied as airports, hydrogen refueling stations, and ambulance fleets. In addition to being recruited into producing poor internet weather, when installed in vehicles they can allow tracking the vehicle with sufficient resolution to guess what kind of vehicle: police, fire fighting, etc is ferrying around the vulnerable wireless gateway. Fixed installations of the vulnerable gateways has in several cases been documented as motivated by a desire to provision emergency access to the networks so compromised by the device's installaton.

US NRA On The Ropes Amid State Financial Deplatforming Attack

The US National Rifle Association, an organization that has long been a major financial supporter of more than half of active US politicians at any given time, is in peril after facing a financial deplatforming attack led by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (archived). As a result of Cuomo's blacklist campaign the NRA has lost its general liability insurance and is having extraordinary difficulty accessing the fiat financial services their organization depends on.

Politically motivated deplatforming campaigns have typically been limited in effect to denying social media access and occasionally financial services to figures outside the political mainstream on popular platforms. By contrast the National Rifle Association has long been a pillar of mainstream US politics serving to moderate the mass of would be conservative voters into a form more malleable to "our democracy" by promising them no matter what horrors may come, at least they could keep their guns. That's a rather tepid proposition for this age of The Great Again.

Germany Debates Starting Nuclear Weapons Program

Amid increasing isolation within Europe, political instability, and an unyeilding committment to a 1990's Clintonesque "end of history" worldview, the German political establishment is considering the merits of starting a nuclear weapons program (archived). Several years of sending their soldiers to joint NATO exercises armed with black broomsticks in the place of rifles (archived) has the German regime fearful that its allies might take the alliances which have blanketed Germany with foreign protection as unseriously as the Germans themselves do.

Germany has been dismantling their civil nuclear power generation infrastructure for years raising concerns over what they will do with all their delicious yellow cake.