Darkode Member Sentenced

A Louisiana man arrested in July 2015 for his role in selling a botnet on Darkode forums has been sentenced to 366 days in prison and 3 years supervised release after being found guilty of "obtaining information by computer from a protected computer". At the time of his arrest Mr. Guildry  was found to be in possession of stolen credit card information, and allegedly stole almost 150 Bitcoin from his victims. Authorities said some of the Bitcoin stolen had been converted to cash and spent. Guildry was one of 70 members of the Darkode site around the globe that were arrested in a crackdown on carding sites as part of "Operation Shrouded Horizon".

Dentistry Researcher Drilled Over Discovering Public FTP Server

Dentistry enthusiast and amateur security researcher Justin Shafer is the latest casualty in the Government war on persons who speak out on web insecurity. Shafer discovered a flaw in dental record software which led to the discovery of a public FTP server that contained a trove of unsecured patient dental records. (archived) Despite the responsible disclosure of his discoveries, Shafer's home was raided by FBI agents on Tuesday on behalf of the software maker's parent company Patterson Dental. The company is claiming he “exceeded authorized access” in accessing its FTP server as defined under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. A seized property list indicates that federal agents took 29 items from Shafer's home including dental magazines. While Preet Bharara is likely foaming at the mouth at the possibility of prosecuting the case, the government has yet to formally charge Mr. Shafer.

Sidechain Lisk Launches With Lulz

The launch of the Lisk sidechain application development platform is off to a lulzy start with early investors mumbling "fraud" to themselves. The developers failed to accurately publish a docker image necessary for their blockchain and site to work properly, leaving users scrambling to move coins to exchanges where it had already begun to trade. The project's homepage at login.lisk.io at times leads to a improperly configured root server index page, with devs cobbling together fixes while the exchange coins continue to sell heavily. Price was down -91.13 % at the time of this article, with an average price hovering around 25 cents per coin according to coinmarketcap.com. Projections show that it likely wont be worth two cents.

Bruce Fenton (WOT:nonperson) Tries Raising Dead

The intimate details of Bruce Fenton's (WOT:nonperson) attempts to revive the faux "Bitcoin Foundation" were brought to light this morning after a reddit user posted a link to private emails on pastebin. (archived) Fenton was quick to respond to the leak, stating "The purpose of this email was to solicit input / advice from core [client fork] Devs and to let them know that the Bitcoin Foundation feels we represent all of Bitcoin including all of Core [client fork] and that we would welcome help and input." Qntra has reported previously on the fact that Phoundation members frequently do business with scammers, and is not a worthy replacement for the real bitcoin foundation.

One Oregon Liberator Pleas To Impeding Federal Officers

Militia liberator Corey Lequieu entered a guilty plea in a Portland courtroom Thursday to charge of "impeding officers of the United States" for not going away when servants of the criminal gang in Washington, DC told him to. Prosecutors agreed to drop two weapons charges and not seek additional felony charges in Nevada or Oregon as part of "the deal." Rámon Pagán, Lequieu's defense attorney was quick to note that while he accepted a plea bargain his client has not cooperated with the government and had no intention to testify or assist them further in any way. It is rather surprising the "Justice" department's Roland Frieselers haven't brought him up on more charges of "impeding", an act that rather than being criminal ought to be expected of every citizen as part of his duty to his country. He is scheduled to be sentenced on August 25 in federal court by U.S. District Court Judge Anna Brown. No cases of Ferguson, Baltimore, Sanders, or Mizzou protestors charged with "impeding" have been found yet, though one Ferguson protester leader was charged with child sex trafficking yesterday.

LinkedIN Dump Leaked

A post on LinkedIn's blog this morning announced that data had been released which "claims to be email and hashed password combinations of more than 100 million LinkedIn members from that same theft in 2012" A hacker known only as "Peace" was offering the complete dump on a darknet marketplace The Real Deal for the price of 5 Bitcoin. While LinkedIn claims to have increased security measures since the 2012 hack many users were still using the same password, likely across multiple sites. Passwords from that breach were unsalted, making it likely the majority were cracked within a few days after the hack. The company said there was no indication that any new security breach had occurred.

Hussein Bahamas "Homeland Security" Department Wages War On Massage

The US Department of Homeland Sekoority, apparently having eradicated all other forms of domestic terrorism, has set it's sights on the evils of unlicensed massage therapy. The Chicago Tribune reported that 4 "Asian-Americans" were arrested on charges of unlicensed practice of massage therapy in Napersville, Illinois during a joint operation with the DHS and local law enforcement. One of the women was allegedly offered money by an undercover officer in exchange for a sexual act, resulting in an additional prostitution charge. Are 4 were reportedly being held pending bail proceedings. The quartet could face additional charges if the investigation uncovers that they were operating a business without a license.

Countable ClassicCoin Nodes Dropping

Supporters of the failed "Bitcoin Classic" fork are likely feeling dismay as they awoke to the news that Classic node count was down over 40% in the last 24 hours. Reddit users supportive of Classic blamed the fallen node count on "unreachable servers" and other technical maladies, and are likely to spin up another thousand AWS nodes as a token show of support.

Altcoin Exchange Hacked, Claims $2 Million United States dollars Lost

Hong Kong altcoin exchange Gatecoin has reportedly been hacked resulting in nearly $2 Million USD in cryptocurrency missing. A statement posted today on their website stated:

"In total, the hot wallet breach resulted in the loss of ETH 185,000 and BTC 250, which is equivalent to USD 2 million. This represents 15% of total crypto-asset deposits held by Gatecoin. So far, the forensic investigation has identified the wallet addresses used by the hackers"

The site's twitter account indicated the website and API would be offline while the extent of the hack was investigated.

Yet Another Darknet Market Sprouts

It calls itself Silk Road 3.0 . The anonymous owners of another deepweb site, Crypto Market, are reputedly behind the new incantation which will be known as "Silk Road 3.0" While touting itself as "The darknet's most resilient marketplace", the login page states "We are under DDOS attack. Please come back later." at the time of the writing of this article. Reports further promised massive security updates though the site continues to be accessible only through the TOR network. Prior "Silk Road" markets including were attacked via flaws in Tor with Silk Road 2.0 notably having a record of the attack happening committed to court records.