In Wired Andy Greenberg writes that the Preet Bharara's team prosecuting the Silk Road case wants to bar the Jury from being exposed to the only interview done with the Dread Pirate Roberts of the Silk Road. The interview done by Andy Greenberg for Forbes is notable for sounding to Department of Homeland Security agents a lot like Mark Karpelès and containing a number of answers from the Dread Pirate Roberts which supports the argument presently being advanced by the defense that in spite of founding the Silk Road and being caught holding the bad for the Silk Road Ulbricht had little to do with the Silk Road for most of its history. Continue reading
Category Archives: The Law
Preview of Obama's Internet Law Enforcement Proposals
Tonight Obama takes to the pulpit for his speech nominally designated the "State of the Union" though so far his earlier attempts had more the impression of being a wish list of changes Obama would like applied to the Union. Ready to go on the White House website he even has a pdf of changes he would like to make to the federal law in order to deter "Cyber crime" further through empowering law enforcement. Continue reading
Roger Ver and America's Emigration Dilemma
Last week Roger Ver revealed that the United States Embassy in Barbados has denied his requests for a visa to attend some Bitcoin related conferences in the United States. As reported by Ver his requests for a visa are denied because in the Embassy's determination he lacks sufficient connections to his new homeland of St Kitts and Nevis to prevent him from overstaying his visa and essentially immigrating back into the United States illegally. This incident highlights a number of ways in which the United States acts on the international stage not as a peer state with others, but as a rogue state. Continue reading
Use And Read Books? That's A Paddlin'
Last December, Qntra was the first English language news site to report on the raids by Spanish police at the cybersquat known as Kasa de la Muntanya and while police raids and squats are typically of no import, this raid was notable for the squat's association with a Bitcoin wallet project known as the Dark Wallet. Vice's Motherboard has now posted an update which contains quotes which would be hilarious if not for the fact they were made by the Judge presiding over the matter. Continue reading
Judge Forrest Rules Uncharged "Murder Plot" Can be Presented at Trial
As predicted the prosecution in the Silk Road case will be able to present the uncharged murder for hire plot to impeach Ross Ulbricht's character at trial next week.
PayPal Australia: Regulate Bitcoin Businesses, Not Individuals
A copy of PayPal Australia's submission to the Australian Senate inquiry into digital currencies held in late 2014 is now available. Contained within the submission, PayPal Australia argue that while an individual's use of Bitcoin should not be regulated, businesses which offer a service based on it should be. Continue reading
DeviantTwo AKA Robert Christopher's December Arrest Flies Under The Radar
Despite the following news having managed to fly under the radar as is typical of some paedophiles, DeviantTwo aka Robert Christopher, who up until December 22nd of 2014 was better known for his participation in the failed exchange CryptoRush, was arrested last December and charged with child pornography offences.
Working with the FBI, Columbia County Sheriff's Office arrested Robert K. Christopher and charged him with:
- 23 counts of Transmission of Pornography by Electronic Device or Equipment.
- 23 counts of Possession of Child Pornography.
20,000 In Britain Investigated For Online Comments
The Independent reports that more than 20,000 people in Britain have been investigated by Law enforcement for comments they have made online in a story about a law enforcement investigation of a tabloid columnist for an online comment. Continue reading
Bloomberg: FBI Investigating Companies For Retaliatory Cyber Attacks
According to Bloomberg the FBI is investigating companies for violations of the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act amid rumors that companies are taking offensive action in retaliation against "attacks" on their information technology infrastructure.
Collected Points From the NSA's Recent Document Dump
Numerous media outlets are going deep into the NSA's recent Christmas Eve document dump while Der Spiegel is supposing itself to cover new Snowden documents.In addition to the unsurprising post-Snowden revelation that NSA analysts routinely acted outside of their legal ability to monitor, a number of technical revelations came out about the NSA's surveillance abilities as they care to disclose them two years ago. As this document dump was an official agency disclosure take it with a grain of salt or several trucks full of salt as you feel necessary. Continue reading