MP (WoT:mircea_popescu) Hey, mind doing an interview with me to be published on qntra ?
VC (Vincent Canfield WoT:vc) Sure, I don't know what qntra is though.
MP qntra.net, bitcoin news site.
VC Oh I see.
MP So then… let's see… why did you quit college ?
PD1: "The Romania-based e-mail admin concluded his video with this proclamation: "It’s raining dicks right now. And the forecast isn’t that good either. There’s a 90 percent chance of dicks tonight and a 90 percent chance of dicks tomorrow." — gggggold.
VC I dropped out because I was at a shit university and also I had a job where I was making as much as with a degree so I didn't really see the point. Since then my decision has been confirmed with professional experience and also I'm travelling the world instead which has been leagues better to me than university ever was.
MP What was your major ?
VC CS, specializing in computer security.
MP Ever thought of trying something more alligned with the actual purpose of universities (ie, scoring) ? Dunno, humanities, bidniss, whatever ?
VC Maybe, though I have heard bad things about the university here, I am currently living in Romania ;)
MP Where in Romania ?
VC Bucharest.
MP Possibly shittiest city in the whole country. Try Brasov or Cluj or something eh.
DC2 Ahahaa, in that Bucharest is the only *city* as such… towns aplenty, way better than Bucharest too, sure3
MP So how do you like Romania ?
VC It's great, the internet here is very fast4 and the food is very good :@) It's also very cheap to live here, considering I still work for a US company.
MP I lived there for a few years. 2nd bitcoin conference also held there (Timisoara). Meanwhile though, moved to Argentina. So what was your involvement in that 2015 "scandal" ?
VC Someone registered on my public E-mail server and sent threats through my service, I was the only public face other than the police or the school district so I was subject to a lot of media attention. I was all over the news in the US and Romania for 3 or 4 days.
MP You know vc.gg is not responding ?
VC Works on my machine ™.
MP I see. Alright, so what are your plans for the future ?
VC Re: future plans https://my.mixtape.moe/rwuurt.jpg
MP I'm kinda hoping for something with cocks in it. So how did you hear about bitcoin ?
VC idk I first got into it in 2010 I think? BTC was $0.8 – $0.9
MP Did you do anything ? Services, whatever ?
VC Mostly just between friends, and buying stuff with bitcoin when it was available. I gave away several bitcoin when they were worth nothing :)
MP You ever heard about Eulora ?
VC Nope.
MP How about the SEC sending supoenas to this Romania-based dude back in 2012, when they were posturing about Satoshi Dice ?
VC I do remember Satoshi Dice, though I don't remember much past that.
MP Interesting how fragmented this supposed "bitcoin community" actually is. Alright, so what's your plan with the hoster ? What was it, cock.li ?
VC the email site is https://cock.li/, the VPS provider is https://box.cock.li/. The former is not-for-profit, the second is for-profit.
MP Do you plan to pivot from corporate life to independence with it ? Or is it just a hobby on the side ? For the lulz ? For the whats ?
VC The server hardware I purchased can host a maximum of 280 clients with some more memory and disk space, so after I get it up and running and stable then I'm probably going to go for that. I don't think those are necessarily mutually exclusive ;)
MP So what do you mean "get it up and running and stable" ?
VC I have literally 0 experience running a VPS provider.
MP What do you have experience with ?
VC I have lots of experience as a linux sysadmin, which helps ;)
MP That's not really 0 then, is it ?
VC I dream of a world where I incorporate cock.li and operate and expand a semi-trolling corporation. The way I had it described to me is "almost like ironic professionalism". I take inspiration from GNAA in that regard, though I think I could make it into an actual profit-producing company. Also yes, fair point :)
MP Do you happen to know the republic has been looking for an actual republican ISP ? Actually, you even heard of tmsr ?
VC I have no idea of the republic or tmsr I just heard shit was hot and poppin' here so I joined.
MP Pretty cool. So… are you married ?
VC Nope, I'm 21. I almost got married though a couple years ago. (After a 6 year relationship, so it's not like I was jumping in feet-first).
MP What broke it off ?
VC Oh, you know, reasons ;) Turned out to be one of the best decisions I've made.
MP As in, other cocks ?
VC Haha. Not getting married has allowed me to pursue travelling the world and pursuing other ventures. Only after it was all over did I realize I'm too damn young to get married.
MP So where've you been besides Maine and Bucharest ?
VC Nowhere that's public information :@) Though I plan on backpacking most of Europe next year, and Asia the year after that.
MP Sounds like a plan eh. So what's your favourite Romanian dish ?
VC Cow bone soup O_O
MP Id est oxtail soup ?
VC I had lunch at Excelsior in Bucharest, if you know that place.
MP I do.
VC I went with an older friend who was a government official before he retired. Crazy place.
MP So what don't you like about it ?
VC Excelsior? Nah it was great.
MP Nah, the country.
VC Ah. I don't really know anything I don't like, though I did see a gypsy shitting in the street about a month ago, that was pretty unsettling.
MP Better in the street than in your enchilada though.
VC Hah.
PF5 Wait till you make it to Asia…
MP Alrighty, anything you want to tell teh readership in closing ?
VC Yes, always follow you are dreams.
Perhaps also of interest, the off-the-record discussions once the mike cut.