Trump To Pressure Congress, Sets Collision Course Over Hussein Bahamas' Legacy Of Executive Overreach

Within the day, elected United States President Donald Trump is set to deliver what may be the biggest blow to Pantsuit of his Presidency so far. Trump is anticipated to announce the end of Hussein Bahamas "Deferred Action On Child Arrivals" set of executive orders on immigration, with the action to end the program itself being deferred six months. The move would end executive action on an aspect of immigration which is explicitly and constitutionally designated the exclusive domain of the legislature,1 while giving the legislature ample time to decide if they want to implement the measures themselves or not.

Since Trump's election, Pantsuit and their Fake News allies have been conducting substantial marketing including push polls and labelling beneficiaries of the abusive orders with the focus group tested title "Dreamers". Rumours and innuendo suggest Pantsuit is so set on this2 as its Rubicon that deposed former US "strongman" Hussein Bahamas will post a statement to Facebook in response. Zhe is expected to condemn President Trump and label the principle behind zher own past executive overreach "our core values".

Meanwhile, swamp creatures in the US Congress are set to try passing the buck by insisting that "The Congressional Calendar is full", a statement that is only true in the sense that the Congressional Calendar is and always has been full of obstructionist wank. This leaves each member of the US Congress faced with a dilemma, continue pretending Pantsuit and its fake news allies retain any relevance at all or go all in on The Great Again.

  1. This is distinct from the other aspects of the border question, which the constitution defers to the executive.  

  2. As opposed to that.  

One thought on “Trump To Pressure Congress, Sets Collision Course Over Hussein Bahamas' Legacy Of Executive Overreach

  1. Se llama el Diablo "Ballzebub"

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