New Zealand Instituting "Digital Customs" Searches

The islands consituting New Zealand are set to be subjected to a "Customs and Excise Act 2018" by the criminal organization claiming to govern them (archived). Under the new measure travelers entering New Zealand can be selected by customs agents and then compelled to reveal the data stored on their electronic devices or face fines, device seizure, and forensic searches of their devices. Terry Brown, Customs propaganda agent offers:

It is a file-by-file [search] on your phone. We're not going into 'the cloud'. We'll examine your phone while it's on flight mode

Brown's propaganda focus on relatively low value phones is curious, as is his assertion that somehow the data important enough to be kept out of the cloud ought to be less priviledged than data already offered to third parties for inspection. It can only be assumed that these customs officials want to collect more pornography, specifically child porn produced by teens with smartphones for their own use, as law enforcement officials and bureaucrats are the only known demographic interested in consuming child porn.

Pantsuit Drones Failing To Qualify For Pantsuit Loan Forgiveness Program

Numerous Pantsuit drones in the United States are hitting the hard reality of Pantsuit's empty promises as they are failing to qualify for a "public service" student loan debt relief program (archived). The plan initiated in 2007 was sold to aspirants as a way to limit the long term effect of their student loan debt. According to the program's marketing working in "public service" as a pantsuit drone while making reduced "income based" payments on their student loans for 10 years would lead to the balance of the debts being forgiven. Ten years later, who could have predicted that there would be other conditions and restrictions leading to 99% of the pantsuit drones seeking relief from qualifying after organizing a decade of their life around this Pantsuit promise. Who could have predicted the marketing was not the contract?

Anti-Trump Wop Trolled Into Championing Fake Accuser, Troll Job Then Exposed

Wop anti-Trump attorney at lol Michael Avenatti was trolled into championing a fake accuser of Trump nominee Brett Kavanaugh only to have the troll job exposed (archived, archived). Before the troll job unravelled Avenatti was hounded by pantsuit media outlets because his alleged accuser had not gone through the proper pantsuit channel which involves being pulled out of Diane Feinstein's rolodex.

Since Trump nominated Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court, Pantsuit Senator Diane Feinstein has unveilled two accusers with claims that can not be meaningfully investigated out of the hope that they can abuse parlimentary procedure to prevent Trump from appointing any nominee to the Supreme Court before their much imagined and prayed for "blue wave" is supposed to hit the ballot box according to Pantsuit mythology. The first accuser is alleging drunken high school grope rape while the second, in a clear attemp to socially engineer a standard which could be levied to disqualify any college educated man from office, is alledging Kavanaugh drunkenly whipped his dick out at a college party as young men are inclined to do at least once during their collegiate careers.

During an election year in which Pantsuit is defending far more Senate seats than MAGA while running on the same platform of TrannyCoC and racial identity politics which, among other things helped to doom them in 2016.

Update: Avenatti has revealed an accuser.

On Bail Cody Wilson Surrenders Weapon Development Project To New Director "Active In Arts And Poetry Circles"

After being shipped back from Taiwan and making bail, 3D printing enthusiast Cody Wilson has surrendered control of his project Defense Distributed to Paloma Heindorff, who was previously the project's vice president. Mainstream outlet Conde Nast describes her background before Defense Distributed as having involved activity in poetry and the arts (archived). This leaves the 30 year old Wilson effectively confined while reducing this captors' liability for providing him with three hots and a cot.

The more compliant Linus Torvalds allowed himself to be pushed out of Linux kernel development by the slow trechery of an intersectional feminist daughter that may or may not be his.

NYTimes Wrote Something About Stalled Rodney Rosenstein Coup Attempt Against Trump

In a piece published as part of their end of the week newsdump the NYTimes wrote a piece concerning Deputy US Attorney General Rodney Rosenstein's stalled coup attempt against US President Donald Trump (archived). According to the story after Rosenstein authored a memo recommending James Comey's firing Rosenstein solicited persons1 with access to the White House to surveil the president while Rosenstein himself would gaslight the president. Then according to the plan Rosenstein and conspirators would use recordings of a man reacting in anger to having been gaslit as evidence of "incapacity" and mount a coup from there.

Given the Pantsuit venue in which the report appeared, the plot appears to have been unsuccessful to the point its supporters had to escalate the gaslighting by collaborating with Pantsuit media to publish the plot, likely with critical details altered in order to bait the president into acting clumsily before he cements hold of the Senate in this fall's midterm elections. Earlier this month the NYTimes published a piece (archived) claiming to be from a Trump administration insider sabotaging President Trump's agenda from the inside. While the earlier piece is as likely to be fanfiction as it is the daydreams of a deskriding pantsuit manlet in a government office, the point of publishing these pieces is clearly to bait Trump into premature retaliation before the next congress is sworn in.

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  1. According to the NYTimes piece members of the President's cabinet were named  

Rental Agency In Taiwan Breaks Rental Agreement After Receiving Deposit

Misfortune continues very publicly following Ghost Gunner Guy Cody Wilson as his effort to rent an apartment in Taiwan was thwarted by a rental agency which took his deposit and then reported him to local police presumably keeping the deposit in the process (archived). At the time Wilson was charged in Tavis County, Texas for crimes related to employing a sex worker he happened to have the fortune of incidentally being in Taiwan rather than the United States proper. Though Taiwan, the USG's unsinkable aircraft carrier, lacks an extradition treaty with the US there is a substantial likelihood Wilson will be deported to the US with the same effect should he interact with the local police.

Ghost Gunner Guy Hit With Child Sex Charges After Allegely Paying Sex Worker For Hotel Sex

3D printing enthusiast Cody Wilson has been charged in Travis Country, Texas with "sexual assault of a child" after allegedly paying a sex worker he met through "" 500 USD to have sex with him in a hotel room (archived). Pantsuit media outlets are referring to the sex worker as the "accuser" and she is cited in the affidavit making allegations against her customer. Police are citing surveilance footage of his vehicle at the meetup location as evidence. In the past Cody Wilson pretended to Bitcoin involvement in collaboration with Amir Taaki.

USG Talks Georgia Into Abducting And Extraditing Russian Man To Manhattan

According to the US Department of "Justice", Andrei Tiurin/TYURIN was abducted in Georgia and extradited to Manhattan where he will face Preet Bharara's replacement Geoff Berman (archived). The abduction victim Tiurin is accused of digitally humiliating many US banks, other financial institutions, and financial news services.