China Souring On Dirty Canadian Agricultral Products

Exports from Canadian farms are increasinly being rejected or delayed in Chinese ports due to concerns over pests, sanitation, and other potential threats to the Chinese environment (archived). The Canada government abducted Chinese businesswoman Meng Wanzhou in December of 2018 at the behest of an organized crime operation in the US.

German Secret Police Panic Over "Prepping" Fad

Germany's domestic spy agency the BfV is raising alarms over a growing prepping fad which these secret police are presenting as a "undergroung far-right" threat to zher democracy (archived). That some people in Germany are stockpiling food, water, firearms, and other supplies as well as practicing in their use out of a fear that Germany could go to shit is apparently a problem for Zher Merkel's snitches.

Pantsuitist Loots NGO Lobbying To Get UN Job, Gets Job UN And Fucks NGO All While Thinking Of The Children

The local press in Uruguay is telling the story of Pantsuitist Luis Pedernera's successfully executed and very typically Pantsuitist career advancement scheme (archived). Pedernera started with a job as a lawyer for the local "Instituto de Estudios Legales del Uruguay" where burned his employer's funds lobbying for to secure a job on the UN's "Comité de los Derechos del Niño" and catching notice through his advancement of very weird ideas on childhood.

Pedernera's former employer is now broke and selling the apartment dressed as an office where they tried to maintain headquarters in Montevideo's Old City.

Committed To Form: Tripoli Issues Arrest Warrant For Apparent De Facto Sovereign Haftar

The US/UN backed "government" in Tripoli has issued an arrest warrant for leader Khalifa Haftar who has lead a campaign capturing much of the country (archived). Haftar's forces have kept the "Government of National Accord" in Tripoli under fire for the past two weeks. Six of Haftar's officers have had arrest warrants issued for launching airstrikes at "government" positions. Issuing arrest warrants in the face of airstrikes and an active seige demonstrates a strong committment to Pantsuitist form on the part of the National Accordist government as well as a lack of… actual national accord.

Europe Today: "Brexit Party" Moving To Win UK Election For EU Parliament, Notre Dame Apparently To Remain Ruins

Macron Ready to get BLAKKKED The "Brexit Party", Nigel Farage's successor to the UKIP, is moving experiencing polling movement that suggests a win in upcoming European Parliament elections (archived). These EU elections happening after the Brexit deadline but before the new Macronist, maybe Brexit deadline.

Meanwhile French Despot Macron is promising to rebuild Notre Dame in only five years while making the landmark construction "more beautiful" ensuring future visitors will only ever be able to view the Ruins of Notre Dame. With the investigation ongoing, arson speculation is being branded "conspiracy theory" material in mainstream Pantsuitist venues despite the recent trend of church arsons and desecrations in France (archived). A Google censorship tool flagged footage of the Notre Dame fire as "9/11 Conspiracy" content as well (archived).

Sea Is No Escape: Thai Navy Pursues Couple For Constructing And Settling Offshore Platform

The Royal Thai Navy is pursuing local woman Supranee Thepdet and her gringo spouse Chad Andrew Elwartowski for aggression against Section 119 of Criminal Code involving:

any acts that cause the country or parts of it to fall under the sovereignty of a foreign state or deterioration of the state's independence (archived)

The couple is alleged to be plotting the birth of new nation on their 6 meter wide floating platform parked outside of Thai territorial waters yet within a portion of the Thai Exclusive Economic Zone the Thais claim is a critical route taken by oil tankers on their way Phuket. Thai law offers sentences of death or life imprisonment for violations of Section 119.

The couple are not defending the sovereignty of their offshore "seasteading" platform. Beyond what they aren't doing their location is unknown.

Google Hit With Multi Million Dollar Cleanup Fee After Withdrawing Experimental Fiber Service From Louisville

Google's experiment in deploying a city wide fiber optic network through road "nano-trenching" has left Google paying Louisville 3.8 million USD to clean up the mess (archived). The project involved placing fiber optic cables 1-2 inches deep in road surfaces throughout the city and covering the trenches with an epoxy mix. The experiment showed tires are adept at tearing the epoxy out of road surfaces receiving any appreciable traffic.

Google insisted on the shallow nano-trenches over more proven depth and cover combinations despite objections on Louisville's part. The objections were overcome by offering Louisville the opportunity to take part in the experiment or get no Google fiber network at all (archived). Now the city has no Google fiber network, an ongoing hazard on its roads, and an agreement from Google to pay only a portion of the experiment's cleanup costs.

After Sentencing Brits Reveal They Tried And Convicted Alleged "Dread Pirate Roberts 2"

The Brits have announced their 5 year, 4 month prison sentence for 24 year old Thomas White while also announcing that what they tried him for was alleged service as Dread Pirate Roberts 2 of Silk Road 2 (archived). No announcement with the arrest of what the arrest was actually for. No announcement for the trial or conviction. Another day, another secret trial in the Commonwealth.

Assange Supporting Activist Arrested In Quito

Swedish pro-Wikileaks activist Ola Bini was arrested in Quito, Ecuador for allegedly engaging in hacking (archived). Bini was arrested at the airport where he intended to catch a flight to Japan. Instead Ecuador is keeping Bini in preventative detention for 90 days to give local prosecutors time to try selling a story with a plot involving Bini and unidentified Russians planning to steal embarrassing documents from Ecuador's current President Lenin Moreno for public release.

It remains to be seen how many other heads the criminal USG will try to collect from Ecuador after paying a 4.2 Billion dollar bounty for Assange.

Pantsuitists Flaff In Outrage Over Trump Administration Proposal To Concentrate Costs Of Pantsuitist Migration Policies In Pantsuit "Sanctuary Cities"

Pantsuitists are up in arms and crying scandal over a proposal which would have, and may yet sent detained migrants awaiting court hearing to cities adopting "sanctuary" policies protecting undocumented migrants (archived). The same Pantsuitists opposed to any restrictions in movement for the world's poor and who further adopted legislation with the apparent aim of attracting the world's poor to municipalities under their control… find preferentially busing migrants released from detention to the cities with laws on the books welcoming them to be a bridge too far. Shouldn't they be competing to maximize the share of the world's poor headed their way?