While the civilized world advanced by leaps and bounds, the story of our recently deceased year 2016 is of socialistard butthurt.
- Brave militia heroes liberated a patch of the high desert in Oregon. Though the rebellion was squashed and Lavoy Finicum murdered, the militia heroes were acquitted by the evil empire's own courts despite said empire's pretenses to the contrary.
- The long string of socially engineered so called Bitcoin forks began to face their own deadlines with failure.
- British voters chose #Brexit and politicians as well as the judiciary were unprepared for this surprise depantsing.
- Ethereum and its alleged applications were irreparably damaged.
- Bitfinex lead the fiat/Bitcoin interfaces into overt socialism as spackle over their insolvency.
- Apparently trees just get in the way of making more Inca. Very soy for your loss.
- The fiat and socialist bloggers lead by the New York Times had to reverse their projections for the United States presidential election as the ballots were being counted.
- The Phuctor revealed the legacy of shitgnomes persists with thousands of internet enabled boxes still compromised by Debian's broken promise of randomness. This broken promise was allegedly "patched" a decade ago.
- Elected officials and their families being robbed as they sit in their cars approached meme-like frequency in December.
- Institutions of "Our Democracy" embarrassed themselves in an all out effort to thwart the constitutional installation of Trumpreich.
- United States sovereignty becomes impossible.
- Outgoing leader of a crumbling empire attempts picking fights with Nation-States in order to boost partisan morale.
- The pretense that fiat can be compared with sound money by fiat/Bitcoin interfaces began to fail hard.