Clinton Found A Turkey!

In a clearly US-driven, desperate attempt to create some cover for a badly battered President Bahamas, Turkey uninspiredly decided to involve itself in the US-RU conflict over Syria. Transparently, the State Department judges that downing an old Russian plane might offer some opportunity to re-brand a multi-year string of painful humiliations the US president suffered on the global stage into a local conflict between local powers. As outright insane as this approach may be, it is perfectly consistent with the US tradition of denial and misrepresentation of failure, a tradition that ensured a century of constant, predictable and egregious failure while effectually preventing any possibility of learning, with the ultimately unsurprising result of ruining that country. Continue reading

Disgraced Gavin of "Global Warming" Government-Scaling "Debate" Moves On to Alt-Kook

We find (from the Washington Правда) that James Hansen (conspiracist nutjob chiefly famous for going on about "global warming" long before it became the official USG party line) has moved on to playing with the little rocks on President Bahamas' beaches. Continue reading

There is nothing new in the world. Except for the history you didn't know.

From the defunct Bruce Wagner1 Bitcoin podcast2 :

Bruce Wagner : When was the last time you chatted to satoshi
Gavin Andresen: Um… I haven't had email from satoshi in a couple months actually. The last email I sent him I actually told him I was going to talk at the CIA. So it's possible , that…. that may have um had something to with his deciding.

Yes, it is… possible.

  1. One of the Early Bitcoin Morons ™. Pedophile / gay prostitute / showman with the camera in demo mode. 

  2. Specifically, "The Bitcoin Show: Special Bitcoin Conference Coverage: 08/20/2011" – discussing an event in June 2011. The original website ( has been purged, but the podcast itself is still available from various sources including, ironically, Apple's iTunes. 

Pierre Omidyar also started a Qntra back in October. His failed.

We find via Conde Nast's1 Wired that something something Racket something something soft launch something something closed. Their glee is hardly concealed, but it will be short lived. Everyone in your school failing the same exam you marginally passed once does not really mean all that much ; there's other schools out there. The better parts : Continue reading

  1. Also owners of Reddit, and generally a stronghold of all that is evil in the world. Check out The Awl's recent leak of their upcoming three-rule-binder for office drones to get an idea. Golden bits in there like

    Please. WIRED is no longer a pirate ship. It's the home of world-changing journalism.


    And it's increasingly a place where we, and our New York colleagues and owners, host artists, founders, CEOs, and advertisers.

    Obama's "close down the world, mulatto in chief's coming for a visit" is slowly but surely trickling down through the entire stack of utterly corrupt, government-sponsored, government-backed, QE-fed leeches and aparatchicks. It's arrived to the point where Conde Nast is actually kicking out the last remaining workhorses in the stables to make room for Barnum. 

After Defeating It In The Bitcoin Market, La Serenissima Bleeds The USG All Over The Dow

Washington, DC had a financial plan to neuter Bitcoin on top of the usual operational plans of infiltration work etc. The way this plan was supposed to unfold ? First the USMS announces an auction for some Bitcoin they've managed to steal from US residents. The supposed auction was supposed to be open. It was also supposed to be won by a designated USG agent, and the price announced should have been significantly under market. Then any and all Bitcoin that could be begged, borrowed or stolen by Washington was going to be dumped on the market through "expert" hands, to a crescendo background of the well publicised wails of the usual suspects. And so Bitcoin was going to crash and burn. Continue reading