Former FBI Director Prepares Constitutional Crisis In United States With Indictments

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller acting as a "Special Counsel" has indicted 13 Russian nationals and one organization for engaging in political speech. The indictments are based on laws which nominally prohibit foreign nationals from engaging in US Federal Elections. Challenges to the laws which would arise from a serious legal defense citing the Consitution's protection of free speech and a free press would likely either result in their gutting to the point of uselessness or the disenfranchisement of many pantsuit supporters that happen to be undocumented foreign nationals physically present in the United States.

The indeterminism inherent in the US Courts Circus makes predicting which outcome arises, provided the case is litigated at all, a challenge, but either way the squeeze is in.

2 thoughts on “Former FBI Director Prepares Constitutional Crisis In United States With Indictments

  1. Presumably they are to sit in the same prison as the Wang Dong et al

    • Naturally, but those other foreign nationals… The ones pantsuit loves and who participate in Federal elections… Perhaps there just might be enough great in the great again for this attention to redirect their way?

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