Aussie Faces Investigation After Defending Dog From Viscious Roo Attack

An Austrialian man is facing investigation by various "environmental" agencies of the Australian state after defending his dog and his hunting companions from a vicious attack by a kangaroo. The kangaroo was choking the man's dog when he intervened. After humanely delivering a single right jab to the Roo's face the monstrous animal fled. This victim of spurious environmental investigation is a professional zookeeper.

4 thoughts on “Aussie Faces Investigation After Defending Dog From Viscious Roo Attack

  1. What the actual frak?

    So what you have to get a permit to defend yourself from the dangerous Aussie wildlife now?

  2. Kangaroos are total cunts, but tasty.

  3. Tankgirl was hiding behind a tree, he snatched her bazooka.

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