Peso Argentino And Argentine Markets Fall After Primary Elections Give "Peronist" Alberto Fernandez, Cristina Kirchner Margin Sufficient To Win October Ballot Outright

Primary elections in Argentina on Sunday returned results that gave the "Peronist" ticket of Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Kirchner sufficient votes to win the October general election outright if yesterday's performance is repeated. This has been met with a 14.5 percent fall of the Peso Argentino against the USD, while the brief narrowing of the buy/sell spead of the Peso Argentino in Uruguay has been blown open with exchanges in Uruguay advertising spreads as wide as 0.50/1.15 (archived). Argentina's stock market has suffered today as well.

In a development less clearly connected to Argentina's electoral/economic disaster, the twitter account of Prefectura Naval Argentina was "hacked" to broadcast an hoax alert claiming a British missile attack had killed 27. In the incredibly unlikely event a new Falklands conflict opened up again between Argentina and Queen Elizabeth's forces, the largest open question is which of the two combatants declined more in the intervening decades.

Arkancide Today: Jeffery Epstein Dead In Jail Two Weeks After Being Put On Suicide Watch, Hours After Pantsuit Names Released

USG Blue party supernode, "intelligence asset", and alleged child sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein was found dead today in his cell at the Manhattan Correctional center. He was reportedly placed on suicide watch two weeks ago after being found injured in his cell, but either the watch was lacking or Epstein was especially determined. His death comes hours after earlier litigation1 concerning one girl passed through his operations was unsealed exposing numerous Pantsuit names.

Among the names involved in that particular girl's time in Epstein's network include Bill Richardson who spent time during the Clinton administration as US ambassador to the UN and Secretary of Energy. As Secretary of Energy he presided over the railroading of Wen Ho Lee in a hallucinated espionage panic. Also samed are former US Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, and the late MIT LISP fellow and "useless machine" inventor Marvin Minsky.

  1. Specifically the unsealed suit in question was filed against Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's operations girl and child of Mossad agent Robert Maxwell. 

DIY "If You Want A Gun You Can Print It" Guru Cody Wilson Pleas And Enters "Sex" Offender Registry

Cody Wilson, the DIY firearms guru trapped in a sex sting by the USG last year has plead to charges of injuring a child, down from charges of sexual assualt initially brought by the USG over an incident where Wilson allegedly paid a sex worker for sex (archived). The plea agreement places Wilson on probation for seven years and requires his registration as a sex offender.

The platform where Wilson was targeted by this underage USG agent required users to attest to being over the age of legal majority creating substantial contrast between this case and that of a certain Conde Nast tech writer.

Two Shootings Capture US Media Attention: 29 Dead In Ohio And Texas

Twenty-nine are dead after two mass shooting events in the US. Twenty deaths ocurred in a Texas Walmart Race War before the shooter was captured alive by USG forces. The other nine, shooter inclusive, died during a brother-sister domestic dispute at an Ohio "western" themed bar. Post shooting media panic is being directed at 8chan and the shooters' low melanin levels. No mainstream media time is being spent on actual social factors driving young men to join a culture war in the role of partisans fighting manalone actions. As has become SOP, both shooters' social media profiles have been scrubbed by the platform operators.

Israelis Enthusiastically Burning F-35's Stealth Window With Strikes, Now In Iraq

News is emerging that Israel is enthusiastically exploiting the fact they were the first to deploy US made F-35A fighters in combat by launching strikes in Iraq (archived). While the F-35 program has been an absolute boondogle for the US, for Israelis the F-35 program has allowed them to be the first to fly this particular stealth attack aircraft in anger. Doing so they enjoy the advantages of its stealth before the ongoing collection of radar data negates its present advantage over air defense systems.

