Moves In Trump Administration Signal The Remains Of The US Moving Into A More Aggressive Posture

In pursuit of the Great Again, US President Donald Trump has retained noted advocate of blowing shit up in pursuit of regime change John Bolton as his National Security Adviser. The Iraq war relic's hiring along with recent overtures to trade wars suggest the path to The Great Again is narrowing.

2 thoughts on “Moves In Trump Administration Signal The Remains Of The US Moving Into A More Aggressive Posture

  1. indicting in absentia

    Dude, all indictments are in absentia. Grand juries don't convict people, nor does anyone defend themselves before one.

    If you're going to complain about the fucked up grand jury system at least complain about something that's fucked up (there are plenty such things), rather than something that's just imaginary.

    Your loyal Nigerian Prince,


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