A group of chemists at the University of Hawaii published a paper in Organic Letters documenting numerous ways that the math performed by Python differs across the operating systems Python code can be run on (archived). The scripts revealing Pythonistic mathematics to be operating system dependent were intended to process nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. The scripts were originally described in Nature Protocols in 2014 went so far as to offer differing results across Mac OS X releases. This is far from the first indictment of misapplying computing tools in the modeling of reality.
And they didn't run "sort" on the list of input file names why, exactly?
Seems like "coarse error of pilotage", rather than "Python bug" properly speaking.
Whatever it was, there seems to be a lot of these.
If you recall, we ran into ~this in "vdiff" in 2015.
AHA, yet the grantolade folks now have their chance to run into "It's Python! It's portable! Why doesn't it just work?"