"OK" Sign Outrage Hysteria Approaches Crippling Proportions

A member of the US Coast Guard's Hurricaine response team was removed from his post after NBC cameras caught him signalling everything is alright by flashing the "OK" hand sign (archived). In the last month members of the pantsuit outrage machine have attempted to stigmatize this visual signal for denoting everything is alright with escalating outrage over incidents where cameras have captured mostly1 white people using the common gesture as headline fodder.

The decision by the media outrage machine to latch onto an old meme developed between 2015 which attributed white power messages to a number of gestures including the entirety of the American Sign Language alphabet is the latest incident of humor being subjected to Hegelian frog boiling by the unyielding media social engineers. The habit of producing the "OK" symbol also happens to be ingrained in many Anglophones over the course of however many decades they have been alive ensuring plenty of unconsenting targets for the outrage machine to bring into their culture war.

  1. In one incident a hispanic jewish woman in a congressional hearing was subject to being headlined over using the "OK" sign. (archived)  

Jizz Mopper Josh Garza To Mop Prison Jizz For 21 Months After Pleading Out To Wire Fraud Over "Paycoin" Drama

Josh Garza of GAW miners infamy has been sentenced to 21 months in prison to be followed by 6 months of home confinement and 3 years of "supervised release" after pleading guilty to one count of wire fraud. The wire fraud relates to Garza's "paycoin" altcoin with the rest of his vaporware operation swept under the criminal liability rug.

US Congressional Expert Witness Testimony: Bitcoin Being Solicited Over Postal Service

Forbes reports that expert testimony given in September 2018 to the House Financial Services Committee by Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism included:

However, some Bitcoin electronic payment processors aren’t willing to lend their services to white supremacists so the Daily Stormer website has Bitcoin donations mailed to its post office box, the same as any donations by cash, check or money order (archived)

US Appeals Court Rules Unauthenticated Web Page Archives Now Evidence

The US Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York has ruled that the unauthenticated web page snapshots on archive.org1 may be entered as legal evidence (archived). This is in spite of the myriad of mischief surrounding the service, in particular archive.org's active "curation" and in general the unreliability most "Internet Archivers" have when it comes to taking aomplete and faithful snapshots with many servers sending different content to archiving services than they send to other web browsers.

  1. Specifically archive.org  

Racist South African Farm Thieves To Stick Victims With Mortgages While IMF Endorses Plan

The latest development in the saga of South Africa's racially motivated land thefts is a measure that would keep victims on the hook for loans taken out for the properties stolen from them (archived). This move comes after the IMF ended August saying they are cool with whatever South Africa does as long as they do it in a "rules based" manner (archived).

New York 'Jewtropolis' Name Live On SnapChat, Zillow, Other Sites Briefly

Mapbox fed data rightfully labeling New York City 'Jewtropolis' to a number of online services including teen sexting app Snapchat and real estate advertising platform Zillow (archived). Mapbox takes crowdsourced and public mapping data then repackages it as a subscription service for internet services that don't mind New York occasionally being called 'Jewtropolis'.

California Ends Cash Bail Consigning All To Merciless Rubric

California governor Jerry Brown ended today by signing a law which would end the practice of cash bail for arrested persons in California. Instead localities in California will be burdened with establishing agencies responsible for producing "risk assessments" and depending on the outcomes of the assesments, those committees would produce potential non-monetary conditions of release for "low-risk" offenders. Whether the accused has skin to put in the game and bet on their innocence with bail, California has chosen instead to surrender to tyrany of the community.

Divided Western Church Turns On Argentine Pope Over Child Molesting Forgiver Forgiveness

Numerous media outlets over the weekend began making a scandal out of Pope Francis's (Jesuit from Argentina) habit of extending mercy to high ranking officials of the Roman Church who themselves showed mercy to child molesters in their charge. Muted forms of this accusation have plagued Popes since the 1990's, but Francis finds himself in a vulnerable position after himself molesting the Roman Church and injecting it with more new poz than it has seen since the Vatican II debacle.

While it is too soon to predict an early end to the Argentine one-lunged wonder's papacy, this is the first time the mainstream pozz'd press has been pushed to criticize the man they once dubbed "Cool Pope" for his embrace of cultural marxism.

San Francisco To Pay Six Figure USD Compensation To Members Of Seperate Feces And Needle Clean Up Teams

In an attempt to address rampant street shitting and litter from intravenous drug use new San Francisco Mayor London Breed has approved hiring separate cleanup crew to address the problems (archived). Six new poop patrollers and ten needle pickers will be joining an existing crew of four needle pickers in an attempt to cover the city's 121.4 square kilometers. The specialist natures of the cleaning crews raises serious questions of the cost necessary to expand cleanliness to the whole city, especially when contrasted to other Western hemisphere cities like Montevideo which utilizes scheduled crews cleaning all types of messes to sweep Montevideo's 201 square kilometers while deep cultural pressures prevent the adoption of a street shitting norm.