Uncommon Law: US Courts Moving Into Secrecy While UK Moves Towards Deterministic Juries

Several cases in the "common law" jurisdictions are moving Anglophone courts still further away from man in the war over men or law.

  • Douglas County, Colorado District Judge Theresa Slade has ordered the charges against two LGTBP shooters at a Colorado STEM school sealed as they were issued (archived). 18 year old Devon Erickson and 16 year old "male identifying" Alec McKinney were involved in an incident where 1 was killed and 8 wounded at a school in Colorado. One of the woundings is being attributed to a private security contractor at the school who opened fire on responing Sheriff's deputies and struck a student with gunfire in the process. In spite of the sealings it was declared that McKinney will be charged as an adult. Last year the Colorado Supreme court ruled there the public has no right under the state or federal constitutions to inspect court records (archived).
  • The US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals determined investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson's case against the FBI and US Department of "Justice" cannot move forward due to her inability to identify the individal USG stooges involved in the operation to surveil her (archived). Attkisson has compile substantial evidence documenting tresspass and invasion of her personal and work computers by USG agents during the Hussein Bahamas administration. At the time Attkisson was employed by CBS News investigating the scheme where then Attorney General Eric Holder sent arms to the Mexican Cartels and the debacle where then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got US diplomatic staff killed in Benghazi. An earlier court ruling removed Eric Holder as a defendant in the case.

    This ruling prevents US Citizens from seeking remedies in US Courts against harms done by USG criminals. The involved agencies simply need to declare the matter involves "sensitive executive branch discussions and decisions" and not cooperate with discovery in the case. In spite of substantial forensic evidence demonstrating harm done in this case, the court has eliminate any space for seeking remedy from the guilty.
  • Under a new draft espionage act the UK is preparing to allow prosecutors to "screen" juries with the aim of disqualifying jurors that might sympathize with the defendant and deliver a "wrong verdict" in cases (archived). This measure would officially end the last pretense for having a jury at all.

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