While the US cut Turkey out of the F-35 program over the NATO ally's purchase of Russian made S-400 missiles fearing Turkish operation of the jets near Turkish radar pickets will generate Russian data allowing better identification of the F-35 as an air defense target, Israel's ongoing airstrikes on foreign soil are generating the same sort of data and incentivising the development of F-35 countermeasures. With the problems everyone else is having bringing their F-35's operational, it is possible the Israelis may be the only ones to enjoy use of the F-35 as a steath aircraft. Once again history rhymes.

20 years of development time and 1.5 trillion USD in IOUs burned so some Jews can bomb some warehouses in the desert.

Canadian Old Woman Tries To Sue For Mousetrap Ban On Behalf Of Mice

Retired lawyer and old woman Sandra Schnurr has filed papers in an effort to sue several Canadian retailers to stop the sale of glue traps on the behalf of rodents (archived). Ontario Superior Court Justice Lorne Sossin should issue an opinion in the coming months as to whether Schurr has standing to litigate on the behalf of actual rodents incapable of requesting or desiring her representation.

It is not improbable that Canadian Law becomes burdened with precedent declaring meddling old women welcome to declare themselves "representatives" of any other party without regard for the "represented" party's desire for such a thing.

Ransomware State Of Emergency In Louisiana

A state of emergency has been declared in Louisiana as numerous municipal governments are being struck by crippling ransomware infections (archived). Local government organs have found themselves being stuck since the ransomware phenomenon was in its infancy, but it appears ransomware artists are increasingly favoring local governments as targets due to the fact they that they pay. More often than not they pay because they can't imagine not paying, and for as long as it lasts an insurance policy will reimburse them.

Failures to pay tend to be limited to openly dysfunctional municipal governments like Detroit and Baltimore. Suburbs and other municipalities that desperately want to put on their appearance of functioning well despite their obvious failures in technological hygiene. This avenue of capital flow out of the fiat system is likely to continue intensifying until the fiat side system enabling it breaks.

West Bank Palestinians Suspend All Agreements With Israel Over Demolitions

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced today the suspension of all agreements between his West Bank government and the Jewish State (archived). The suspension comes after Israel bulldozed a number of structures on the Palestinian side of the border for being "too close" to the border. In recent years the West Bank Palestinians have enjoyed marginally better circumstances than their compatriots in the Gaza Strip concentration camp. That window however appears to be closing as Israel moves to normalize their oppresion of the West Bank to Gaza strip prison camp levels.

FSB Contractor Reportedly Breached, Alleged List Of Projects Circulating

Sytech, a contractor for Russia's FSB has reportedly been breached and an alleged 7.5 TB document dump has been placed with the British national broadcaster BBC and other Western propaganda outlets (archived). Projects Sytech was allegedly working on for the FSB include social media surveillance, tor user identification, and keeping a Russian internet online in the event the rest of the internet goes to shit. The hack is being attributed to the online handle 0v1ru$ and a group calling itself "Digital Revolution" as headlines about the hack are priviledging the existence of a project to counter the US Navy Tor network over everything else that may or may not be in the dump.

The possibility that the labels 0v1ru$ and Digital Revolution could be fronts for a state actor appear to be absent from mainstream reporting on the issue. With the print space dedicated to using hypothetical "Russian Influence" and "Russian Hacking" to paper over the femstate's own failings, the absence of speculation over a potential state actor contributing to the leak is suspect. Then again, the headlines are hyping "attack on Tor" rather than "Russian conspiracies confirmed" at present.

Power Rangers Move To Deperson Peter Todd Using Vague Allegations Of 'Sexual Misconduct' Device

The Power Rangers working on the "Core" fork of the Bitcoin network software have begun work to unperson their longtime affiliate Peter Todd by resorting to the overworked "vague allegations of sexual misconduct device" promoted by the pulpit lobby (archived). Promoting the claims are genderconfused US DoD affiliated Tor contributer Isis Agora Lovecruft and altcoin guy Zooko Wilcox. When the USG moved to deperson Jacob Appelbaum and seperate him from their Tor project, Isis Agora Lovecruft was their primary instrument in that case as well.