USG "Intelligence" Organs Fail Spectacularly In Venezuela As Maduro Orders Military To Prepare For Invasion

After the CIA's failed coup attempt in Venezuela, Maduro has placed the Venezuelan military on alert to repel a possible US invasion (archived). In the aftermath of the coup's failure various criminals calling themselves US government officials communicated their displeasure that many named Venezuelan officials they allegedly counted on to defect to the CIA backed "interim regime" did not defect (archived). The US based criminals also advanced a conspiracy theory that Democratically elected Venezuelan President Maduro was going to board a plane during the insurrection and exile himself in Cuba but didn't due to mysterious Russian shennanigans.

Besides ample unintentional comedy, the childish lack of self awareness from which these USG tantrums stem renders impossible any sort of deniability of USG's "leadership" (or more properly, dreamership) of the remarkably braindamaged plot. Most egregiously there is no acknowledgement from any of the USG conspirators that they were ineptly passing around a treasonous 15 point plan among officials of the democratically elected government of Venezuela without considering the possibility that the fellows could choose to mislead USG criminals out of a loyalty to their country.

In exchange for the massive embarrassment of an operation the USG failed to capture La Carlota Airbase or a defection of the Venezuelan Military while acquiring the release of opposition figure Leopoldo López from the safety of house arrest. The release of López was the USG's designated signal for triggering the rest of the debacle. At the same time Maduro has gained substantial material to advance shared meaning among his supporters against an external enemy.

One thought on “USG "Intelligence" Organs Fail Spectacularly In Venezuela As Maduro Orders Military To Prepare For Invasion

  1. I claim leadership of the Venezuelan plot to undermine reputation and credit in the world / mock the shit out of the girly idiots. Because I'm the fucking trend setter, what.

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