The Bloods Are Red, The Creeps Are Blue…

Orlando Wall HoleThe terrorist wing of the unrecognized "Government of the United States" (a criminal organisation based principally in North America and the Middle East, supporting itself through financial fraud, the opium trade and assorted racketeering) bombed and machine gunned a club in Orlando early on the morning of June 12th, 2016, which acts of pointless bravery resulted in five or six dozen dead.

In typical nigger fashion, the assailants then purported to pass responsibility onto third parties, with the soi-dissant "Orlando Police Chief" (an Orlando-area vagrant / part time party clown known as John Mina) declaring that any deaths caused by police fire as they battled Omar Mateen inside the Pulse nightclub should be blamed on Mateen and not on the responding officers. To quote, Continue reading

Brexit Voting Begins

Residents of Airstrip One are taking to the polls today to determine whether their morbidly ample asses will leave the European Union. Such a move by British voters would strengthen the current German and Ottoman dominance over setting policy for the United States of Europe. Back in 2014 Scotland tried to divorce itself from the Ingoc values imposed by lower Britain, but that ballot initiative failed forcing the Scots to be passive aggressive online. Much of the pro "Brexit" appeal is focused on limiting the influx of immigrants enabled by European open borders arrangements as they are taking jobs from the fatter and less capable Brits.

Corn Futures Fall On Possibility Of Further Supply Glut

Today corn futures fell as the United States corn crop appears in good condition for this point in the year, though La Nina's effects are beginning to be felt with lower than normal humidity levels in much of the lower Middle West greatly reducing the amount of heat driven storms and precipitation typical of the region's summers. Further reason for United States corn growers to panic is a solid winter corn crop out of Brazil. A visual survey of farm fields in the lower Middle West also raises concerns about this year's soybean crop as many fields that aren't growing corn lay fallow with the untilled remains of the winter wheat crop still visible. The US agricultural sector's pain is likely to continue spilling over into related industries with heavy equipment manufacturers continuing to be particularly affected. A glut of stored grain and increasing foreign imports will likely allow the United States to continue its love affair with Obeastiality for some time into the future. Sorry for your loss.

Network Difficulty Up 6.83% As Halving Looms

The Bitcoin network mining difficulty moved up nearly seven percent from 196,061,423,939.64996338 to 209,453,158,595.38098145 crossing two hundred billion and setting yet another all time high. Since we last checked in on prices reported by fiat/Bitcoin interfaces, it now requires another 200 more dollars to acquire a single Bitcoin. The long awaited end of the cheap Bitcoin appears to be nearing. Cheap ether however remains available at your local automotive parts store, look for cans labelled "starting fluid" though Qntra recommends against huffing the sweet vitriol. Sorry for your loss.

China Solidifies Presence In Airstrip Two's Media

News is emerging that media organs associated with the Chinese government have negotiated a deal which will allow them to place stories in media outlets serving Airstrip Two1. This deal allows media outlets in Airstrip Two to continue pretending to exist in a state other than penury while organs of the Chinese state get placement and editorial control over these stories. This move is in concordance with Airstrip Two's move away from Airstrip One and into alignment with China. Peace in our time.

  1. Formerly Known as Australia  

Garza, Stuart Fraser of Cantor Fitzgerald, and GAW Face Class Action Suit In US Court

A group of investors hoping to actually recover funds from dead pyramid scheme GAW Miners and its officers filed a class-action lawsuit against the group in a US court. This is the second lawsuit to be filed against Homero J. Garza (WOT:nonperson), Stuart Fraser of Cantor Fitzgerald (WOT:nonperson), and the company originally known as Great Awk Wireless. The first indictment against Homero and GAW was issued on Qntra in October of 2014 following speculation on other venues associated with The Most Serene Republic back in August of 2014 Anno Domini. Blog comment defender of GAW and Garza "DirtFighter" (WOT:nonperson) was unreachable for comment while CryptoCoinNews, NewsBTC, CoinDesk, Bitcoinist, and other operations supposing they were Bitcoin news outlets at the time while either enabling or outright supporting the GAW scam were not solicited for comment.1

  1. Un-WoT'd nonpersons the lot of them.  

Hoaxtoshi Update: Journalist Swindled Into Writing A #Longread

The Hoaxtoshi Craig Steven Wright (WOT:nonperson) having broken a promise to offer cryptographic proof of Satoshi just unveiled his latest attempt to con people into believing revealed. The Hoaxtoshi collaborated with Andrew O'Hagan (WOT:nonperson), an alleged journalist, into having a #longread produced where over 35,000 words O'Hagan demonstrates the ways in which intimately spending six months with a con artist tends to lead to being conned. The Hoaxtoshi has yet to offer cryptographic proof of Satoshi. Instead it appears he will continue sweet talking isolated people into believing. This modus operandi is the same as when that younger man convinced your Grandma to trade six months of not being alone for everything. Accept no substitute.