Lost By Mistake

Update – Qntra has received a statement from Shane Murphy on behalf of digitalBTC regarding the domain name. has been inadvertently sold at auction via the Australian domain name drop catcher Netfleet at a price of AUD $36,300 or the equivalent of around USD $31,200. This marks the second time has been sold in 2014, having been previously purchased at a price of USD $23,000 by Zhenya Tsvetnenko of Digital CC, the Australian company which trades as Digital BTC. Continue reading

FTC Argues That BFL Should Not Resume Operations

Attorneys representing the FTC have argued that Butterfly Labs should not be allowed to resume operations on the basis that doing so would jeopardise assets which should be preserved for possible consumer redress. As part of their argument, the FTC presented an expert witness who testified that the machines BFL shipped to customers were already obsolete. Continue reading

Bank Hacker Who Blackmailed For Bitcoin to be Sentenced

Lewys Martin who plead guilty to hacking Halifax Bank and demanding a ransom of 2800 BTC in exchange for not releasing the details of 28,000 account holders will likely have his sentence announced according to City AM. A detail of particular note is that the police:

managed to trace Martin despite him using specialised software to shield his IP address.

Breakout Gaming ICO Concludes

The Breakout Gaming Initial Coin Offerring has concluded with a total of 387.65244039 BTC being raised. The funds have since moved from 33Bghpzm4pgbSRgnqS63ZBf6dnSjbGc6Sf, having been split up and sent to various addresses. Following the sale, Breakout Gaming's CEO Billy Chung and head of marketing Gian Perroni spoke to CoinDesk1 and used it as an opportunity to misrepresent the facts surrounding the sale/scam. Continue reading

  1. Despite Qntra's mention, CoinDesk only linked to us via a Google cache page. LOL 

Netherlands Repatriates Some Gold

There are reports that the Netherlands has repatriated a substantial portion of its gold holdings from the Federal Bank of New York to their own physical custody. This move changes their allocation of gold held at home from 11% to 31%, and the portion held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 51% to 31% while the remainder of their holdings are split between the Bank of England and Canada. There is no news yet as to whether they've drilled the bars and found tungsten.