Amazon Washington Post Sinks To New Lows Of Undisclosed Advertorial Content

A recent review of a new "feature" of the Amazon Alexa appears within the Amazon Washington Post's online magazine Slate without any disclaimer of it's advertorial nature (archived). The "feature" being hyped is named "Alexa Blueprints", and it allows users to substitute written notes for an African call and response system implemented on Amazon's surveillance device. Unlike with written notes the "voice computing" system relies on Amazon's cloud, a dependency Amazon is already abusing by censoring "hate speech" and vulgarity. You provide the system a question and an answer, then so long as they next time you try the trick pantsuit hasn't decided your question or answer is racist Amazon's altavoz negro will respond.

For the nominal price of some bezzel bucks and surrendering the sanctity of your home's audio privacy to Amazon; you too can have a creepier, lossier, and less adorable alternative to Teddy Ruxpin take the place of your notebook. This is a proposition the Jeff Bezos owned media outlet fraudulently misrepresents as

"Now [Amazon's] Alexa is fully at your command"

Provided your idea of command is someone other than you having command of the thing. If you wanted that, there are plenty of microcassette recorders around.

Pantsuit Media Mocks Reality Of Prison Sexual Violence Against Men

Pantsuit media outlets today are trivializing the reality of rape in the US prison system to win a petty political point (archived). Former Trump Attorney Jay Goldberg in a CNN interview made an accurate assessment of a major driving factor in the number of pleas produced by the Pantsuit injustice system:

I do think so. I think in many ways, and it’s difficult to say this, prison has a racial overtone. And a person like Michael doesn’t see himself walking down Broadway while people are clamoring, ‘you’re going to be my wife.’ And so he’s under pressure from his family to try to figure out what it would take to bring the government aboard as his sponsor.

For all the Pantsuit concern about imagined sexual violence, black supremacist and racially motivated sexual slavery of white and jewish men is the reality of the US prison system (archived), and it is a substantial form of inhuman leverage used by Pantsuit prosecutors pursing extrajudicial "admissions" of guilt.

US Sorghum Boats Looking For New Markets After China Implements Anti-Dumping Measures

Twenty ships loaded with 1.2 million tons of Sorghum are changing course after China implemented anti-dumping measures targeting the grain (archived). Chinese imports of US sorghum began only five years ago and China swiftly began purchasing nearly all US exportable sorghum as livestock fodder. These boats are in the unfortunate position of requiring an entirely new market for their product while at the same time burning precious fuel in the Pacific.

USG.MIL Pursues Single Provider "Cloud" Computing Contract

Substantial butthurt is coming out of the USG Department of bagholding as the US Department of Defense looks to award a 10 year single provider "cloud" computing contract (archived). The feedbeasts marketing commercial "cloud" computes are already crying foul that only one of them will get chosen for the priviledge of serving the most gullible customer in history. Saga Ends With Coinbase Acquisition

The story of, a widely hyped venture capital eating startup that never found a niche despite bouncing between pursuits as varied as selling tiny underpowered miners to spam as a service, has ended in an undisclosed but roughly 100 million USD acquisition by Coinbase. The paltry sum which still overvalues the firm is likely to leave many people taking a haircut. As part of the deal former CEO Balaji Srinivasan has won a sinecure "evangelizing" for Coinbase.