Weak RNG Assists Man's Lottery Fortune

Iowa prosecutors have recently uncovered evidence that a former computer security worker modified a RNG used to pick numbers for several State lotteries. Eddie Raymond Tipton has already been tried and convicted on two counts of fraud, but officials only recently uncovered the manner in which he was able to produce the winning numbers for six different drawings worth millions between 2005-2011.

Investigators found that Tipton introduced a rootkit that used specially crafted DLL's to redirect drawings based on specific conditions, using an algorithm he could easily solve. ArsTechnica reported that it was unclear "if officials have tightened the requirements to make future tampering harder" by trashing all their Microsoft computers and using a more secure Linux-based distribution instead.

Government, Banks Assault Rural Indian Culture

Evil itselfThe India Times reports that the government is calling on banks to assist an attack on thousands of years of cultural tradition by assualting the beloved practice of open defecation in rural India (archived). This call comes despite the fact that many toilets stand unused or abandoned as they are rejected by defenders of this cultural heritage (archived). A report released in 2014 by the World Health Organization and UNICEF states that India has a 50% open defecation rate.