Last Night's Iowa caucuses delivered a resounding win for incumbent US President Donald Trump on the GOP side, but the other party's results are being delayed indefinitely due to malfunctions (archived). Warnings had been sounded several weeks ago that changes made to the caucus procedure on the Pantsuitist side were setting up a disaster, but "Nobody could have predicted" (archived). Continue reading
Author Archives: Aaron 'BingoBoingo' Rogier
US Pantsuits In Disarray After Impeachment Gambit Fails With Iowa Causus Looming
The Pantsuit movement in the US has dealt itself a grave blow as the US Senate denied their efforts to extend trial of the House's impeachment through the introduction of new witnesses and generally re-doing the investigation and indictment process the House rushed through (archived). The weaknesses of the case presented in the House impeachment appears to have only became known to Pantuitist leaders after they had already rushed charges against democratically elected US President Donald Trump through the legislative chamber they control. Continue reading
OpenWRT Package Checksums Not Checked Opening MITM Opportunities And Further Downstream Havok
Alternative router firmware distribution OpenWRT is seeing a vulnerability allowing its package manager to be MITM'd publicized (archived). OpenWRT's fork of opkg, used as a package manager and running as root, fails to check checksums when parsing package lists. Successful use of the MITM to place a payload opens the rest of the doors to ownership. Routing remains a live battleground.
Pantsuitist Illinois House Speaker Madigan's Office Hit With Search Warrant
The office of Illinois House Speaker for all but 2 years since 1983, Michael Madigan, was hit with a search warrant by Illinois State Police (archived). The search at least nominally concerns allegations of assault and other misconduct with a sexual flavor by Madigan's former subordinate and former House member Jack Franks. Continue reading
Qntra (S.QNTR) January 2020 Report
USG, Lacking Options, Puts In A Small Order For More F-15 Jets
The USG is beginning to order new F-15 jets after Boeing last fulfilled F-15 orders for them in 2004 (archived). The export market has kept F-15 production going, unlike the F-22 which was USG forbid from export leading to the loss of production capability after Hussein Bahamas went all in on the F-35, an aircraft which has yet to work for anyone other than the Israelis. Continue reading
West Virgina Proposes Vexit To Virginians Angry Over Rule By DC Commuters
West Virginia's governor and legislature have begun inviting counties unhappy with the takeover of Virginia State government by DC commuters to join his state in secession (archived). A full 91 out of 95 Virginia counties have already passed resolutions declaring themselves "second amendment sanctuaries" or adopting some other status in defiance of Virginia's new political norms, and they did so before the armed march on Richmond (archived).
While the Pantsuitist "mainstream" is dismissive of the possibility, demographic shifts driven by USG hypertrophy have an unseemly vast geographical majority of Virginia governed by a headcount majority that unproductively sits around the USG's capitol supporting a plainly criminal enterprise.
France: Uniformed Firefighters And Riot Police Brawl
Firefighters is France brawled with riot police this week after being accosted during demostrations against French despot Macron (archived). The firefighters had been engaging in protest activities like wearing Joker makeup and lighting themselves on fire when a group of firefighters, tiring of seeing their compatriots getting roughed up by the cops, met police violence with firefighter violence. As is standard practice under Macron, police resorted to deploying chemical weapons against the civilian firefighters. Continue reading
Entire Argentine Judiciary Paralyzed As Computers Stop Working For Them
Argentina's courts are paralyzed after the Lex100 system they use for everything stopped working six days ago (archived). This is not the first time the system has gone down (archived), but it is the longest time Argentina's courts have been without this one system they built everything they do around. This makes the pretense of Argentina having a legal profession still more laughable than it already was. Continue reading
Novel Coronavirus Panic Hit Fiat Markets As China Extends New Year Holiday
Fiat markets around the world fell today as panic spreads over the spread of a novel coronavirus (archived). The novel coronavirus has inflicted a few casualties and appears rather easily transmissible, but reaction to the virus has been incredibly disruptive as well. China has quarantined Wuhan where the first cases appeared, suspended the sale of packaged tours, and extended the Lunar New Year holiday through February 2nd keeping local Chinese markets closed for the holiday. Continue reading