FBI Begins Negotiations With Oregon Liberators

Amanda Peacher and John Sepuvaldo are reporting on behalf of Oregon Public Broadcasting that the FBI has begun negotiating with Ammon Bundy of the heroic militia responsible for the liberation in Oregon (archived). Ammon made it clear to the Federal government's negotiator that:

The only ones that are going to make this a non-peaceful event will be you guys — the FBI or other law enforcement

The United States Government and Federal forces of the Hussein Bahamas administration appear to be tiring of the failure of their prior course of action which involved making one very tired local sheriff the public face of their efforts while hoping the liberators would just quit revelling in Federal impotence. Still, to preserve the image of local opposition to the liberation, the FBI negotiator was off site and conversed with Bundy via a telephone protected by three FBI agents.1

As the Liberation continues the actions of the two sides couldn't be more different. The valiant militia heroes have begun paving roads, removing surveillance cameras, and improving the newly liberated land. Indeed, the militia is undertaking activities of capital development. This is a very rare act in unliberated portions of the United States in 2016.

Meanwhile Federal forces are only now begun publicly advertising any activity on their part. All their previous efforts appear to have been oriented around community organizing. Various community meetings were held which ended up revealing a level of local support for the liberators. Attempts to use institutions of local government as a proxy backfired when the county fire chief resigned as he saw how willingly his fellow officials surrendered their independence and became Federal collaborators (archived). Different activists groups were engaged to build tensions, and indigenous tribal leaders were made to express outrage at the liberators, possibly under the threat of a fresh round of Federal genocide against their people.

  1. Why Federal Forces issued so much protection to the telephone when their outpost fell bloodlessly is uncertain.  

2 thoughts on “FBI Begins Negotiations With Oregon Liberators

  1. Different activists groups were engaged to build tensions, and indigenous tribal leaders were made to express outrage at the liberators, possibly under the threat of a fresh round of Federal genocide against their people.

    Most likely, in the form of "well we took your stuff in exchange for promises, but now we won't keep those promises if you don't say Bundy's bad".

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