The plurality of reasons presented by representatives of the US Trumpreich for firing pandering politruck FBI Director and JWZ James Comey are being abused by the fake news media as supposedly being "contradicting reasons" for the firing. The malicious misrepresentation of the concordant set of reasons to fire James Comey instead as a mess of contradictions is most damning self indictment the US fake news media has imposed upon itself in all of its opposition to The Great Again so far.
Much as a chronically tardy, kleptomaniac, and freelancing salesman can only be fired once though their offences include failure to report to work, theft, and poaching their employer's customers for their personal MLM affiliate links; James Comey could only be fired once though the reasons to do so are legion.
While the opposition party was shovelling their credibility into the fire, President Trump issued an executive order holding US agency heads responsible for successful attacks against their information systems. This marks continued positioning by those who would have The Great Again over those who would have not.
But how much whore's power does a politruck have?